Hence These Tears

688 Words

Hence These TearsBy Erhu Amreyan FOR FIVE years, Bisi had been tormented by the demon. Ever since it showed up, nothing had remained the same. It would screech and howl all night and day and then later dare to smile at her. Not that she had not tried to get rid of it. Her two attempts had been thwarted by Ayo, her meddling husband. He could not see the demon for what it was; only she could, and she was determined to. That night, she was prepared for it. She had everything she needed, but the demon was missing. “Come on out you little demon. Come out here!” Bisi shouted, looking around the kitchen. It was not there. She moved to the empty sitting room and glared at nothing in particular. It was hiding. The demon knew better than to hide from her. Her bedroom. Yes, the demon sometimes lur

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