Chapter Fourteen: Strategic Withdrawal

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After nightfall, the bright cheery flames helped to raise Donovan's spirits, even as the fire's warmth helped ease the stiffening of his tired body. Though his friends were seated around the fire, he felt restless, and needed to take a walk. He walked down towards the brook below, with cleaner clothing in hand. After the battle, the forest appeared to be unnaturally quiet, save for a distant pair of owls. His mind, however, was another matter. For, through it coursed their plight, the planned defense of Kandalare, and the survival of the alliance. Etria had been sacrificed, to deny the enemy the privilege of pillaging its vast stockpiles of food and supplies. Donovan knew instantly, Maska had made a wise choice. General Anktar's great army must be in dire need of the food and supplies they were taking to Kandalar. Victories, whether large or small, needed to be taken when they came your way. Within Donovan, despair sought to destroy all sense of hope and joy. He knew the feelings of doom and gloom was as crippling as any blade the enemy wielded. His avowed foe had struck coldly and was threatening many of the things he cherished. It was now up to him to rally against the feelings of anguish and show the quality of his character. The Great Goddess Elliana had chosen Donovan to lead her armies during this war. She had evidently done this, because she saw within him the strengths and abilities which were needed. Her confidence in him spoke as some long-lost tongue, it was deciphered a word at a time. In time they would learn, what she planned, for the Great Lady never revealed more than a measured amount as it was needed. Tonight, the air was pleasantly cool, the stars had never seemed so magnificent before, they shone as diamonds upon black cloth. with no trace of a breeze to be had, the weather was balmy. Here and there, lightning bugs winked on and off, their green lights blinked continuously. As if each was reminding him, some things remained the same. Donovan longed to return to those simpler days, for then the reality of darkness had not raised it dark head. Etria had fallen, yet not everything had changed. It was a setback to be sure, but basically all the parts of the game were still in play. Donovan slowly walked down the hill, along the side of the bluff which overlooked the clear, strong flowing brook below. The vision of a small child handing him a cold cup of well water filled his mind once more. Her family, pleasant and smiling, anchored him to the here and now. There were many families for whom he had ridden this far. They deserved a life not fraught with danger at every turn, he would fight to give them that. Taking a deep breath, Donovan relished the coolness of its touch, knowing Elliana had meant for it to be this way. It had been long ago, it seemed, since his life had been carefree and filled with the wonders of youth. Where had all the sand in the hourglass went? Was all of it gone forever? Quietly, Donovan walked down to the brook which flowed into a large pool. It lay within the shelter of some trees, which hid him from the camp above. Calmly, he placed his weapons, gear and cleaner clothing on the ground beside him. He already knew no danger was near. On bended knee, Prince Donovan cupped a hand and brought it filled with water to his lips. He drank repeatedly, until he had his fill, while savoring its cold refreshing taste. With both hands, he began washing his face, while immersing his head in the stream. Without pause, Donovan began to bathe and wash off the dirt and grime covering him. The coolness of the water in his hair invigorated him. He continued, until he could find no further trace of dirt on his body. Though tired, he now felt much better, as he redressed. After donning his equipment, he began to follow the brook towards camp. The ruddy glow of the campfires above played upon the foliage of the trees upon the hill. Donovan stopped, while noting the glow of the moon upon the surface of the brook. It looked calm and peaceful even though a battle had raged there earlier. Within him, stirred a great sense of understanding. All of them had a great deal to be thankful for. He knelt to pray. "Oh, Great Elliana, you know all things, and I am but a mortal man," Donovan said out loud. From above, came a noise, making him look up to where many now knelt, praying to Elliana as well. Prince Donovan looked up at them and realized they looked to him for guidance on how to proceed. Everyone above him repeated what he had just said, speaking as one. "My body you formed from the soil, and with a breath, you breathed life within into my still form. Thou created water, and it flows through my body, giving me life. Your warmth fills me and keeps death at bay. Within my mind, is the wisdom which you gave me, to enable me to choose light over darkness." Above him, all repeated every word Donovan said. They had not been defeated, they still stood ready to continue. Prince Donovan felt the threatening shadows of despair within him retreat, as his inner strength returned. "Though my body is mere flesh, I stand ready to fight for all you have given me. For through you, life was given freely, to allow us to know peace. I answer your call, Elliana. Freely, I stand here as a man, and swear by all you have made holy, your dream shall be renewed." Donovan pulled his sword free from its scabbard and held it high before him, before completing the rest of the prayer. "By my blood, flesh, and bone. I, a warrior, pledge alone, my life to thee! Great Elliana grant me this task. Give me strength and let me in your light bask. For, upon this land I fight, with all my strength and might. That when my time has come, I shall die free!" The combined voices of everyone above him, echoed loudly throughout the forest. He turned to face everyone who looked down at him, with a renewed sense of pride and purpose. He would lead these men against Bemenah, and proudly if it was deemed necessary, he would die for them. Here, stood men and women who fought, because they believed in a better life and would relinquish this belief to no one. Bemenah may have triumphed in eventually forcing them to evacuate Etria, yet he had not prevailed in the battle to destroy their morale. Returning to the top of the hill, Donovan was confronted by Anna, who stood quietly beside Aberith. Both waited patiently for him to regain his footing. "What can you tell me of the sanctuary?" Prince Donovan asked Anna. "Every time I try to view the sanctuary, I am confronted by a pair of beautiful massive gates. The Great Mother has hidden from me, what lays within," Anna answered softly. "Elliana does like her secrets, doesn't she? What else can you tell me?" Donovan asked, pressing for any answers she might have. "All of us must gird ourselves for battle, Prince Donovan. Great evil will march to battle against all who seek the sanctuary. Bemenah seeks to stop you from reaching the hallowed gates. In a battle between light, darkness, and shadow, it shall be decided if you will enter the sanctuary," Anna said solemnly, before walking away. "'In a battle between light, darkness, and shadow, it shall be decided if we will enter the Sanctuary?'" Donovan asked out loud. "What does it mean, I do not understand?" asked Morgan, while looking mystified. "I have no idea," Donovan answered her. Deep inside, he knew nothing yet, had been determined. "Even the darkest depths, could be illuminated by the tiniest ray of light. Yes, foul dark lord, I know you seek to destroy us, but we bear the light of truth onward!" Within Prince Donovan's being a brilliant bright white torch exploded, which drove away all encroaching shadows. Soon, he would stand within the hallowed grounds of the Sanctuary of the Living Waters, and the evil darkness would feel the might of his wrath. Their army was gaining in strength and was giving them great flexibility. That would allow them to adapt to changing conditions and respond vastly faster. Somehow, he felt the pieces lock into place, in a way that made the whole vastly stronger. Defiantly, he stared at the overcast sky, and openly defied Bemenah. Yes, we are coming, and you will not find us wanting. The light would illuminate every corner of Aederan, and that light would offer no place for darkness to survive, Donovan vowed.
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