#Chapter 23 (Arina) – The Contract

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“Are you sure you want to do this?” Jonathan asked as we stood outside my childhood home. Erick and Anderson were also nearby. It felt good knowing I was being protected.  “No,” I admitted. “But I have to. If there is a letter here that my mom wrote for me, I owe it to her to read it.”  Jonathan didn’t argue with me; I knew he was just as nervous as I was. Since finding out I was pregnant, he’s been more adamant about protecting me. Not that I minded, there’s no telling what Rock was capable of.  Melissa stood at the doorway with a plastered smile upon her face. It seemed she had another bruise on her upper cheekbone that she poorly tried to cover with a concealer that didn’t even match her skin tone. She still reeked of my mother’s lavender perfume and wore my mother’s jewelry. One was

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