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AMIE When Ally walked in, I almost s**t myself. f**k! I hope she hadn’t heard any of that. She had never exactly been my biggest fan anyway. She hadn’t liked how close I was to her brother. Maybe she felt threatened by our obvious feelings for each other. I don’t know, but she had always been a little bit cold towards me. That would change once Jake declared me as his chosen mate. I was sure of that. I wouldn’t be working in the kitchens anymore either. I would be the future Luna. I was excited at the thought. It was rare for an omega to be elevated to the status of Luna, as most Alphas only wanted their true mate to be their Luna, and an Alpha was rarely ever mated to an omega. There was a silly idea that true mates gave them a strength and comfort that chosen mates couldn’t. I didn’t believe that crap. Our love was just as strong as any mate bond. I just had to make him realise that. I planned to seduce him tonight after the party. He would be drunk and that would make it easier to get him to c*m inside me. I would put a condom on him that I had tampered with. That way he wouldn’t hold back when he came. I would have his baby, and we would be together. Seeing me pregnant with his pup would make him realise just how much he loves me. JAKE I saw Ally walking towards me and noticed the concerned look on her face. I asked what was up, and she told me what she’d overheard. s**t! How had I not realised just how obsessed Amie was with me? Human girls can get clingy and obsessive due to us being not only the best s*x that they will ever have, but also we are generally better looking than most human men. I told her that she didn’t need to worry. I would be staying away from Amie from now on. She looked pleased, and we headed off towards the trees to run. I stripped off and put my clothes on a low tree branch. Giving Ally a grin, I shifted into my huge greyish coloured wolf Logan. She shifted into her wolf, and I couldn’t help laughing inside at the goofy look on her face. Tara was grinning at me, her tongue hanging out of the side of her mouth. There was a mischievous look in her golden, brown eyes. She took up a stance that showed me that she wanted to race. I let Logan take full control. We began running, and I was shocked to see that she was keeping up. Logan was fast, very fast. He’d won every single race at the Alpha academy, yet here he was about to be beaten by my goofy little sister. On the walk back to the pack house, Ally didn’t stop gloating. She hadn’t quite managed to beat me, but it had been so close. She was teasing me that in a few years she’d would be leaving me in the dust. I had to agree. We passed Amie on the way who tried to make eye contact with me, but I refused to meet her gaze. Mum came out of the front door and called for us to hurry up. “Take a shower and get ready. The fire will be lit shortly, and the bbq is almost ready.” She said, hurrying us along. AMIE He hadn’t even looked at me! Maybe it was because of his sister. I calmed my thoughts. It didn’t mean anything. I was heading home to get ready for the party. I wasn’t working tonight. Only a few guards would be on duty. Everyone else got to attend if they chose to. I called out to my mum as I entered the small house we shared. “Hiya mum, it’s just me. I’m going to jump in the shower quickly.” She called back to tell me that she had left some food in the fridge for me and would see me in the morning. I hated that mum had to work so hard. She wouldn’t get to enjoy the party as she would be at her second job. Waiting tables in the nearby human city. The pack owned the restaurant, and it employed both werewolves and humans. She would be working until the restaurant closed, and rather than drive home at that time of night, she would sleep in the car and come home in the morning. After breakfast, she would head to her other job, cleaning for pack members. When I was Luna, she would be living up in the pack house, and she would never have to work another day in her life. JAKE I headed down to the party, which was already in full swing. Ally was stood by the fire talking to someone. As I got closer, I realised that it was Greg, one of the pack warriors. Like f**k was I going to let that womanising prick near my little sister. She was only eighteen for f***s sake. I had no problem with him sleeping his way through every she wolf in the pack who was willing, but if he touched Ally I would break him. I walked up behind her and gave him a look that clearly told him what I was thinking. He wisely made his excuses and moved away. Hitting on some other nearby she wolf instead. Ally turned and quickly realised what had happened. I expected her to be mad and tell me that it’s her choice who she talks to. I was pleasantly surprised when she hugged me. “Thank you. I’ve been trying to get rid of him for ages.” She said. I chuckled “My pleasure.” I was relieved to hear that she had no interest in him. Although it had made me realise that she was a woman now and men would be looking at her differently. She was still just my little sister to me. “There’s no hurry to start dating pup.” I told her. She gave me a smile. “Let’s go get some food.” I told her. As we headed over to the bbq I saw Amie. f**k she looked good. She was wearing a skin tight red dress that hugged her curves perfectly and stopped midway down her thighs. I knew that the dress was for my benefit, but I wouldn’t play along. I didn’t want to hurt her. In fact I’d always felt sorry for her. My dad had reached out to her mum to offer support many times over the years, but she had always refused. We had no idea why. He had even offered to let her stay at the hotel we owned in the city on the nights that she worked in the restaurant, he had found out that she had been sleeping in her car. She turned that down too. So he had done the only thing that he could, he convinced pack members to hire her as a cleaner to give her some extra income. She didn’t know that he’d done that or she probably wouldn’t have gone along with it. Whatever her problem was it had caused hardship for her daughter. I had become friendly with Amie and found ways to help her. However now I see that I should never have allowed our friendship to become s****l. This was on me and I had to find a way to fix it. If that meant hurting her, letting her think that I was a jerk, maybe even letting her hate me then so be it. I could never give her what she wanted. I only wish that I had realised what she wanted sooner.
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