Chapter 14- They're going to die

1511 Words

Dax fell to his knees clutching his chest and gasping for air. No matter what he tried it was as though air avoided his lungs. He clawed at his chest as if it would force his lungs to take in the air. Soon he was in a coughing fit, blood spraying out of his mouth with each cough. He stared at the blood that painted the floors in confusion. What was happening? Pain. Indescribable pain racked his entire body, nothing like he’d ever felt before not even on a battlefield. "Deanne!" he managed to wheeze out. Had he been poisoned? Who in their right mind would poison him? He was immune to most poisons any way so he couldn't wrap his head around this. gods, he felt like his chest was being ripped apart from the inside. Deanne was by his side, staring at him with a face he couldn't deciph

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