RENEE I laughed as I dropped my cell phone into my pocket and exited the restroom. I'd achieved my goal. If Robert was horny and had a raging hard-on, as he claimed, it would be impossible for him to concentrate in that meeting. 'You're so evil, Renee.' My subconscious intervened, and I scoffed. 'You're also very mischievous. I guess your hot Daddy brings out the worst in you, unlike Dylan, haha...' My subconscious chimed once more, and I nodded in agreement this time because she was correct. It surprised me how eager I was to do naughty things, which I’d have never considered on a normal day. But well, this was the result of a certain dark-haired, blue-eyed man who made my panties wet. “Yes!” As I returned to my server station in the restaurant, I squealed again, my hands flail