Chapter 12: Chance

3314 Words

Instead of bringing Yuriah on the dance floor as she wants, Hughes pulled her, hold her tightly, and dragged her in the direction of their distant table. Asher and Avril were startled and shocked when they saw how Hughes dragged Yuriah using his outstretched right arms. "Yuriah must and might be drunk right now," he stated as he hissed when Yuriah tried her best to remove and free herself from Hughes's firm grip, "Who is going to send her home right now?" he inquired again, he is immediately looked at those three who is still speechless at his presence. Before they could respond and answer his question, Yuriah managed to extract herself from Hughes's uncomfortable grip. Her eyes were full of disgust and hatred as she stared at him. She is also loathing at him. "I am not drunk yet; it

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