Game On, Megan.

4927 Words

Katie's P. O. V. "Good morning princess,” I groan when I hear a familiar voice. Then I hear a deep chuckle. I groan again, in annoyance. Who the f**k is disturbing me romancing Dylan Minnette in my dream? Don’t they know Dylan is about to say those three magical words to me? Bloody ass. I groan turning around and covering the blanket over me. I hear that chuckle again. Frowning unconsciously, I groan and slowly open my eyes. You see, I am not a morning person. I am that kind of person who will shoot these chirpy, happy, morning people and roll over and go back to sleep. Well, that's how I am. As I open my eyes, blinking and trying to adjust my eyes to the sunlight coming inside my room, something clicked in my mind. Princess? Who calls me that? That's when I realized who is in the room w

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