Chapter 6: Beginning

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Hughes's smile widened even more as he looked into the gap and bulk of Maximo's body. He waved at Maximo. He returned the wave while his phone is still in his ear. Maximo is wearing a fitted black round-neck shirt with a pair of beige denim shorts that was until his knees. The extent of the smile on his face was also sky-high as Hughes. "Bro!" he shouts again as he walked to get near him. "How long it has been, Maximo?" he asked happily, still not taking eyes off him, "Long time no see," he grinned at his last words. Hughes know their group since the day that they become his brother's friends. They used to stay in their house when they don't have classes in college. In the first year of their friendship, Hughes tried to mingle with them. Still, in the following year, Hughes starts becoming busy and left them to do his obligations as he is currently on training to take over their family business, the plantation. Their parents know them too, as they are like sons to them that came from different parents. Their friendship is inevitable; for goodness, worst, and nightmares, they are still there to support each other. "It's been a year, Bro." he replied as he punches Hughes playfully on his tummy, "Four packs abs or six-packs?" "Four," Hughes replied while massaging his temple. They laughed together. Hughes gets abruptly conscious when Maximo stares at him for a little longer. And to hide that awkwardness, he jokingly strikes a punch on his left shoulder. He was immediately stunned and currently stop at what Hughes was doing when he saw a familiar body frame from the distant back of Maximo. He held his breath for a moment. His eyes filled with extreme concern as he stared at her, walking and stepping closer to them in a slow-motion. Hughes spotted a familiar body frame was Yuriah, his ex-girlfriend, together with Asher and Andrius. Hughes nictitates his eyes repeatedly, his beaming smile that full of amusement and excitement fades away. He slowly stepped away from Maximo, who instantly noticed his unexpected reactions. "Hughes, are you alright?" he asked, quickly turning his gaze in the direction Hughes was looking, "Hughes?" he called his name again, "Bro, what is wrong with you?" Maximo once again grabbed his attention which is busy with the presence of Yuriah. He could not help himself but appreciated once more her charm. From the effortless ponytail of her hair to the way she confidently walked, giggling at what Asher was telling her. And from that moment, Hughes realizes something between the two. Asher is Yuriah's friend, shown in the way they talked at each other. He forced himself a fake smile at Maximo as he shrugged his shoulder and looked away. When he turned his gaze to him, he fakes a smile as troubled seen in his expressive pair of hazel brown eyes. "Y-Yeah, I am fine." he even faked his laugh and coughed soundly to clear his throat, "Come on, Maximo, let's go." he holds onto one of Maximo's shoulders. He still has a questioning look at Hughes; unexpected reaction on his eyes, "I am thirsty." After a light glance at the approaching Yuriah, Hughes finally took Maximo on his shoulders and guided him inside the crowded and noisy bar. They proceeded to the bar counter and sat down there. Hughes's eyes roamed around inside the bar, to the dancing individual on the crowded dance floor, to each table after saying his order to the bartender. He throws some glances at Maximo, who is now busy with the screen of his phone. "Hello Bro, I am currently at BGC." Hughes heard Maximo, who is now talking over the phone to the other member of their group, "I am with Hughes. Do you want to come here? It still early. If you happen to be with Zach right now, bring him here too." Hughes's curious eyes were automatically rushed at Maximo when he heard him out a boisterous laughed. Before he could ask a question at him, a group of people sat near beside them. His head quickly turned to their side as he smells the familiar perfume of a man that he loves for how many months. He almost had a heart attacked when he finds out a sad pair of Andrius eyes looking back in forth at him and Maximo. Beside him were Asher and Yuriah silently sitting as they bang their head to the upbeat music of the club. They both got the attention of the bartender, who is currently making Hughes and Maximo's order. "Where are you going, Hughes?" Maximo's head turned as he saw Hughes abruptly got up from his chair. He was still talking to Roch, his friend. "Oh, let's get our room or let us joined in my friend's VIP room," he replied in a nervous and shaky tone, "I don't like the vociferous surroundings, I can't relax, and I could feel more tired from these sounds." "Oh, alright, Bro, let's get a VIP room." Maximo agreed as he gets up from his chair. He shortly talked to the bartender to explain where are they going. "Two of our friends were coming, so we decided to get a room." The bartender nods as he turns his gaze to Yuriah's group. "We should drink this shot first," he murmured as he gets the shot glass, "Before we leave," he added, giving Hughes the two-shot glass of rum. Hughes silently accepted the shot glass, gulped, and drank it in one go. He took another glance at Andrius's group, but this time, Yuriah's eyes met him. She was staring at him as if she had something to tell him. "Come on, Bro." Maximo shoved him away. Hughes's gaze left at them. He saw how Andrius gets up from his seat and how Asher piercing glances, his girlfriend followed him. Hughes gasped slightly when Asher's glance shifted on him. It was full of disgust. Hughes stopped from walking away that made Maximo stop too. "Bro, do you know them?" he asked, pointing the group of them. "No," he replied without remorse. "Oh, I thought you knew them." he laughed despite being a noisy crowd. They continue walking to go to the cashier to inquire about the room. But before they could finally get away from their group, Hughes certainly heard what the two of his former friends had said. "I am going to the bathroom for a short while," he heard Andrius announced and felt him in their back. "Me too," he vividly heard Asher, who followed Andrius's trail. Maximo dropped his body to the soft frame of the gray sofa, the room has silent proof, so they did not hear the music inside unless they open the door. They are stalked by three waitresses carrying the drinks and foods that they ordered. Hughes took a deep breath as he recollects the image of Yuriah's confronting eyes earlier. He surely missed her dearly as he unconsciously licks his rudy lips. "It's been a while," Hughes whispered that made Maximos's forehead instantly frowned. He was currently busy on his phone reading the message of his two friends who are already outside of the club. "You look even great today, and you are more attractive than before," he added. Maximo gets up from his seat as he looked intently at Hughes. His forehead was still frowning. He can't understand Hughes grumbling. "Come again, Bro?" he asked that made Hughes stopped at what he is talking about, "Have you said anything? I couldn't hear you." Hughes laughed and shook his head. It made his face blush into pink. He shook his head repeatedly as he continues his muffled chuckle. "No, I did not say anything." he refused, waving his left hand that holding his clamorous phone. "Maybe it was not me that you heard mumbling." Maximo chuckled before he walked to the door. "It was you, Bro, it just not apparent." he said before finally took his leave, "I'll pick up Zach and Roch outside. I'll be back in a minute." Hughes nodded and shifted his glance to the waitress, smiling broadly at him as they set up and opened the drinks they bought. "Sir, what is your name?" asked the waitress who is setting up the glass, "You looked like the business tycoon Guillermo Hughes Andrade." Hughes nods his head and lets a soft laugh. He was the one who felt ashamed of her question. Hughes knows where it could lead them that night. He often encountered this thing inside the bar, especially if he was out of the country and in a foreign land. They will introduce themselves to him, through the night, they will get close, and if they are good and drunk, something will happen between them that night—a typical one-night stand with a famous business tycoon like him. Yet, Hughes is still careful at his action; he does not agree to make a steamy night with a woman if she does not allow him to use a condom. Things that Hughes got tired of when Andrius become his boyfriend. He starts to become a faithful one. "Yes, that's me," he responded as he adjusted on his seat. He leaned back on the backrest of a sofa. "Nice to meet you, young ladies." The waitresses let a faint screamed and hit each other when Hughes slightly wink at them. Things that Hughes used and loved to do. He shooked his head as he picked up the glass of alcohol in front of him. "Thanks," he said, gesturing to them that he wanted them to get out of the room, "We can take care of our drinks later." The three waitresses slightly bowed down their heads as they seem embarrassed at what Hughes said and in his actions. I can see to their eyes that they want him to get their name. After a little while, they left Hughes alone inside the quiet room. He recalls in his mind the commencement of the story of him and Yuriah when they are young. After they went to the center of town that afternoon with Giordano, Hughes, Avril and Yuriah became close for some inexplicable reason. Yuriah gives her phone number too, and every time she meets him, she will grant him a radiant and bright smile. "How did you get her phone number?" Julio asked him when he said that he has Yuriah's phone number, "You are kidding Hughes, isn't it?" "I was not," he replied in a gratified tone, "She privately gives it to me." "How?" Melissa asked Hughes in an intensified tone as she gets closer to his chair, "Liar, Yuriah won't give her phone number easily, particularly to a guy likes you, Hughes." she said as she looks at Joana and Quenziel. "Melissa was right. She won't give her phone number easily." Joana mumbled, "She did not give her phone number to us when we are asking for it, and she did not know you, Hughes. So, how is that possible?" "It is impossible, Hughes, so stop lying to us." Quenziel seconded and laughed without humor as she throws a meaningful glance at Melissa. It was Monday afternoon, and their teacher to first subject that noon was not yet appeared at their classroom. Some of their classmates are busy doing their own thing, and here they are, pestering Hughes. Hughes only replies to Julio's question, which is if he has Yuriah's phone number. "So don't fool us, Hughes. We won't believe you." Melissa grumbled. "What is it to you, Melissa, if Hughes gets Yuriah's phone number then?" Avril asked her as she gets up from her seat. Her tone of voice seemed like she couldn't control herself anymore. "Don't you want the two of them to meet and befriend each other?" it has a sound of sarcasm. Melissa's eyes broadened as she turned her gaze to her side. Her brow shot up, and she frowned at Avril as if she is one of the low classes of their class and she doesn't have the right to explain her point of view. "What are you pertaining now Avril, what are you referring to?" she asked as she folds her arms near her chest, "Are you saying that I am insecure at the girl whose name is Yuriah in section one?" she let an audible grinned, "Do you think I am no match at her?" she chuckled and looked around their room as they already get the attention of their whole class. Hughes was surprised at her words. His mouth left half-opened when he glances at Avril's side. He couldn't believe that Melissa was like this. She just pretended to be a good girl, but she was not. Her attitude is plastic. "Melissa, what are you talking about?" it was Julio who gets surprised too at her attitude, "How did you come this far?" Melissa just rolled her eyes. Joana and Quenziel bowed their head as if they are sorry for everyone at Melissa's attitude. "Hey everyone, Yuriah was not that pretty as you think. Can you hear me?" she continued, which made Hughes stands up, "Her skin was white and looked smooth, but still, she did make it look good. She seemed ill." "Melissa!" it was Hughes that could no longer restrain himself, "Do you think we care if your thoughts of her is that way? Did you make it feel good? Did you make it feel good-looking if you insult her now?" "Hughes..." she was taken aback at Hughes's words. "What?" he asked in a disappointed tone, "You are insulting Yuriah without her knowledge in front of us, Melissa." She did not answer him; she runs outside their classroom, followed by Joana and Quenziel. After that day, Melissa did not even speak to Avril and Hughes until they finished their school year. In their ninth grade Avril, Julio, Melissa, and Hughes are moved by a section which is section one.
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