Hello, Annabelle!

5303 Words

Katie's P. O. V I groan as my alarm goes off and I move to the side of the bed, grabbing the alarm clock and throwing it somewhere just to make it shut---at least for a few minutes. And it did. I smile in my dreams, pulling the blanket closer to me, cuddling with the pillow and thinking to sleep for a longer duration, only to wake up at exactly 10. I open my eyes, twinkling and looking at the ceiling---trying to remember what had happened yesterday---I did remember going to a party, everything else seems blur though I didn't drink at all----the only thing I remember is Aaron and I called it a truce and started over; and we danced. I smile dreamily as that dance I share with him is still clear in my mind. I get up, yawning and scratching my head as I look down----Wait a minute, who chang

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