Chapter 37

1669 Words

Theo POV Today was a 'clearing day'. Well, that is what I call it. After arriving at work, I headed to the cafeteria to grab coffee and then to Robson's office. On Tuesdays, we normally discuss some patients we have on waiting lists, if anything new has arrived, and if we consider those on waiting lists for a new heart that needs shuffling around. The list is growing, and some are worse than others. It still boils down to compatibility. But the hospital has been lucky so far. Only two patients are in the too-hard basket; their blood type is rare, so finding a donor is harder. Nurses and junior doctors greeted me as I walked with a tray consisting of three coffees and three muffins. I have my fingers crossed that Bethany will be in Robson's office when I get there. The nurses say they had

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