Beanie's Worry

1064 Words

‘Blake. I thought you had abandoned me for good forever and ever,’ Beanie said to his assistant, Blake, when the chubby man suddenly entered Beanie’s room in the Swiss hotel. Leo’s next fight was around the corner, yet no one had heard anything that seemed as if Leo was going to be relieved of the false accusations made against him. So Blake went to find out what was going on. He hoped that there was some goodness lingering somewhere or somehow because he was ready to pull the plug with the evidence he had against Beanie if there was no positive news. ‘What’s up with the Golak case? Have you called it off?’ Blake asked his boss. ‘No’ Beanie abruptly replied. Blake nodded sarcastically. ‘You want him to lose everything he has ever worked for just because he has refused to be friends

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