Chapter 4- Silver eyes

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They set out for the portal Eve had described to them. Why Eve didn't let them use her personal portal was beyond them. The car felt small with the three large males in it. In the driver's seat was Malcom, a male Lilith had seen a couple of times with Eve. He was a tall dark-haired vampire with crimson colored eyes. Asher, a blonde burly male with a beard sat in the passenger seat. He was the sole reason this car ride didn't feel all too awkward. He was quite chatty and a bit of a comedian, constantly getting on either Malcom's or Dion's nerves. Lilith was seated beside Dion in the back seat. The amber-eyed male she met at the restaurant the other day. He was tall with just the perfect amount of muscle on his lean body. He was dressed in a black turtle neck that clung to his delicious-looking muscles and black pants that must have been tailored. This male exuded pure masculine allure and Lilith had never been so strongly attracted to a person before. In the small car, she was constantly bombarded with his scent and she feared she would grow intoxicated from it. She had caught him staring at her a couple of times and all she could do was turn her head to hide her blush. "Eve had referred to you as her ward, are you two by any chance related?" Dion asked, finally speaking to her and she shook her head. "We're not related but she's done so much for me. I owe her my life." the girl smiled fondly as she thought of the witch. Dion was willing to ignore the witch's faults if she meant this much to Lilith. During the drive to the portal he had succeeded in making small talk with the fae, the once awkward drive was now full of conversation. From their exchange, Dion could tell that she was on the shy side. whenever she caught Dion's eyes on her, her face would flush and she would turn away to hide it but the tips of her ears would betray her. Seeing this side of her had given him some confidence. The tension he had felt about approaching her had ebbed. "So how old are you Lilith?" Asher asked from the passenger seat. He inwardly thanked Asher for the question because he had been wondering the same thing. Her mannerisms told him she was young but he wondered just how young. "I'll be turning 24 in a couple of months," she answered and Asher stared at her in shock. "That young! Talk about cradle robbing." The last part he muttered under his breath with a chuckle. Then to Malcom, he said, “Dion’s caught your p********a flu.” Malcom merely rolled his eyes at the wolf, probably already used to the p********a jokes Asher made. He might have met Olivia first when she was a child but their relationship hadn’t started till she was close to her transition and it was only because Malcom could no longer deny the mate bond and his feelings for Olivia. Dion himself was shocked by Lilith’s age. He was almost five centuries old but he was still considered young among immortals. Lilith was a baby in comparison. Although immortals didn’t have the same morals as mortals regarding age gaps in relationships. When you lived forever, age became a fleeting detail. "Then you haven't reached your immortality yet, have you?" Malcom asked from the wheel. When she nodded Dion's heart sank. That meant she could die as easily as a human and they were on their way to the most dangerous demon realm in existence. "Why would Eve send you on such an errand when you're still so fragile?" Dion had asked exasperated. The idea of leading his mate to such a deadly place put him on instant edge. "I'm the only one except Eve who can identify the herbs." Eve was a very important person in their world and she couldn't afford to leave as she pleased. Not with all the current turmoil in the immortal council. "How is that possible?" Malcom asked. "She has so many apprentices that have been around longer than you have." "These herbs are only known to grow on two planes, my home plane happens to be one so I'm familiar with them." "So why not go there to get them, why choose a dangerous plane like Draken?" Asher asked Her face lost its colour at that. "I can't ever go back home." This confused Dion greatly. what could be her reason for picking a demon plane over her own home? He could sense that the mere idea of returning scared her so while he was curious he decided not to speak anything of it. The topic of her home was clearly a sour subject. However, this didn't ease his mind one bit. The demon inside wanted to return her back to safety but he didn't have that right over her. Dion felt frustration like he had never felt before. The drive felt like hours to him or maybe it was because he had so much on his mind but finally they arrived at the coordinates they were given and headed towards the portal. This was Eve's personal portal, no one else could get access to it but her so no one else but the guards would know they left the mortal realm. No one but Eve that is. They arrived at a small animal clinic on the outskirts of town. No one would ever suspect something as important as a portal was located here. Dion at least wouldn't have suspected. On entering the small building, Lilith walked up to the receptionist and they exchanged a few words before she nodded and pointed her hand towards a door. The room behind the door appeared to be just a storage room. Several shelves containing different papers and files were arranged around the room. Lilith headed towards one shelf, it was the least visible in the room. She pushed it to the side to reveal a metal door. After punching in a code, the door opened to reveal a set of steps heading downwards. Even with their enhanced vision, they were unable to see what lay ahead of them. "This leads to the portal." Lilith made a move to head in first but was stopped by Malcom. "I'll head in first," he said sparing a glance in Dion's direction. Dion nodded, inwardly thanking his friend. They didn't know what lay in wait at the bottom of the stairs so it was safest if she didn't go in first. Asher went in after Malcom. Dion signalled the fae to head in after. The two had her front covered and Dion had her back. Unfortunately, this meant he had to watch every sway of her hips as she walked down. The dark passage couldn't hinder his vision at this moment. Her butt wasn't the biggest but gods was it sexy. He could imagine what they would feel like under his palms as he thrust into her from behind. His c**k stirred at the thought. Everything about this female was seductive and she had absolutely no idea what she did to him. What he wouldn't do to make his thoughts a reality. Lilith could feel the demon's eyes trained on her as they walked down the stairs. She had begun to notice that the demon paid extra attention to her and for some reason she didn't mind the attention. In fact, she had found some sick joy in it. It made her feel attractive. Lilith was used to the men she served at the restaurant leering at her chest but it still made her uncomfortable. With Dion however, she didn't mind and she felt some sort of confidence when he stared at her body so hungrily and honestly it aroused her. After some minutes they reached the other end which was a dark room occupied by muscular men with dark scaly skin. They were seated in a circle around a table with cards in their hands, two of them had been arguing but stopped when they noticed their visitors. The reptilians were instantly on guard until they noticed Lilith. "It's Eve's little pet!" one had announced loudly. "Little fae, it's been quite a while." This one seemed like the leader. He approached them, eyeing the men who stood beside Lilith. "Eve informed us of your arrival. The portal is this way." This particular one had a bigger build than the rest, he was possibly up to 7 feet in height but had quite the slouch making him seem shorter than his actual height. Lilith noticed that all three males were tense, they probably weren't expecting the portal guards to be man-eating monsters, Derga. They were notorious among immortals, known to feed on human children. By doing this they constantly jeopardized the secrecy of immortals. These ones however had sworn loyalty to Eve and would never do anything to get in her bad books. Everyone knew you didn't want to evoke the wrath of a witch as powerful as her. He led them to an arch with a lot of concentrated magic in its centre. The portal had all the transportation magic embedded into it but it still required a magic user to be used. It couldn't be used without a basic spell. Lilith thanked the Derga and began casting. The Derga spared a glance in the direction of the males with her before he walked away. Only when he was a certain distance away did the males ease. Malcom had come in contact with the species before and he was aware of just how powerful they could be. It was almost hard to believe that a witch could control such violent creatures, but then again it was Eve. Dion stared as his mate began chanting a spell. Her gray eyes had almost appeared silver at that moment and he could feel energy surround her. She turned in his direction, holding his gaze with her silver one, "I've opened a Portal to Draken. I'm not exactly sure where we'll end up so I think we should proceed with caution." "Asher goes in first." Dion said as he pushed the Lykan in. Asher had been cursing as he went through the portal. Malcom chuckled and followed in after him. "Ladies first," Dion smiled at her as he gestured for her to go in. With a smile on her face, she walked in with Dion following just behind her.
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