Chapter Twenty-Six: A Reprieve

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Before them, a road of smooth white stone led down from the hill, upon which they were standing and vanished into the distance. About them, to either side, great trees towered into the sky with massive boughs outstretched. The site made Morgan yearn for the forests back home, back when there was time to enjoy being outdoors. Evening was beginning to draw near, for the sky was beginning to darken, save for the stars twinkling above. There was little light, other than periodic delicate golden gleaming lanterns spaced regularly along the road's length before them. "Prince Everin, please set camp within these walls. I believe you will find everything you need here." Fenwildre walked over to a tree, picked an apple with a yellowish skin and a slight reddish blush and tossed it to Anna. Biting into it, the small prophet looked at all of them, while smiling, as some juice ran down her chin. The sight reminded Morgan of how hungry she was. In a rush, she found herself standing beneath the same tree trying to decide which apple to pick. They all looked tempting, she finally picked one at random unable to resist any longer. As the princess happily ate the apple, she decided no apple had ever tasted this good before. Each delicious bite filled her mouth with a burst of juicy sweetness. The taste brought back memories of lazy days spent as a youth in the orchards back home. It all seemed long ago now, for much had changed. "Princess Morgan … catch. This tree has these," Anna said. She tossed a round object to her. In the torchlight, she looked down upon a reddish-purple plum in her hand. Morgan looked around in amazement, as she continued to eat. The last of the wounded, transferred from camp, were being bathed, as their dressings were changed. From what Morgan saw, many looked as if they would not last through the night, it would not be long before gangrene would set-in, and with it, eventual death. The sight was sickening and was almost more than she could bear yet she helped where she could. It was only after the last tent had been setup and a few fires had been built, that Morgan finally allowed herself to relax. The ordeal of the last day or two, had taken too much out of all of them. Despite the fact they now stood within the sanctuary, she still found herself listening for any sounds of an impending attack. "We must be ever vigilant, for the enemy is ever watchful, and always seems within reach." Then she would shake her head, and realize they were for the present, truly safe. Within the sanctuary this night, rested Dreena, Chand, Centaur, and humans. Here and there, Morgan could hear one of the wounded moan out loud in pain, while their needs were tended to. Fenwildre approached, bearing a large bowl of small curious golden-yellow fruits which appeared to have an inner radiance. He handed the bowl to Donovan with a smile, who picked one up and inspected it. "What are they?" "They are called Amafruit and they are known to only come from one place, which is this sanctuary. Their effects, combined with being within these hallowed walls, will greatly aid in your men's recovery. Only one or two is required." Fenwildre said quietly. "I thank you for your kindness," Donovan said with a smile. Moments later, he popped the gleaming orb into his mouth and Morgan saw his eyes close. For a few moments, Prince Donovan sat there quietly, as a smile formed upon his lips. He opened his eyes and looked at her. "Incredible—I can already feel its affects." "You are most welcome," Fenwildre said with a gentle chuckle, before making his rounds and speaking to them all. Between the effects of the amafruit and the guardian of the sanctuary's contagious kind spirit, Morgan saw many smiles forming. "We have just arrived at the Sanctuary of the Living Waters, and yet it's as if we have arrived home. My weary body and mind have gladly set aside my fears, doubts, and painful memories. In their place I feel a sense of hope growing and realize this isn't our end; it is but a new beginning for all of us." Without hesitation, Morgan reached for the bowl and rose to her feet. Inside her burst a wellspring of hope, which for a few moments made her giddy, as her eyesight tearfully blurred. Immediately, she walked over to a severely wounded soldier and knelt beside him. The man could barely muster the strength to open his eyes. He looked at her, then at the bowl in her hands. "These are called amafruit and they will help heal you. You must eat a couple of them and then rest." The man nodded and with Morgan's assistance, he raised his head. Weakly, he opened his mouth for Morgan to place the small fruit upon his tongue. Whatever the small fruit were, they must be delicious, for a look of pleasure and a small trace of a smile appeared. Morgan quickly placed a second of the fruit within his mouth and eased his head back down on the folded blanket. Upon seeing Morgan caring for the grievously wounded soldier, many others came to assist. Before long, all the wounded had been similarly treated. Strange, the bowl of fruit never seemed to empty. There was more than enough to treat the wounded and for each of them, to eat one also. Celete stepped forward and stood waiting for a minute. Morgan paused, then remembered the Dreena also had wounded. She raised the bowl with a smile, as the Dreena Battle Priestess took a double handful of the small fruit. "Thank you Sister." In moments, she too was passing them among her own people. Morgan placed one of the small, plump fruit in her mouth and bit into it. Her mouth was instantly filled with a sweet tangy flavor, which she could not readily identify. It tasted of berry and apple, with a touch of spice. Almost immediately, a rush began to course through her body, filling her with warmth and a feeling of well-being. The amafruit in a matter of a minute, had managed to ease her fears and alter her mood. Donovan joined her, with a small assortment of fruit in his hands. He sat down beside Morgan and handed an apple and a pear to her. "Exactly, what happened?" Donovan asked Brenna, who seated herself beside him. "I was walking towards the portion of land, which extends the furthest into the swamp, when three things happened. In my mind, a voice called me by name. It told me that the sanctuary awaited my arrival and I needed to have uncommon faith to gain access to its gates," Brenna said. "Before me, there appeared a stone road which led into a mist and then I was stepping into muck." "This was due to an enchantment which has long awaited your, or Prince Donovan's approach. The spell temporarily took control of your mind and body," Fenwildre commented while laughing lightly. "If I might ask, how did you survive all these years by yourself in here?" Prince Everin asked, while polishing an apple upon his sleeve, which he then bit into its juicy flesh, with obvious relish. "One of the wards, which was placed upon the sanctuary and all it contains, is in effect, a time-lock. Within the hallowed walls of these surroundings, time has no meaning," Fenwildre explained. "When I accepted the heavy responsibility of guarding the sanctuary, I knew everything outside these grounds would never be the same. I have not aged a day, since when I first entered the gates." "All of those years, spent alone?" Morgan stared quietly at Fenwildre. "During, those thousands of years which have passed, I slept within the embrace of a protective enchantment. When I was awakened, I was scarcely alone," Fenwildre answered jovially. "For the sanctuary is maintained by the Fetwyn, whom I believe you have met, before. You may come out now, my friends," The guardian said to the air around them. The air wavered momentarily, and many men, women, and children appeared, standing around them. "These are Fetwyn? The ones I know of, wear brightly-polished armor and ride snow-white steeds," Brenna exclaimed breathlessly. "It is how those who are serving as protectors appear, beyond the walls of the sanctuary. Outside, the Fetwyn and their steeds wear armor, which bears runes and is also enchanted to enable them to combat all forms of evil. They protect and maintain the hallowed grounds of the sanctuary and a few other places of the light which still exist," Fenwildre explained. "Are they alive?" Girard asked curiously, while staring at several Fetwyn, who were gathering around them. "It depends on your definition of life. They exist, as you exist. The Fetwyn are embodied spiritual forms, which are deeply tied to the land and all which grows upon it," Fenwildre carefully explained. "Their existence depends on the land remaining untainted by the forces of darkness. They have taken this form, to set your minds at ease." The rest of the evening was spent chatting with their many new friends around the fire. It was in the wee hours of the morning before Donovan and Morgan finally decided to call it a day and went to bed. Lying still, with Donovan's arm wrapped around her, sleep came quickly to her and was filled with dreams of home.
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