Chapter 2

1281 Words
  They went on to have supper. After the supper, they strolled upon the terrace, he caught his breath, dazzled by the splendour of her limitless eyes, and began spitting poetry, “I can never look at a drop of dew in a buttercup without beholding shafts of love in the retreats of your eyes.”   “In you there is unity; your face and form is a blend of perfect line and contour.”   “In you there is equality; your features are exquisitely proportioned, modelled as no sculptor could model them.”   “I think of God when I see you.” He admired the creation of such perfection.   “If as he believed, harmony must give each of its works unity and equality to produce beauty, then before he was a living emblem of harmony, and so of beauty.”   “You're so lovely, how deliciously feminine and provocative you are!”   “What incomparable blending of form and colour in your divine features!”   “Your beauty is ecstasy, giving me intense pleasure.”   “Your beauty is eternity, gazing at me in every image of you.”   “Your beauty is heart inflamed, burning me in your eyes which one shade the more and one ray the less.”   “Your beauty is soul enchanted. Filming like brilliant irregular rainbows in the memory of your image which I see though I close my eyes.”   “Your beauty is life when life unveils your face.”   “Rose, your beauty is garden forever in bloom and a flock of angels in flight.” He paused for a while.   Her cheeks mantled with delicious blushes. He kept filling her with wonderful words, so tender and intense.   He swept her into his masterful arms and planted a kiss on her, warm lips, sending extraordinary stimuli through her whole body, his strong hands protecting her from the coarseness of the world.   She felt her love rise in her like a flame. She felt her whole body tremble, emblem with the excitement and the ecstasy of the thrill that swept over her.   “Was that original?” She asked.   He smiled. “You just made me a poet like you. Of course, it was original.”   “Mine wasn’t original on the day we first met.”   “What are you saying?”   “I plagiarized words from Carina Sanders. She’s a writer, not a poet.”   “Well, it doesn’t change anything now.”   Her lips met her once again. For a long moment, she had the taste of heaven on her mouth.   “I love you.” She said.   She expected him to tell her back but he didn’t. His silence made her upset as she pulled away from him.   “We've been dating for months and you're not still sure of your feelings for me!”   “Am sorry, with time I will grow to love you.”   “With time you say. I don’t have time.”   Just then without thinking of his action, he left her without saying a word.   Damian started dating Judith, he met her on f*******: and brought her from New York to live in his house, as he gets to know her. He found out she was also a cosmetic surgeon, making him take her as his assistant since he lacks one.   It was drizzling outside as Damian was driving. He drove the car through the occasional mist, climbing the winding roads up the high ranges.   “Call me and come home early after the surgery,” Judith said.   She wished she could join him in Beverly Hills but she wasn’t appointed to be among the surgeons to undergo a difficult surgery in Beverly Hills, instead, Damian was.   He met her at home after successful surgery in the kitchen, washing the dishes, instead of his usual welcoming greeting, he got a mouthful, “How could you be so late? Why didn’t you call? What am I supposed to think?” Judith yells.   “Am sorry. There was a lot of traffic on the bridge, sometimes life can’t be the way you want, you can’t expect me to always be on time. You are a doctor too, so I suppose you should know this by now.”   “Are you sure it was the traffic because the surgery ended by 6? I don’t like it when you’re late. It is upsetting to me. Your dinner is in the microwave. I would appreciate a call next time you’re going to be late.”   “Hey babe, am sorry...”   Judith chuckled. “Oh, you forgot.”   Just then he remembered today was her birthday.   “Am sorry, am sorry that I forgot. I promise to make it up to you.”   “How could you forget? When will you even remember? How am I supposed to trust that you will make it up to me when you are always running around the clock.”   “I was really busy and just forgot. These things just happen sometimes.”   “Really –“   At this moment he just had to say the word, “Am breaking up with you.”   “What! You can’t be serious.” Judith said, as a glass slipped from her hands, fell into the soapy water and broke.   “I am. Please I don’t want to see you here tomorrow. I will pay you off for your time.”   “Aargh!” Judith cried out and pulled her hands from the water. Blood ran from her right hand down to her arm.   “Judith.” Damian grabbed the dishtowel she had taken from the drawer only moments ago. He pressed it firmly against the cut. “Sit down.”   “It's just a minor cut, I’ll handle it myself,” Judith said.   “That's just your problem, just let me handle it for you.”   “And why should you, you’re the one that just broke up with me, remember.”   “That doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t help out when you’re in pain.”   “What kind of man are you?”   “What kind of man do you think I am.”   “You’re different. Your kind is rare. I’ve never seen a man who won’t touch a lady while she’s staying with him.”   “I can’t have s*x with a woman I don’t love.” He paused for a while. “I'll go get antiseptic and bandage.”   He went to the bathroom and came back to see her stripped to nothing.   “No man can resist the sight of a naked woman.”   He dropped the items on top of the drawer, took the food on the microwave and left the kitchen to his room, locking the door.   Damian sat at the hospital's cafeteria not too long before being approached by a lady who sat next to him.   “Are you free for coffee tomorrow night? Seems you have no ring on your finger, hope you don’t have a girlfriend.”   Damian arched a brow and passed a grin. “I can’t believe you just asked me out.”   “It's the twenty-first century, women can ask men out. There is nowhere that says only a man can ask a woman out. Don’t flatter yourself. I would probably love spending time with you especially when you’re less busy like now, hold hands, kiss in the backseat like romantic couples. I love your eyes.”   She wrote her number on a sticky pad and pushed it to him. “Call me.”   He pushed back the sticky pad and said, “I am not interested.”
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