
408 Words
PrologueA key in the door brought him half awake. It looked like morning on the other side of his lids. He blinked and rubbed his crusted eyes. A maid entered, gasped, and backed out quickly. The light from the doorway before she shut it behind her like to of turned him blind. He looked down at himself. Nekked. His mouth was dry. Hard to swallow. Head throbbed. Man, musta been some drunk. Wished he could remember more of it. Where the hell was he, anyway? Despite the headache, he tried to remember. Something about passing out and getting left behind. Started walking. Caught a ride. Yeah, that was it. Some white dude gave him a ride to town. The guy had a motel room where they could sack out for the night. They’d shared a bottle before the lights went out. Suddenly he bolted straight up on the mattress. Son of a b***h! He remembered coming awake creaming in the bastard’s mouth! Then what? s**t, he’d passed out again. He scrambled out of bed, but the guy was gone. Cleared out. The dude had left a message and a couple of twenties. He got pissed off again reading the note. You were wonderful. I’ve never had an experience like last night before, and I’ve had a few in my life. You don’t run into many your age who are uncircumcised these days. You’ve got something to be proud of there. So young, and yet so well-endowed. It must have been good for you because you ended up whooping and hollering. I hope you don’t mind, but I used your leg after that wonderful experience. I tried to do it again for you this morning, but you didn’t get hard, so I just stood beside the bed looking at your angel face and hunky body while I took care of myself. Hope I meet you again someday. I left a little something for you in gratitude. I also paid another day on the room in case you wake up after checkout time. So you have the room for another night if you want it. Wish I could be here with you. John He tossed the note aside. The fucker’d bought and paid for him. Used him like a w***e. Skin crawling, he rushed to the shower, lathering up and scrubbing so hard his skin was raw. Then he stood under the pelting water, drawing a breath that was almost a sob. Crap! He wasn’t a f*****g queer.
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