43. Appearance

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The room is beautiful. Just like I remember it. It has a nice balcony. Big bed and bath. A big couch and a table to eat at. "This is beautiful Tre." I go onto the balcony and look out at Paris. He comes out after a few minutes and wraps his arms around me from behind. "Still not as pretty as you." "I love you." "I love you too." "I'm going to go talk to the owner, baby. I want to see about food being delivered and stuff like that. Did you want to come?" "I'll c*m later. It might get awkward if I do it in front of him." He smirks and kisses my head. "I'll be back in a few minutes. I'll be down at the desk if you need anything." "Ok sir." I am so lucky to be able to see places. I'm only on the 3rd floor. This building isn't very tall, but I can see a good distance anyway. I can see down the path. I can see the waterway. I can see a big area that has a lot of painters in it. All painting different things. I can see a windmill in the distance. I can see the painter that painted our paintings. He's across the path and painting again. I can't help but laugh. The next 3 days fly by. We only go out a couple of times. We take walks and I do a little shopping. For the most part, we stay in and eat. We make love. I fall even deeper in love with him. On the morning we leave. Someone knocks on the door. I grab my underwear and a queen dress and go into the bathroom. When I come back in, Tre is going through paintings and the painter is standing there. There has to be 20 or 25 paintings. "Baby, get Dipak and Tye please. Tell Dipak to bring money." I make a door quickly. "I need Dipak and Tye. Tre said bring money." "Why babydoll?" "The painter painted more. It's like 25 or so more." Dipak raises his eyebrows. "Of you and Tre?" "I didn't go threw them." Daddy stands up. "I want to see them too." Dipak shakes his head. "Let us go get them. We'll bring them back." "Fine, but you get them all." Dipak motions for Kane and I make a door. Tre is holding a painting of me holding a towel open for him. We were on the balcony. You can only see my back and hair going down it. Tre was in front of me watching. He's got dark eyes. "Now I see why you didn't want daddy to come." "Yea, that would have been interesting." Tre nods. "There's only 2 that are only for me to keep. I'll put them in my room. The rest can go to the office. Everyone can see the paintings there." Dipak shakes his head. "No, if you want her alone, you need to pick now. Her parents are going to be all over those. You won't get any unless you move it right to your room." I step out on the balcony with Kane. "This could be awhile." After 5 minutes, I have to go back in because they're fighting over them. "BOYS. You only have so much wall space. If you want 1 for your room, then pick 1. If you share a favorite, put it in the morning room. You have a whole castle." Tye shakes his head. "I want 1 for my office too." "Did you want one in your apartment?" "Yes." "So pick your favorite 2." The boys each pick their favorite 2. "Good. That was not hard. Put those in your rooms for now." "And these 2 for the morning room." I sit by the painter and roll my eyes while the boys move them around. "Now did you want any, anywhere else in the castle?" Tre winks. "All of us got 1 dancing with you. They should go in the ballroom." Dipak picks one up. "I want this one in the king's office hallway." I'm standing on the balcony looking over Paris. I seem strong in it. I think it's the angle. Tye smiles. "Yea, she's a ruler in that one." The painter perks up. "I can get one of all of you like that. Get the room another day and stand out on the balcony. Make your eyes red for a second and I can paint them too." Tye about falls over. "Oh that would be awesome. I'll go pay for it." He runs out. Dipak fixes himself. "Yea, I'll go first. I'm already in the black." He motions at Tre. "Yours are in your room. We should do the black and red." Tre rolls his eyes. "Woman. I want you to do that one again too. But in a black dress with rubies." Tye runs back in. "Got it." Dipak grabs him as he runs by. "Go put the black stuff on. That way we do them in the same colors." He runs back out. "You could probably do a couple extra of him for his parents. I think they would like that. And he doesn't seem to mind them. Does everyone at the table have the black stuff now?" "Yes, sweetheart." "Might as well do them all like that." He nods. "Let's get us done first." "We still have to sort the rest of these. Did you want one of you, baby?" I shake my head. "I'm fine. I see me everyday." "Let's take them to my office then." "KANE. THEY HAVE STOPPED ARGUING BRIEFLY. YOU BETTER HURRY." He runs in. "Where am I taking them?" Tre cracks up laughing. "Put them in my office for now. I don't even want to try having them in Dipak's if we're going to be in and out all day." Dipak goes out with the painter and Tre gets the paintings sorted with Kane. Tye runs back in. My eyebrows shoot up. "I do love the black on you sir. You are very sexy." He smiles at me. "Dipak is out there now. You can go next. I'm going to go tell the table to get dressed in black and red. And I apparently need to get dressed in black and red too. Dipak wants me to match the paintings." "DIPAK ARE YOU DOING RED EYES?" "Yes, sweetheart." "Make sure you make your eyes red for a minute." "I love you." "I love you too." I fix his hair. Nothing is wrong with it, he's just so cute right now. I give him a little kiss. Dipak peeks in. "Get out of your cuddle bubble and go tell the table. This does not take him long. I don't want him waiting all day because we can't get dressed." "Fine. He's so cute though." 8 hours later... The painter painted everyone and some extras. Dipak's office is a mess. Paintings are everywhere. I stand up. "Thank you for doing the paintings today and for changing clothes so quickly. Let's go eat dinner. I will come up here later with Dipak and try to sort this out." "Yea, that's a good plan, sweetheart." Thora smiles. "Why did you have your mom do a painting for the hallway??" "Because people come that we don't know. We still want to keep the impression that I am the princess. So that means, my parents are king and queen. It's for appearance only." She nods. "You better watch where you put the pictures of you and boys then. If you are playing Tre's mate next time, it might be hard for him to explain why you're kissing Tye in the painting in the ballroom." Dipak rubs his eyes. "We probably should watch that. Thank you for pointing it out." Tre looks around. "I'll tell everyone she has a prince pet to match her commander pet." Everyone loses it.
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