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It was complicated. So, so complicated. But now, it was messy, and chaotic, and stupid. How could I let it get this far? I knew better, I was better. Yet here I was, in a post coital cuddling session with the one man I promised to avoid.   His arm was still securely wrapped around my chest, with my breast in between his fingers. My hair was matted up and falling everywhere. I didn’t have the strength to move, my entire body was sore. All I could do was stare at the glass wall overlooking the city in hopes that I could will myself to get up and leave.   But I couldn’t. I was stuck in a miserable loop replaying every mistake that led me here.   ****** *Before the Merger*   It was damn near infuriating finding out that these deals were happening behind my back. Like I wasn’t capable of partaking in the process. Men will always do this. Push women aside, keep them from greatness. My father was no exception.   “Do you think I’m incompetent?” I asked my father with obvious rage in my voice. As soon as I found out that the company was being merged with another I lost it and found my way up to his office. To add insult to injury, I had to find out from the CFO because my father didn’t think it was important to notify me of the changes. It was a slap in the face to be kept out of negotiations. I had worked hard to get to where I was, and that was all overlooked simply because I was his daughter.   My father sighed in his chair. He was getting old; he was supposed to retire soon. Go live his life. Maybe find another wife, one that wouldn’t leave him with a brat. “Rowan, you know I think you are the most brilliant— “   I held my hand up to stop him, all he wanted to do was butter me up. He would say a few kind words and think that everything was fine. Not this time. I refused to be excluded any longer. “Except when it comes to taking over the company,” I scoffed.   I never gave him a reason to think that I was unfit, if anything I worked twice as hard. I didn’t need anyone thinking I got my position due to nepotism. The men in this line of work always had something to say. But I’d be damned if I gave them the opportunity to speak on their misconceptions.   He placed a stack of papers on top of his desk and pushed them towards me. “This is simply business, if we control the market, we control the prices,” he explained. I understood monopolizing an entire market, but that did not justify leaving me out in the cold. He should have been forthcoming from the beginning, how was I supposed to takeover of deals were being made behind my back. No one would respect me as their superior.   I flipped through the pages that turned out to be the contract. My mind was not processing any of the words, only that this was actually happening and I had absolutely no say in the matter. “You’re forgetting I’ll be working under him,” I told him with a heavy sigh. That was probably what was going to happen, which is why he didn’t bother informing me. Even Daniel knew.   My father shook his head and handed me a pen; I didn’t know what he wanted me to do with it. I figured everything must have been approved by now. “Nathaniel Peters is a smart man, you won’t be working under him, you two will be working together.”   “Does he know that?” I haven’t met Nathaniel Peters before, but from what I have heard he was never one to share. His sisters had nothing to do with the company. I wasn’t sure if that was by choice or because of him.   “He will. You’ll let him know exactly who you are,” he smiled at me and said. I had no clue what he was getting at. But if my father wanted me to prove myself, then that was exactly what I would do. Not for him, but for me. I’d prove to all of them exactly who Rowan Sommers was.   “We’ll be meeting with him and his father to sign the contract at 1p, don’t be late. You’ll be signing in my stead,” he ordered me. So, this was what he his play was. He curated the deal and I would sign for it. He wasn’t as old as I thought. Having me sign the contract would relieve him of liability in case this deal went to s**t. The board of directors would come straight for my throat instead of placing the blame where it really belonged. I’d do the same if I were in his position. Birds of a feather I guessed.   I took the contract and promptly left his office to review all the details. If I would be the one signing this, then I would make damn sure they couldn’t screw me over.   My usually curly hair was straightened to the nines. As I looked at the mirror in my office I was brushing down a strand that was struggling to stay down. It was finally time to go meet with the Peters and I had to ensure I looked every bit the part I had earned. I smoothed down my tapered slacks, the Lacey corset I wore giving my ensemble a bit more edge. If I was going to be running a multi-billion-dollar company I would look good as hell doing it.   I made my way towards the elevator to greet the Peters, my Louboutins clicking with every step I took. Checking my watch, I noticed it was ten minutes till 1p, so I waiting until I saw the ascension of the numbers over the elevator. A few seconds later the elevator doors pinged open drawing my attention to the two men standing inside.   The first was an older man, I’m assuming Abraham Peters. I was automatically drawn to the younger one, his shoulders were broad he was tall, his eyes a holden honey. Nathaniel Peters commanded attention. We locked eyes for a few seconds, but his face contorted into a scowl, as if people must not deign to make eye contact with his highness.   Stepping forward, I greeted them with a smile on my face. If I would be working with them, I needed to know who I would be playing with. “Welcome to Sommers Industries, my name is— “   Before I could introduce myself, Nathaniel interrupted me with a single demand as he stepped out of the elevator. “Coffee, black.”   “Excuse me?” I asked befuddled. I couldn’t quite wrap my mind around what was happening at the moment.   “Coffee, black. Are you hard of hearing,” he added when he had to repeat himself. He must have thought I was the assistant, or he lost his god damned mind.   As both men stepped out of the elevator, his father simply chuckled silently behind him shaking his head. Obviously mister Abraham Peters knew who I was, which meant his son was simply oblivious or an asshole. I’d show him. I’d show him real f*****g good who I was.   “My apologies, black coffee right away sir,” I responded with a customer service smile. I ushered them into the conference room and quickly made my way to the coffee machine behind in the small kitchenette on the floor.   I’d make his f*****g coffee, and he’d drink every last drop even if I had to force it down his gullet myself. I poured ten packets of sugar in the damn coffee cup, quickly stirring it in as the warm scent of the coffee reached my nostrils.   “What are you doing Ro, we’re supposed to be meeting with the Peters,” Daniel asked me. I’m assuming he saw me in here and wondered what I was doing. I had never stepped foot in this area and now I was making a cup of coffee.   Daniel James was the CFO. He was six foot two of utter deliciousness. I’d even tell him too. His eyes were a stormy grey that I would get lost in on a daily basis. As attractive as he was, it was rare to see him using it to his advantage. Daniel was all work and no play sometimes.   “His highness asked for a coffee,” I answered with a devilish smile. If I could I would be cackling right now, I felt like a f*****g genius. Perhaps this was incredibly petty, but I did not care.   “And you’re getting it for him?” He questioned me. Daniel could see right through me. He knew that I wouldn’t do this out of the kindness of my own heart. But I would sure as f**k enjoy every second of it.   “I’m simply showing him who I am,” I replied as I walked towards the conference room, coffee cup in hand and Daniel in tow.   “By getting him coffee?”   “Yes.”   Daniel held the door open for me as I walked in and made my way towards Nathaniel. My father was already seated across from Mr. Peters. I placed the coffee cup in front of Nathaniel and crossed the room to sit across from him, in between my father and Daniel. He seemed surprised by the seating arrangement, but didn’t say anything.   I couldn’t help the grin as he brought the coffee cup to his lips as waiting for his reaction. As soon as the taste sank in, he tried to spit it out but had to swallow it down unless he would like to spit coffee all over the table.   I stood up from my seat with a sly smile marring my lips. “Rowan Sommers, it’s nice to meet you,” I introduced myself, holding my hand out. “Now, why don’t we go over the contract.”   The entire time the contract was being discussed, Nathaniel glared at me not directing any questions towards me. It seemed like I hurt his giant ego and I reveled in the fact. I didn’t care too much for his pouting, we’d end up with the same title. It was officially time to sign the contract after a few minor changes I requested that went uncontested, but Mr. Nathaniel Peters hesitated. “I would like to speak to Rowan before we sign anything.”   The other men walked out of the conference room, giving into his highness’ whims. He sat there staring at me as I pretended to ignore him while I flipped through the contract pages. All things considered; I came out winning during this meeting. I may not be the only CEO, but I will be taking charge of a majority of the new entity.   It didn’t seem like he would be speaking anytime soon, so I closed the folder that held the contract to face him. My hands clasped together over the table before I spoke up. “How was your coffee?”   “You could have just said no,” he voiced with obvious annoyance. I didn’t really care for his comfort at this point.   “And you could have taken your head out of your ass before assuming I was the assistant,” I argued back. When would men realize that women were just as capable, perhaps even more so than they were. Nathaniel could have also come prepared and known who he would be working with. I sure as hell did my research before the meeting.   “I don’t apologize,” he seethed.   “I wasn’t expecting you to.”   In one quick moment, there was an entire reversal of his demeanor. Nathaniel c****d his head to the side with a lazy smile at his lips that caught me off guard. “How about I take you out to dinner and we can discuss this further,” he asked with a soft drawl. He couldn’t possibly be serious right now. There was no way I would go to dinner with him. But maybe he meant like a business dinner. Would he invite my father and Daniel as well.   The look on his face told me otherwise. Or he was simply trying to point, which point I wasn’t so sure yet. “This is business, not pleasure,” I answered with a scowl.   “What’s wrong with getting a little pleasure out of business?” He quipped. Nathaniel’s cold disposition had transitioned into a cocky carefree attitude within seconds. I had no clue what he was getting at, but the way he so carelessly answered my question didn’t sit right with me.   I simply needed to get this meeting over and done with. He was simply playing games, and I had better things to worry about than Nathaniel Peters and his wishy-washy behavior. “Will you be signing? I have other matters to attend to,” I told him as I pushed a pen in his direction.   Nathaniel waved our fathers and Daniel back inside. Some slight shuffling, and everyone was back in their seats. Signatures were given, and hands were shaken once the contract was finalized. All I wanted to do was get out of here. The male ego in this room was utterly suffocating.   I stood up from my seat and faced Daniel with a knowing look. “Daniel could I speak to you in your office please?” He simply nodded his head excused himself and followed me all the way to his office down the hall.   Once I was sure that we were in the safety of his office, I locked the door and usher him up against the door. This was by far one of my favorite parts of the day. I would take a quick break to drown myself in euphoria. My lips found his as I hastily tried to rid him of his suit jacket. His hands traveled down my waist and gripped onto my hips, fingers pressing down creating soft dents in my skin.   Daniel pulled on my low pony forcing me to look in his eyes. Even with the six-inch Louboutins, I still had to crane my neck to see his stormy eyes. “Ro your father is down the hall,” he rasped.   I simply yanked on his grip and licked his jaw. The fact that my father was down the hall had never stopped us before. I didn’t see an issue with it. If I wanted a quick pick me up, I’d find Daniel. His office, my office, the supply closet, the men’s bathroom when I was really desperate. I didn’t mind that I was technically his superior. In fact, it gave me such a power high that my orgasms were mind boggling.   “So?” I asked as I continued to pepper his jaw with soft kisses. The slight ripple of his throat let me know that he his resolve was wavering as he tried hard to swallow down his need. His fingers were still tangled in my pony tail, but he had loosened the slack.   In one swift move, he flipped us around and pressed his weight on top of me as my back hit the door. “I’m sure he’d enjoy firing me for defiling his little girl,” he smirked. His leg slid in between my thighs spreading them apart as he began rubbing himself against me in slow grinding motions. I could feel him pressing into my lower abdomen, causing a slight moan to escape my lips as I remembered everything that he could do to me.   Daniel shoved his tongue down my throat making me gasp for air as he continued on with slow strokes of his tongue. His hand was traveling up my stomach, but before he reached my breast, there was an unwelcome interruption in a form of an assertive knock.   “f**k,” I mouthed as I tried to fix myself as well as I could.   “Just a minute,” Daniel called out as he was tucking his shirt back in while I brushed down my hair back into place. A few hurried moments later, and Daniel fixed the cup of my corset before he opened the door up to find Nathaniel waiting there. Not only had he taken half of my title, but now he was ruining my mid-day rendezvous.   “I would like to speak to Mr. James,” Nathaniel started. “Alone.”
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