Chapter Twenty-Three: Fenwildre

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Finally, Brenna completed the task of blessing all the weapons, despite feeling as if she would pass out. Between the battle last-night and blessing the weapons today, she was exhausted. Even so, she would not allow herself to relax, so the Neeri decided to explore their new home. Far too much had happened in a relatively short time, to even think about rest. Some wildflowers were growing a short distance away from Brenna's tent. Their bright yellows, and vivid blues seemed misplaced within the otherwise drab surroundings of the swamp. The Neeri walked over to the flowers, which were gently waving in a breeze. Their blossoms were so delicate and beautiful to behold, mere wisps of color in this nightmarish land. "Brenna." A gentle voice spoke her name within her mind. Before her, appeared a broad road of flat multi-colored stones, which curved and disappeared to the right in the misty distance. "Before you, stands the Main Gates of the Sanctuary of the Living Waters. Within lays your destiny. You must have uncommon faith and courage, to enter these hallowed grounds." Brenna vaguely heard someone breathing hard, coupled with the sound of running booted feet. The Neeri looked down and saw she had stepped into the marsh, with her left foot. Immediately, her right foot followed, as someone called her name. "Strange, I feel no distress at all," Brenna thought as the mists closed around her. The Great Black Swamp vanished from around the Neeri and was replaced by the visions in her dreams. The beauty of it took her breath away. Great trees grew on either side of the road she stood upon. Among their immense trunks, were the brightly colored wildflowers in her dreams. Before her, appeared a road of flat multi-colored stones, which curved and disappeared into the misty distance. Before Brenna stood an immense stone wall of cemented joints and massive squared stones. Enormous gates inlaid with glowing silvery-blue runes towered impressively above her. The sun was pleasantly warm, and there was no hint of a breeze to be found. In front of the gates stood a man taller than her, who was smiling pleasantly. He had reddish-brown hair and a full beard. He wore dark-brown breeches and a tan long-sleeved jerkin. In his right hand, stood a finely polished anaya wood staff, upon which sat a watery-blue stone. "Welcome sister, I am Fenwildre, guardian of the sanctuary. I suppose you have many questions for me. I also have a few of my own, which will allow me to set things in order." "Yes, what is this place?" Brenna asked excitedly. Inside, she already knew, but she wanted to hear it spoken out loud anyways. "I believe you already know the answer to your question. You stand in front of the Gates of the Sanctuary of the Living Waters," Fenwilder replied. Brenna reached into a bag tied at her waist for the key, which she showed Fenwildre. Her hands were trembling with excitement, she had trouble holding it. "Well, this answers one of the questions I was going to ask you. The second question I must ask, is, where is your kindred brother? Without him, we really are at an impasse," Fenwildre stood patiently waiting while pleasantly smiling. "He is with the others who traveled here with me." "Then, as the guardian of the sanctuary, I welcome you and your companions. Please bring your friends in, Brenna. It is time to set-aside the tragedies and despair of the old age and rise to meet the dawn of a new one," Fenwildre smiled and made a sweeping gesture with both of his arms. Brenna reappeared amidst a great outcry. Many of the men had been distraught and were shocked with her disappearance. Others had been pacing to and fro along the great bog's edge with weapons drawn and were ready to attack. With a loud cry, Changa picked her up and gave her a big hug. He set her down after a moment, while calling for the others. Then he looked at her sternly. "You have some explaining to do, Missy." "Where have you been? When I saw you last, you were walking into the swamp. I ran as fast as I could to reach you," Donovan said. He shakily wiped his brow with a gloved hand. "Just before I could grab you, you vanished. We could find no trace of you anywhere." "I found it!" Brenna exclaimed excitedly. "You found what?" Prince Everin asked her, while looking at her strangely. "I found the Sanctuary of the Living Waters!" "Where? All I see, is the same festering swamp which has been here since we arrived," Sir Alfred scowled, while looking around. "Are you feeling alright, Brenna?" Girard asked, with a voice filled with concern. "WHATEVER, ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? THERE IS NOTHING HERE BUT THE GREAT BLACK THORN SWAMP," Prince Donovan shouted in irritation. "Donovan, I am asking you to trust me. Fenwildre told me to bring all of you inside. Just trust me," Brenna answered back. "Who is Fenwildre?" Donovan was looking at her curiously, while scratching his head. "Tell the men to follow us. Fenwildre is the Keeper of the Sanctuary of the Living Waters and he told me to bring all of you in. We will no longer have to worry about another pending attack, while we are camped inside," Brenna explained carefully. "It appears, as if Brenna has lost her mind. Too many threats, and far too much has happened of late, for her to keep her wits about her. I suppose it was bound to happen, sooner or later, what with all the death, and we have yet to find any proof the Sanctuary still exists," Prince Everin commented. The Chand Prince attempted to hold Brenna close, to comfort her, which she shrugged off and immediately slammed the base of her staff into the black soil at her feet. The stone which crowned her staff flashed brightly, as silvery-blue light flashed from her eyes. Brenna was tired, angry, and was quickly losing patience with all concerned. "WILL ALL OF YOU JUST SHUT-UP, AND LISTEN TO ME? I HAVE FOUND THE SANCTUARY, I TELL YOU!" Brenna said irritably. The air boomed with the power of Brenna's voice, which instantly cowed everyone standing around her. Indeed, everyone was wide-eyed and had stepped back a step, holding their hands open in front of them, to fend off her attack. From the small crowd of her friends and allies, Girard stepped, holding his hands out, "Easy Brenna, you're among friends here. It's evident something important has happened, we just need a little time to understand what, and prepare for what has occurred." "Listen to Brenna, she acts as if she has found something. After all we have been through, I am willing to have a little faith," Morgan said to one and all. Celete stood beside Morgan and nodded her head in agreement. "We have searched for days and have not fathomed the riddle revealing the sanctuary. Perhaps, it was deliberately hidden. I believe I would listen to Brenna, as she seems to have discovered something." Brenna began to explain what had happened, even managing a thin smile as all stood still, her friends and allies gathered around her. The looks upon her friends and comrades' faces were composed of disbelief, wonder, awe, and finally no small amount of fear. With a sigh, the Neeri knew what she now faced' was no small task, yet she would see it through.
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