Chapter One-2

2010 Words
Lorenz disappeared down the alley and from the steel door at the bottom of the stairs a man came out, dressed in white tie and tails. His face was also covered by an expressionless white mask. On the surface he projected the very air of anonymous confidence, but that’s all I got. The mask muffled his voice, so much so that it seemed he was talking through a distorter. ‘Your anguishment is prepared.’ There was that word again. Anguishment - somehow elegant yet foul at the same time. I said, ‘What the hell is going on here? Who are you?’ He was silent, as if he searched for a readymade answer. At last he found one. ‘I am a sadist. But as a masochist you already know that.’ Red light streamed out from the still open door, an invitation to hell. Without any where else to go, on shaking legs and what I needed to know inside, I crossed over. Behind me the door clanged shut and the masked man slid a heavy bar into place across the door. I tried to get a closer look at those eyes, but the red light kept them safely anonymous. But I felt them assess me, as if he approved of what had just walked into this strange world. Seemingly in approval held out a hand, the white glove spotless, palm down. After a brief hesitation, I placed mine on top. He brought our hands up, about to my chest level like royalty on parade, and led us through another door. Some of the red light from the outer room bled into this next room, but mostly it was deep dark. A pair of sturdy chains, with a leather cuff attached to each, dangled from above. Music, light and classical, played from overhead; soft, soothing, yet with an imperative undercurrent of tension. ‘What is this place?’ I asked. He didn’t answer. White Mask directed me to the chains, then grappled with my wrists, wrapping them in the padded cuffs. My arms were lifted and stretched out at an angle. A similar thing happened to my legs, leather cuffs, spread wide. My short dress rode well up my hips. I didn’t resist, but I didn’t help him either. Something told me this was the only way to get the answers I needed. He retreated to the darkness, and for an instant I stood strung out all alone. But then, through another door, more people entered. I got the sense that some of them were on their hands and knees while one or two stood above them, somehow directing their movements. They came around and stopped in front of me several yards away. I got the feeling that they also had trouble seeing in the dark, but that soon changed. A single, harsh spotlight glared and burned right into my eyes. I might as well have been blindfolded because I couldn’t see anything beyond the edge of the light. I could still hear though, and caught the surprised gasp of someone beyond the light, followed by a quick ‘Hush!’ and a tight rattle of chain. Silence for a moment, then from beyond the glare, a woman’s voice spoke. ‘You’re probably wondering why you’re here, and what’s going to happen,’ she said. Accented. High class british. Something stirred within me. We had spoken, many times before, but where? When? ‘I know you,’ I said, from under my mask, trying to sound confident, but when you’re spread out by chains that’s kind of hard. ‘You...You’re...’ I almost had it, but like before, the image, the memory danced just beyond the light in my mind, much like her, present but vague. ‘Who are you?’ I pleaded. ‘Why am I here?’ ‘It doesn’t matter who we are, or even where,’ she said, as if that were answer enough. ‘And you’re here because you choose to be here. But we’ll let you go right now and exact punishment on some other slaves.’ Several women gasped and sobbed in the darkness. White Mask stepped into the light and he reached up to undo a leather cuff. I could have ended it all right then. But if I wanted to know who I was, then I couldn’t run out on this strange ritual. ‘No! No!’ I cried. ‘I...I need to do this! You need this,’ I lamely ended. ‘Very well,’ the british lady said. ‘We’ll play the part set out for us. Your anguishment will involve pain, discipline, humiliation, and submission. Are you ready for that?’ I swallowed or tried to, but all my moisture was way down in my p***y. Huh, who was I kidding? I could tell by my soaked panties it flowed like a f*****g river. My heart pounded in my chest, my pulse roared in my ears. Even if I hadn’t lost my memory, and did know my real name, I wouldn’t have said ‘No’. A drive, a need, deep inside me had taken over, and I wasn’t about to make it stop. But there was anger too. An anger that suddenly welled up, that told me that I had been just like this before, and had always been left short. ‘Alright, you bastards,’ I hissed. ‘If you’re going to do it, then stop all this f*****g around.’ White Mask ripped open the back of the dress and pulled down the panties, exposing my red ass cheeks. Again another stir from beyond the light and another intense ‘Be quiet, you b***h!’ this time from another, non-british woman. White Mask’s hand brushed over my ass, still on fire from Lorenz’s cane. ‘Looks like you couldn’t wait to get started,’ the british woman said, smug. ‘You got a problem with that, talk to Lorenz,’ I said. ‘Oh, no. No problem,’ she said. ‘Because of Lorenz’s strict faithfulness, we don’t have to warm you up.’ In the darkness a rustling sound floated through the room, of many tassels that were shaken out, yet not silken, a sound that I knew well - blades of leather - then a swish, swish of a breeze that caressed my back in a cool flow that pledged only a fire. The whip delivered as promised. It wasn’t a cat o’ nine tails, (again I would know how that felt - how?), but was nastier. Thin strips of leather flayed my back, my ass, trying its best to remove a layer of skin. Unsuccessful there, yet still leaving a blistering mark, the whip’s blades wrapped my legs, my ribcage, and even my arms in loud cracks and snaps. Like suspended over a fire, I danced. Hands gripping the chains my arms strained, lifted me up and off the floor, my feet pointed in crazy directions. My knees bent, uselessly gyrating about. Not to mention my throat got a real work out. Whack! ‘f**k!’ Whack! ‘Oh f**k!’ Whack! ‘Aw shhiiitt!’ The blows paused. ‘Do you want us to stop?’ the british lady said. The red haze from the caning was nothing compared to the white hot fury that now engulfed my total being. But there was still a little piece that understood what this b***h offered. A way out. A chance to pretend that I wasn’t desperate, that I really didn’t care how I was found staring off into the universe, that even though my juices dripped to the floor and my p***y lips throbbed I could just walk away from all this. Walk away. A small, delicate leather gloved hand reached out from the darkness, traced down my side, pressed the welts on the ribcage, reached around to my ass, squeezed an ass cheek and the wounds there, then pressed on the tender inside of my leg and those bruises too. I hissed through clenched teeth, cried out and sobbed. The other hand came into play and caressed a breast, a soft flicker of a n****e. The hand dove to between my legs, the leather encased fingers pinched the slick labia. A moan escaped my throat. ‘Do you want me to stop?’ the british woman said. Her leather gloved hand cupped my p***y. Her light perfume wafted into my nostrils and the scent brought up a hazy image of a room, a whip flying through the air and...nothing more. I hung my head, tried to sort through the chaos in my head, but it was no good. No good! Nothing stayed long enough for me to logically consider, to coolly assess... Nothing made sense but these intense passions, this thing of pleasure and pain, pleasure in pain, pain in pleasure. How could I feel this way? How could I... Pussy strokes. A light rub on my breasts. Oh, it was so nice, so safe. But I wanted...not nice, not safe... ‘Don’t you dare,’ I breathed. ‘Don’t cheat me.’ The hands stopped and, for a second, I cried out, not in pain, nor in pleasure, but frustration. They can’t leave me like this! ‘The whip, the whip!’, I prayed. And a dark god answered. The whip’s blades flew through the air, cut into my battered body and I...flew. The pain took me to new heights, heights that no one could reach without it. I soared, straight for the sun, high, so high that I sobbed in ecstasy. And then they were inside me. His c**k, ramrod hard, my legs suddenly loosed to wrap around those strong hips, drawing him in. Her leather gloved hand speared my asshole. Together they pushed, drove me beyond my limits. Deeper, oh, go deeper. Thrust, pound, take me, oh f**k, take me! ‘You’re wonderful!’ I cried. ‘You monsters! I can’t... I want... Can’t! More! f**k me more! f**k!’ His hand on my breasts. One of hers inside me, the other on the back of my neck. Both of them evoking pain pleasure pain on my psyche. Hot c*m ejected into my p***y, up, way up. I wrapped my legs tighter around him, tried to pull him in, all the way in. That c**k, that magnificent c**k, hard, hot, c*m without end, amen. And her fist that reamed my ass... And then it ended. But not before... ‘Awwww gaawwwd! Aiiiiiee! Ahhhh, ahhh, ahhhhhhh! You bastards! You beautiful bastards! Aiiiiiieee!’ I gripped the chains so hard it’s a wonder they didn’t pulverize. My head snapped back, mouth open under the mask but the only sounds that came out were incoherent, animalistic calls that only the three of us understood, our secret language of f**k, c*m and rapture. They held me, their arms pressed against my bare skin, against the marks they gifted me and I moaned. In pain, yes. And pleasure. But also because it was over. Way too soon. At last they slipped away and my useless legs dangled, unable to support my weight so I hung there, knees together, feet splayed apart, all the tension on my shoulders while my head hung forward and covered the mask in sweat drenched hair. In the darkness more sobbing, the same women as before, then a quiet order of ‘Follow’ from a male voice. Amidst a clinking of leash chains the other unseen witnesses crawled away, back through whatever portal from where they entered this dark realm. Without another word, I was released from the leather cuffs and crumpled to the floor. I saw a boot in the harsh light, and I feebly reached out, but it quickly backed away and returned to the shadows. The room’s door opened, followed by the door leading back out to the alley. I half crawled through both, slipped the mask off and threw it away into the dark. A cool breeze wafted down the alley, drying the sweat on my face and soothing the burning welts on my body, yet did nothing for the fire that still burned inside. I staggered to my feet, my dress in tatters, held up only by my arms pressed tight against the front. My panties were gone, perhaps taken as a trophy. And what did I take away from all this? My only souvenirs were the red, angry marks on the outside, and on the inside his c*m, and the absence of her hand. Surrounded by the night I glanced up and caught a patch of black sky above dark buildings with lights on here and there like stars. And like real stars they were removed, indifferent to the little dramas that played out far below. I leaned heavily against the railing and mounted the stairs. I traced my way back along the path that led me here, here to this underground dominion of pleasure and pain. I still didn’t know who I was, but maybe now I knew what I was – a masochist. And this world wasn’t new to me. I belonged here.
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