Antonio's Party?

3392 Words

Katie's P. O. V. "Oh-Em-Gee! Pete, just look at them. They look so cute together." A shrill familiar voice reaches in my head as I groan, pulling my pillow closer. The shrill voice fades as I groan. The moment I do that I feel weird---weird as if what I am hugging is not a pillow-----Running my hands over it while frowning in my sleep, my hands touch a nose; a soft upturned nose---I thought pillows don't have noses----holy crap--and just when I open up my eyes. I turn my face only to meet a familiar one. It's Aaron Lockwood, my eyes widen as I look at him surprised----WTH! When did this happen? I remembered watching television yesterday with him---but I thought he walked to his room later? Did he come back or what--? Just then I feel him putting his arms around my waist and pulling me cl

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