#Chapter 36 (Arina) - Sisters

1323 Words

Envious? What did she have to be envious about?  “Envious of me?” I asked. “Why?”  She stifled a smile.  “You were so brave and powerful. You stood up against Rock when no one else could. You saw threw him before anyone else did. You were able to leave and not look back. You have friends that have your back and a mate that will protect you at all costs,” she listed out.  It sounded like she was saying she saw through Rock and was too afraid to say anything. I had no idea she felt that way; about any of that.  “I mean, now you have a mate that will protect you. He literally risked his life to save you,” I reminded her.  More tears formed in her eyes.  “I’m sorry,” I told her softly. “That wasn’t meant to be insensitive.”  “No, you’re right. I do have someone to protect me now. Someo

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