Chapter 5 Fusion In The Maldives

1079 Words
  The October weather was perfect so early in the morning. Damian stood in the airport, he had decided to take a break from work.   He arrived too early for the Maldives' flight with people who gathered a few distances from him.   Damian felt something strange about today, the sky was full of colours, he wondered if it were colours of love. Everyone stared at the sky, adorning the beautiful rainbow.   He felt it as a good sign that true love was near, and then he sighted Carina, he couldn't believe he was picturing her in slow motion. Her beauty was blinding to him, at that moment, the world stopped moving.   He felt not only a spark but sparks. She threw her hair back, it fluttered in the air in slow motion, and just then he saw her smile, the smile that can light up a thousand sky.   He walked towards the gathering of people as a woman said, "I am your biggest fan. I love this part in your book which says - love is being crazy about someone, a state of sleeplessness and distraction. Love is delicate, elusive, and above all, spontaneous. Love thrives on honesty, sincerity, coupled with being mutually responsible and also, concern. It comes, at first sight, most times, but for it to grow, you must flourish it by putting your open heart and soul into it. I remember that particular line, it is poetry, maybe you should try writing poetry."   Carina smiled. They are oblivious that she is currently faced with writer's block and is traveling to the Maldives to clear her head.   Damian remembered the poem he fell in love with months ago, the poem that captured his heart. Damian is easily moved by poetry, he loves creativity, he loves intelligence, and the woman he was staring at speechless portrayed both creativity and intelligence.   Carina said, "Thank you guys for..."   As she continued talking, Damian's eyes fixed on her, the way she spoke eloquently, like a television star, full of maturity and poise, he thought.   Suddenly his phone began to ring, he left the gathering to answer the call, just then, after the call, he turned back and saw that everyone including her in the gathering had gone their separate ways.   Throughout that time, the flight, that day, they didn't meet.   Damian did not see Carina again until they bumped into each other two days later.   "You!" Carina exclaimed. "I met you the other day at the airport."   "Am glad you remembered, am Damian by the way. And you're..."   Carina burst out laughing. "Seriously, you don't know my name."   "Am serious, I don't," Damian said.   "I am the most popular author right now. Search for Carina Sanders on Google and you will get to see my book too." She said and suddenly walked into the store.   As she walked in, she heard the sound of music, something beautiful and romantic. The sound reminded her of the music box she had as a kid that she loved so much.   Damian walked in as the sound swept him off his feet. He began following the sound, its sweet melody reminded him of when he used to play with a music box.   They bumped into each other once again. Carina wanted to say something but she was interrupted by the shopkeeper, "I guess you guys are looking for this." He said, bringing out the music box.   "I want it." Damian and Carina both said together.   "Oh... we only have one of this, and this has been here for months, made by an old couple. The couple died some months ago. It will be hard to find this anywhere. You guys like this but one person must need to sacrifice for the other, the man should sacrifice." He said.   "He's right Damian, a man sacrifices and besides, this made my childhood," Carina said.   "It made mine too." Damian took the box and held it, glancing at her. "It brings back sweet memories."   Carina felt like there was a connection between them. She touched the box and said, "It's beautiful."   "Yes," Damian murmured. "Beautiful." He opened the music box.   Their gazes met and held. The store grew suddenly too warm, too still. The smell of the music box surrounded them, almost overpowering in its sweetness.   Carina said, "I feel like I've seen you somewhere."   The shopkeeper smiled, "It's obvious, you guys are meant to be."   "He's right Carina, we are meant to be," Damian said.   "If it's true, then we will meet again," Carina said.   "I'll leave it to fate, perhaps to write our love story." He handed her the music box and left the store.   The next day, they met at a library. Damian didn't see her at first, he was going through a series of books, looking for his taste when Carina sighted him, she approached him saying, "You were right after all."   Damian turned and smiled. "We meet yet again."   "Yeah!" Carina said, a smile plastering on her face. "So what's your taste."   "Romance," Damian answered.   As he said that, Carina realized they had things in common, just the other day, the music box reminded them of their childhood days, now they love the same genre of book. "That's my favourite too." She chuckled. "Your favourite author apart from romance? Like politics or poets."   "Foster and Woolf," Damian said.   "I also love the Bloomsbury group," Carina said with excitement, chuckling. "So you must also be an admirer of Maynard Keynes."   "Absolutely. I admire his economics."   How much of a great connection, as they said together, "We are wearing a matching cloth."   They both laughed, wondering what next they will find in common.   They went on talking from there, grabbed lunch, and spent time in his lodged hotel room.   Carina smiled, holding a disc, and said, "The Beatles."   "I guess they're your favourite like they're mine. Do you want to hear?" Damian asked.   "Of course," Carina said, still smiling.   Carina watched as he twirled the disc on his index finger and blew imaginary dust from both sides before placing it gently on the record player. Little things like this, the way he touched things and the way he moved, had the strangest, most thrilling effect on her, coupled with other things she admired about him.   Laughing and enjoying each other's company, Damian said softly, reaching out his hands as their favourite song of The Beatles began to play.   "My fave." They both said together, yet again.
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