Chapter 3

1998 Words
Chapter 3Bart left around two o’clock, and like he promised, he left fifty dollars on the dresser. When he turned to say goodbye at the door, I realized how good-looking he was. It sorta surprised me, noticing something like that. I slept like a rock for the rest of the night. After my morning shower I waited to put my clothes on until I heard the maids gossiping outside the door, but it was another girl, and she didn’t seem interested. Disappointed, I dressed and went out to find something to eat while they cleaned up the room. It was way too early for the powwow, so I bought a sports magazine and went back to the motel. When the telephone rung five minutes later, I thought it was Bart, and my stomach did a little flip-flop, but it was the front desk asking if I was staying another night. I’d need a place for my girl tonight, and I was damned well gonna to find me one, so I said yes. I wondered about my reaction when I thought it was Bart, but shrugged it off as wanting somebody to talk to. It happened again when he called fifteen minutes later. “Buy you lunch,” he offered when I answered. “I’m gonna get fat around you.” “No, you’re not. It takes a lot of calories to feed all that equipment. About an hour, okay? I’ll park in front of your room and honk.” “Okay, but—” I started to tell him I’d eat already, but he took me wrong. “Yeah, I know that’s after checkout time. Call the front desk and tell them you’re staying over. Pay for it, and I’ll reimburse you.” So I went up front, paid for the night, and went back to read until he showed up. In forty-five minutes, I heard his horn. “Any trouble about the room?” he asked as I got in the Buick. He gave me the money to cover it, putting me up about forty-four bucks after paying for breakfast and the magazine. Bart made small talk while we ate, but after we cleaned up big pieces of cherry pie, he leveled his gray eyes at me, and I knew what was coming. “Charlie, I’ve been thinking about last night and decided it was better than we gave it credit for. I want to do it again to see if I’m right.” “Aw, Bart.” “Was it so bad?” “Not too bad, but if it’d been some queer p***y trying that s**t, I’d of…” “I know, you’d knock his block off. I understand, Charlie. But I’m not some queer p***y…not the way you mean it, but damned if I’m not queer for you.” “Don’t say that!” I looked around to see if anybody heard. “Look, I want to try it again. I need to know if it really was as great as I think, or it was just because it was the first time.” When I didn’t say nothing, he smiled. “Thanks, I knew you’d understand.” I ain’t sure what was going on in my own head, but I went along, and just like the night before, he took as much as he could, got over his gagging and heaving, and settled down to sliding up and down me. It didn’t take long. Before I really wanted to, I lost it, squeezing his waist with my legs like I was trying to wring the last drop out of my balls. He stayed down on me till I was done. Then he started in on me to do him. After some hassling, I sucked on his n*****s and licked his chest down to his belly button, but that’s as far as I’d go. I came up and grabbed him in my hand. He groaned in pleasure when I worked his thing up and down kinda slow and easy. Might as well give the guy as good a time as I could. Before long, his body stiffened. Suddenly, he pulled me over on top of him with my head in his shoulder and started f*****g my fist to carry himself through his climax. When it was over, I laid there on top of him until he let me go. “Charlie,” he said, kinda shaky like, “that was sensational! The first time wasn’t a fluke. I could turn queer for you, you sexy son of a b***h!” “Aw, don’t talk like that,” I said, but somehow, it give me a weird feeling down inside, and not no bad weird feeling, neither. The idea I could turn somebody like him on sparked a nerve somewhere. He pestered me for an address, so I told him he could write me at general delivery if he didn’t put nothing freaky in a letter. He gave me his address and telephone number, which I stuffed in my wallet. When we was both dressed, he laid five tens on the dresser. “You don’t have to do that,” I said. “Hey, man, I want to. Will this give you enough to take a bus back home?” I shrugged. I didn’t have any idea what a bus would cost. He laid two twenties on top of the other bills. “This isn’t for booze. Take a bus, okay? Promise?” To satisfy him, I put the twenties away in a compartment of my shabby old billfold so they wouldn’t get mixed up with the partying money. Just before he opened the door to leave, he turned back and surprised me. He leaned down and kissed me before I knew what he was up to. I came within an inch of slamming him in the gut, but I stood and took it. He nuzzled my lips apart, and his tongue touched mine before he pulled away. He put my hand over his crotch, winked at me, and left. I flopped down on the bed in a daze. What the hell had happened? When I said I was starting off for new territory, I sure as s**t didn’t mean nothing like this! I thought back over the last two days and decided I would still knock the block off of that John faggot, but it was okay with Bart because he wasn’t no pansy. Did that hold water? s**t, Bart sucked me off like that queer…twice. He put his mouth on me just about everywhere. He talked me into touching him with my hands and mouth. And he kissed me. What did a queer do that he hadn’t? Figuring he lied, I got boiling mad. The fucker took advantage of me! s**t, I wasn’t queer for him or nobody else. My mood almost made me mess up the rest of the day. When I got out to the powwow, it was like I had a big chip on my shoulder. A couple of guys helped me out with it. The fistfight I got in with one back where the bootlegger did business was over too fast. The guy quit too easy. I didn’t really get my mad worked out. Managed to goad another dude into a fight, but when I started getting the best of him, he pulled a knife. I was mad, but I wasn’t no fool, so I called him every kind of a coward I could think of and walked off all stiff-legged right into the arms of a woman I’d noticed watching us. The fact I was mad at the world didn’t put her off none. She was a Pueblo from Arizona, I think, and wore so much turquoise and silver on her bright green and blue sateen skirt and blouse that she clanked when she walked. She was older, probably in her thirties, but I turned her on something fierce. She hardly even let me get a buzz on before she hauled me back to my motel and yanked off all our clothes. She went wild when she saw my c**k, and acted like she hit the mother lode. She did it sitting on top of me, and then with me on top. I woke up in the middle of the night and took her from behind—I think I got it in the right place—and in the morning we had another round. * * * * Turquoise Woman ended up driving me back to my house on the rez and hanging around for a week, but by then I didn’t care if she was feeding me twenty dollar bills every day, I was tired of her. She claimed she had enough money so I wouldn’t ever have to work, and wanted me to go back to Arizona and marry her. Said nobody ever did it as good as I did. She carried on over my c**k like it was a piece of jewelry. And that woman liked big jewelry! She wouldn’t listen when I said it was over. She just kept hanging on, trying to get me to go to Arizona with her. When she showed up at the house one day out of the blue, I shoved my Uncle Jim out the door and made him tell her I wasn’t there. Stupid son of a b***h offered to screw her. I couldn’t go anywhere that she didn’t show up sooner or later. One day, I was down at the grocery store-cafe-gas station-post office that we called the Village and ran into my cousin. He’s not really my cousin, it’s just that since grade school everybody said we looked like brothers. His name was Daniel Warhorse, and he was about a year older’n me. We was built alike, and he did look some like me. That was good because Daniel was a real handsome guy. A bachelor, he lived clear out in the boonies on the other side of the reservation with his folks, but he wasn’t around much because he worked for some logging outfit. They went up to the woods where they cut and stayed a couple of weeks before coming back home for a few days. We got to talking, bringing each other up to date and all. I always liked Daniel. I’d of made him into my best buddy if he was around enough. He didn’t drink as much as me, but that didn’t matter because he didn’t have to get drunk to be fun. He said there was an opening on the logging crew he was working with, but I wasn’t interested and wouldn’t of said nothing, except Turquoise Woman’s truck pulled up to the gas pump just about that time. “You think I could get a job with them?” I asked. Well, it was a way to get shut of her, wasn’t it? I could work a week and then quit and come back home. “Sure. If I vouch for you, they’ll take you on. Unless they hired somebody already.” “I don’t have no way to get up there.” “You can ride with me.” He paused a moment, and I could tell he was embarrassed. “You sure you want a job, Charlie? It’s hard work, and you need enough money to stake yourself until payday.” “How much would that be?” I asked, one eye on Auntie Turquoise, that’s what she reminded me of, somebody’s busybody aunt who liked to screw. “Well, you can share my motel room; we’d go half each. That and eating money…I’d say a couple of hundred.” “s**t, can you make that much back?” “Oh yeah, easy. Pay’s real good.” “Okay,” I said as Auntie Turquoise come through the door to pay for her gasoline. “I got that much. When do we leave?” “About six this evening. Be out on the highway in front of your place.” He looked at me closely. “You sure about this?” “I’m sure.” I did some quick thinking. I hadn’t spent none of the money I brought back from Flynn’s Corners, and Auntie Turquoise had been generous. I had damned near three hundred tucked away, more money than I ever seen before, and enough to cover everything. “Yeah, real sure.” She spotted me right away, so I said goodbye to Daniel and sauntered over to her. Might as well have one more good session now I had a way to get rid of her. It turned out to be two.
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