20. Kisses

1469 Words
I wake up on Tye. I roll off him and stretch. "Good morning babydoll." He pulls me to his side. "You get enough sleep?" I jump up and go for the door. "Stop. You need your shirt baby. I don't know who's here." He puts it over my head. I give him a hug. "Thank you." Tre and Omar are in the sitting room. "Dipak said you had a bad night?" I shrug my shoulders. "Go feed the chickens." I run out the door. Marcus is coming up the path. My t-shirt is long enough. It don't matter. I run for the chickens. "Hi Marcus." He follows me. "Where is everyone?" "They are in the house. I have to feed the chickens." "This is a fancy chicken coop." "Dipak made it, so they wouldn't get out. They still get out sometimes." He chuckles. "They are annoying." We go back to the house and the boys are talking with Omar. "Go take a bath. I'll get your clothes ready, baby." I float until Tye comes in 30 minutes later. "What are you doing?" "Floating." "You have to wash." I shake my head. Tre comes into the doorway. "You have to wash your hair. You can't float all day." I sink to the bottom. They go away, and I float until I get cold. Then I drain the bath and refill it. Tye comes in and feels the water. "Did you refill the bath?" I giggle. "Do I have to come in there and wash your hair?" "No. I want to float." "Babydoll, you need to wash." "Float." "Good ..." I sink. He leaves and I go back to floating. Then he comes back and shuts the door. He takes off his clothes and climbs in with me. I like looking at him. He puts his eyebrow up. "What?" "Nothing. Come here and let me wash your hair." I cuddle him. I love touching him. He washes me and my hair. Then I wash him and his hair. I take my time. I love touching him. I rub the oil all over him. His eyes are dark. His d**k is hard. I rub it with oil. It takes me a few minutes but I get him to c*m for me. He acts guilty. I cuddle up beside him. "Good girls get cum." I wiggle around. "I'm cold." I drain the bath and try to refill it. "No, it's time to get out babydoll." I shake my head and hit the lever to refill it. "If my good girl wants kisses, you have to get out." "I want kisses here." "If I give you kisses will you get out?" "Yes." "Come here." I wiggle onto his lap. Then I kiss him. "You like kissing, don't you?" I smile. He kisses my head, cheeks, lips, then he moves to my neck. He hits my marking spot a couple of times and it feels good. I straddle him. Then he kisses my boobs. "I love your kisses." He sits me on the side of the bath. Then he kisses my stomach. "You like these kisses?" "Yes." "What about here?" He moves to my inner thighs. "Yes please." He trails them right up to my p***y and starts kissing it. "How about these?" "Tye yes" I lay back and spread my legs more. "I love kissing this baby." "TYE" "Good girl. c*m for me." He circles my clit with his tongue. "OH TYE" The pressure shoots right through me. "OH GOD YES" I grab onto his arms. There's nothing else to grab on to. "TYE" He keeps licking and kissing after I'm done. Then he pulls me down into the bath and holds me. "You ok babydoll?" "Those are the best kisses." He chuckles. "Let's get out babydoll. You need to eat something. It's nearly lunch." "But I want to float." He lifts his eyebrows at me. "I'll get out." After we get dry and dressed, Tre is outside cooking fish. I sit down and Tye messes with the vegetables. Marcus and Omar sit across from me. "You have fun painting?" "Yes a lot." "Do you feel like those eyes are watching you?" "Yes." "You know, I didn't think about it before. But this might have something to do with the magician. He put circles on the beds. I mean, that's a huge invasion of privacy. In a way, she was being watched while she was in bed." Marcus nods. "And I know he's been killed. But was that ever proven to Nadine? Did she get to see him dead?" "No and no. That wasn't going to happen. The 3 of us seen. That's enough." "Maybe not for her. If you hadn't seen it, would you question it? Either of you? And she saw her brother afterward correct?" "I fixed his clothes. I closed his eyes. I said goodbye to my baby brother." "Have you been back?" I shake my head at Marcus. "Do you want to?" "Yes." "Why?" "I want to understand." "Going back to the spot he was killed will not help you to understand his life." "I want to." Marcus nods. "Day trip? She's trying to find closure for something." "Yea that's fine." "I want to go back to the cave." Omar sits up. "Why?" "I lost something." "What?" "I don't know." Tre motions at Tye. "Go tell Dipak we're taking a day trip to a cave." Omar nods. "Tell Dipak or Kane to go. I'll have them conjure me a door when they get there." "Tell them to give us an hour. We still need to feed her and get her to eat." I jump up and stomp my feet. "NO. I WANT TO GO TO THE..." Tye clears his throat. "Never mind I'm hungry." I sit back down. Tre laughs. "I don't want to know. Maybe only a half hour though." Tye flies off. Marcus smiles. "What do you think you lost?" "I don't know. Something is missing. Something isn't right." "You think you'll figure it out there?" "I don't know." Tre turns to me. "What do good girls get?" He seems a little mad. I smile at him. Then I giggle. Tye, Dipak, and Kane land. Marcus smirks. "I see why she behaves for him." Dipak comes over. "What's going on? Behaves for who?" "Tye." "Why does she behave for you?" Tre shakes his head. "Ask her what good girls get now." I giggle. "Are you f*****g serious?" Then Dipak punches Tye in the nose. "As messed up as she's acting. You're going to take advantage of her?" Omar stands up. "Actually. It doesn't hurt anything. They're still mates. As long as she's not forced or coerced, there's nothing wrong. To withhold s*x would mess her up though. It would make her feel like she's not loved. Her needs are very basic when she's like this." I giggle. "I took advantage of him." "How in the hell did you take advantage of him?" "Oil." The 3 of them laugh. "Yea, that'll do it. Sorry I punched you in the face." "It's fine. I felt guilty as hell afterward. But she finally got out of the bath. She was in there for 3 hours." Tre nods. "Her record is 6 hours." "She had to stop for dinner, then after dinner she went back to the bath." I stretch. "I had the servants bringing me fruit and warm water all day." "Your mom was so pissed that day, sweetheart." "Yes she was. She tried to get daddy to yell at me. Then he refused." Tre puts a huge plate of fish down. Then Tye puts a bunch of clean peppers beside them. Tye sits beside me and gets me a plate. "Eat all of it please." Everyone starts eating. "Then I'll be a good girl?" I put some in my mouth. Him and Marcus laugh. Omar rolls his eyes. "At least she listens to one of you really well now." Marcus looks at Tye. "She's going to be following you around trying to help with everything." Tye kisses my head. "I like help." I lay my head on his shoulder. He's so sweet. I eat about half my food, and I am stuffed. I turn to the chickens. "What is that?" My boys check. I dump the rest of my plate on Dipaks. "What babydoll?" "It looked like a chicken." "That is a chicken coop sweetheart." I nod. Dipak gives me the side eye. I plop my head on Tye. "I'm a good girl." "Yea you are. You want some more?" I shake my head. Tye looks around. "What?" "If she wants more, she can pick off my plate. I got to much, apparently." We finish eating. "One of you summon me a door. I'll come straight there." Off we go.
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