Day Twenty

1087 Words

Chapter 20: Day Twenty *** “So you two are an item already?” Mick asked with a cheery voice as he wrapped both his hands around the elder student’s shoulder. “We are, now could you move your hand from my man?” Edward smiled nicely to his best friend and pulled Mason away hugging him instead. “Oh, my how possessive~!” Mick was having fun while teasing his best friend. “Don’t you have a lover of your own to look after?” Edward questioned as he continued to hold the student in his arms. “Let go of me already! Are you trying to crush me?!” Mason struggled to release himself from the other man’s grip but it was futile. “Haha! You two are so sweet honestly!” Mick couldn’t help but laugh as he watched the two men getting along so well. “You’re right, I do have someone to look after, so gu

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