#Chapter 31 (Arina) – The Truth Revealed

2019 Words

It was true.  My mother had an affair with Boris Conway.  Boris’s study was on the other side of the manor. It reminded me of a mini-library. It was far enough away from the ballroom where I couldn’t hear the party going on and where we wouldn’t be interrupted.  Boris insisted we spoke further about my mother, but at a faraway distance from Nikini because she doesn’t know any of this information and he’d rather keep it that way.  Jonathan wanted to join in on the meeting, afraid of leaving me alone. But I insisted that this was something I needed to do by myself. So, he settled on waiting in the hallway and keeping a lookout for unwanted visitors.  Jonathan warned me not to mention anything more about my father to Boris. He was afraid that it might stir up some issues amongst Alpha’s;

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