Chapter 8-1

1143 Words

Chapter Eight Delilah didn’t wait to hear any more. Pushing off against the house, she half-scooted, half-slid down the snow-covered roof. She had to grit her teeth against the cold. This literally gave new meaning to having a frozen ass, but it was better than being tortured and killed by two madmen! Her feet dug in when she reached the edge of the roof. Looking down, she could barely see the snow-covered ground. She swore that her eyelashes were beginning to freeze in the intense cold. The wind, snow, and sub-zero temperatures stung her cheeks and she was afraid if she opened her mouth, her teeth might freeze! Refusing to think of all the things that could go wrong, she scooted forward until her feet were dangling off the edge of the roof. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath of

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