Chapter 7- Poison

1475 Words
'What a sad creature' Lilith thought as she stared at it's collapsed body. Some fae from her kingdom were able to communicate with animals, if she had inherited that ability she would ask the poor animal the reason for it's sadness. "Stubborn bastard," Dion cussed as he finally climbed into the cave with much struggle. The beast had left a fairly large gash in Dion's side and the wound hurt like a b***h. "What was that?" "A hell hound." Asher answered as he climbed up. "Lilith was right, we were on it's territory." "Looked more like a zombie than a hellhound to me." Malcom muttered under his breath. With it's rotting flesh and missing tufts of fur, the rabid red eyes, it didn't resemble a normal Hell hound. "Aye, red eyes indicate loss. We trespassed on sacred land for the hound. Probably it's mate or master is buried here." It made sense. In the case of Lykae, they would lose their sanity at the death of their mates. The creature had lost someone of equal importance. "Poor creature. He suffers a loss no one else would be able to understand." Asher continued to stare at the battered hellhound with a look Lilith couldn't decipher. For the first time since she met him, Asher looked somber. She wondered if it was because he related to the creature’s pain. The smell of blood had Lilith turning in Dion's direction. His shirt was ripped and marks lay on his skin where the hellhound had grazed him with it's teeth. Panic filled her at the sight and she didn't realize when she reached out to touch him. Dion had expertly dodged the Fae, wincing at the pain in his side. "The cut is poisoned, don't touch it." The poison was putting Dion in so much pain he could already tell it would be fatal to her. "I don't want you getting infected. I'll be fine after some time" Yet his assurance didn't make her feel better. She felt a part of her clench in pain as some blood spilled down his side. When a wince left him she unconsciously whimpered. She liked this male better when he was invading her private space or finding random ways to touch her. It was off putting that the same male was doing his best to keep his distance. "There's water in here!" Malcom called out to them from inside the cave. This was possibly the water source the males had scented earlier. If so, then they possibly didn’t have to worry about other predators because of the hell hound outside. Asher tried to help the demon up but Dion refused. "You could get infected as well, if I can't be in my best condition right now I need you to look after her." Lilith kept sending worried glances Dion's way, The demon's state worried her but there was nothing she could do without touching him. They entered the dimly lit cave and at the farthest end of the cave was a lake. Water flowed through the walls in gentle streams towards the pool of water. The water was clear and reflected the little moonlight that entered the cave on the ceiling creating a cool lighting throughout the cave. It was a strangely beautiful sight. Asher knelt beside the lake and brought a handful of water to his lips while Malcom surveyed their surroundings. Dion relaxed in a corner wincing as he made a move to sit down. Maybe it was because of the poison but the injury was taking much longer to heal than it should have. It wasn't even healing at all. Lilith played with the lit water as she observed the cave. Some minor details around made her sure that this place was once inhabited. Other than the water source here, some markings decorated the walls, most likely an ancient demon language of sorts. While she observed their surroundings, her eyes strayed to the demon on the floor. The graze from earlier wasn't healing and he was slowly losing blood. It must be the poison. She had read some books on the creatures that existed in this plane but she never saw anything about Hellhounds being Poisonous. Draken was known for it's abundance of poisonous plants and animals which was why Draken natives fought with a variety of poisons. Lilith dug out some gauze and some alcohol from her backpack and placed them a few inches away from Dion. "It must annoy you to have to rely on such things but it'll only get worse if you don't treat it." He looked reluctant at first but eventually took the alcohol. It hurt his pride that he was sporting an injury from such an insignificant creature but a part of him was happy for the attention he was receiving from his mate because of said injury. Immortals didn't need first aid but here he was. After taking the cap off the bottle he poured some of it's contents on the wound. If this were any other cut he'd have feigned ignorance and let Lilith take care of the wound but with this poison, he couldn't risk her getting infected too. "Still I've never heard of a poisonous Hellhound before." Then again it didn't look like the Hellhounds she'd read about either. "It probably came in contact with one of the locals. Did you notice the spear in it's side? It had native Draken markings on it." Malcom answered. "Draken weapons mostly always contain one type of poison or another. The poor creature probably can't even tell it's dying." "It doesn't care what happens to it's body as long as it protects what it cares for." Asher added. "Sounds alot like a mated wolf don't ya think." Asher understood the feelings of the hound better than anyone else. He watched his father toss his life away to protect his mother and sister. He knew just how bad a protective instinct could get. "Do you think the poison is the reason its skin was rotting off?" Lilith asked Malcom. "May be." They didn't know the nature of the poison or how it worked and now Dion was poisoned by it. This worried Malcom greatly but voicing his concerns would do nothing but cause panic. Dion wrapped the wound in gauze and relaxed once more. Lilith's eyes were still trained on the wound with worry. "Are you that worried about me?" He had a teasing smile on his face, "I might start to think you have feelings for me if you stare so much." "I-I don't!" At least not yet. Her face flushed all the way to her pointed ears. Dion's laughter filled her ears and she blushed even harder. It was the first time she'd heard him laugh out loud like that so she didn't know how to react to it. The sound had left her chest feeling warm and fuzzy. She didn’t know how to describe the feeling. "You're so cute," He smiled fondly at her. Embarrassed, she forced a glare and walked away from him which only made Dion laugh louder. "Too cute!" She dropped by the edge of the pool, stripping out of her dirty shirt and shorts. She folded the garments neatly beside the boots she wore previously. Next she took off the harness strapped to her thigh and placed it beside her bag. Once she was clad In just her underwear, she stepped into the water. Digging through her bag from the edge, she brought a wash cloth and bar of soap out. All the while Dion stared at her with his hands clenched into fists. The markings had started at her upper arms and ended at her collar bone. Her breasts looked like they would spill out of their constraints at the slightest movement. He had constantly fantasized about what laid beneath her dress up shirt when she worked at the restaurant but nothing had prepared him for the actual thing. They were large and full, the fair skin around them looked extremely soft. His mouth watered. What he wouldn't do to be able to bury his face in those luscious mounds. When he finally managed to take his gaze off her breasts, his gaze trailed down. Down her flat stomach to the small waist that flared out softly into wide hips. His lower half strained against the confines of his trousers. He couldn't recall a time he had ached for a woman this badly. When Asher whistled Dion's head snapped in his direction. Only then did he realise he wasn't the only one that got to see her body. A loud growl left Dion's throat and his eyes had already gone black. Asher raised his hand in surrender and left the cave to join Malcom outside leaving only Dion and Lilith inside the dimly lit cave.
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