Chapter Three: The Grand Assembly

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That evening, despite the fact he was about to enjoy a great banquet this evening, Donovan was anxious to quickly get it over with. They needed to complete the quest and return with whatever assistance they could gain from their new friends. He took a deep breath, while attempting to push those thoughts to the back of his mind, while he was being guided to his seat. All of them were dressed in rich finery, as befitted the occasion, courtesy of King Osenth and Queen Etwenay. They would wear no traveling clothes this night. The Great Hall was truly massive in size, with walls of tightly cemented stone, which supported huge arcing wooden beams high above them. The great squared timbers joined a center beam which was truly massive in scale. One entire end of the hall consisted of a split-stone fireplace, within which, roared warm cheery fires. Huge ornately carved tables placed end to end, extended along both sides of the length of the Great Hall. They were arranged, to allow those who were seated to face the center of the hall, with their backs facing the walls. The other end of the hall, consisted of cooking fire pits where oxen, pigs, fish, and assorted fowl were being carefully roasted by a small army of cooks. The delightful aromas filling the air, made Donovan's mouth water in anticipation of the coming banquet. Each table was laden with platters of fruit, nuts, along with various small cakes and breads. Young cheerful men and women were busily tending each table, filling every goblet, according to the desires of those seated there. After a lengthy wait, everyone was finally seated in their respective seats. Aberith stepped into the center of the Great Hall. He held his hands up before him, asking for silence. "For those who are newcomers to our country, I am known as Aberith, a practitioner of the arcane arts. When I was but a small child, an elder spoke of an old legend, concerning an elderly woman, a seer who had a prophetic vision." "'From the corrupted might of the Dark One, an evil army shall rise and march to conquer the world. In numbers uncounted, they are defilers of life, destroyers of many flags unfurled. From the East shall come forth a girl child, filled with the Great Mother's Light. Beside her shall ride one not yet king, a leader born who shall wield the Great Mother's might. A great alliance reborn shall march forth and fight, hope rekindled to end evil's cold endless night,' the aged seer told King Edernof. These words were so profound, the king had them written down, to ensure they would not be forgotten," Aberith said solemnly. He turned to face all of whom he had captivated before him. With a gentle smile, he beckoned to Brenna. "Come child, please stand here, beside me." The Neeri walked into the center of the room, to stand quietly beside Aberith. "My order has practiced the arcane arts for many, many years, defending this great country of ours. History tells us once in a great while, a rarity would occur. One would be borne who walked a higher plane of existence, and who could wield power beyond imagining." The Great Hall had grown silent, as all present were now listening respectfully. "These few were known far and wide as the Neeri. Through them, A'keen flowed directly from the Great Mother Elliana, herself. These chosen few, opened and entered doorways of knowledge, which the rest of us dared not approach. Their mastery of A'keen was said to be legendary. My child, you are the first we have ever found in over five thousand, three hundred years of searching." Aberith bent down on one knee, as tears ran down his face. Donovan saw Brenna had changed. Maturity had brought strength, where once there had been uncertainty. She urged the elderly man to his feet. "Please do not bow to me, as I am a child beginning a path which I have just been shown. I bow to you instead, father, as I ask you to teach me your great wisdom and understanding." The Great Hall exploded with thunderous applause, at the display of respect which had been given to Aberith. Aberith raised his hands, asking for quiet. "Prince Donovan, we all know you have traveled far. We are all anxious to hear what you have to tell us." The prince approached the center of the Great Hall, as Brenna returned to her seat. What should he talk about, where should he begin? He decided to speak to them, straight from his heart. Donovan spoke of an alliance which once had existed long ago. He touched upon the Great Dying, which had driven each of the allies to the brink of extinction. The prince spoke of how each of the allies had managed, over thousands of years, to survive and rebuild. Prince Donovan became filled with passion when he told them of Etmindor, of what it meant to him. The prince described for them in vivid detail the bountiful crops, beautiful forests, the crystal waters which flowed cold and clear, before the raids started. He spoke of the towns, small cities, and farms which once were filled with life, which now existed only in memories. Donovan paused for a moment, taking a breath. He told them of Anna, full of life, who used to bring him cold well water and now lay quietly within her grave. Donovan spoke to them about how A'keen had died and had been long lost in their part of the world, until Brenna was discovered. He told them in vivid detail about the quest the Great Goddess Elliana, had given them. Within him, inspiration burst into flame, when he fully realized for the first time, the charismatic effect he held upon people. "When I was a small child, war had not been known in my country for many years. It was a time of plenty, as well as a time of peace. I would see my country, as well as my sister and brother's countries returned to those prosperous times. Bemenah's dark forces must be stopped, the raids forever ended. All must be able to enjoy the fruits of their labors, without threat from evil." His voice rose with his passion, until it boomed in the Great Hall. "I say to all of you, all life must be respected, each of us has our own place, in the circle of life. I swear by my life, I will not rest until the darkness which preys upon each of us, is destroyed forever." The Great Hall again exploded with thunderous applause, as one after another roared their approval, while rising to their feet. Donovan returned to his seat, filled with exhilaration. He had wanted to impress their new allies in a way which would not be forgotten. Inwardly he smiled, knowing he had accomplished this. Shortly afterward, King Osenth smiled, as he seated himself at Donovan's right, offering his right hand. Just beside him, Prince Everin seated himself. "My friend, you have a true gift of persuasion, for a while I was ready to draw my own sword, to march alongside you. Alas, I must remain here to lead the battle against the enemy raiders, which plague us here. Thus far, every Lord I have spoken to has unanimously agreed to send men, horses, and supplies to aid in this war we face." Donovan shook King Osenth's hand vigorously, in thanks. "Together, our alliance will forge an army which Bemenah himself has never seen. As we enjoy this fine banquet, let us celebrate an alliance reborn," Prince Everin said, with a broad smile. Donovan gratefully selected his choice off the meat platter. If it tasted half as good as it smelled, then he knew he was in for a special treat. "We thank you for your hospitality, and I am deeply grateful for the more than generous aid which is being arranged. Do we have any idea, how long it will take before we are ready to march back to Kandalare?" Donovan's comment caused King Osenth and Prince Everin to laugh, puzzling him. "Prince Donovan, who said anything about marching to Kandalare? We will be taken to your homeland by our navy, which I believe you will find, travels much faster than a horse can," King Osenth said in explanation, obviously enjoying his confusion. "Enjoy your meal. Do not worry about such things now. Know we have joined you in this endeavor, and let us carry the burden for a while," Prince Everin said with a grin. The banquet was unequaled by anything Donovan had ever witnessed before. Every one of them seemed to be enjoying themselves. Various foods prepared by the cooks, made him wonder if he could send cooks of his own here, to learn their ways. The conversation was enlightening and enjoyable as well. Morgan seemed to be enjoying herself. For she was chatting with Queen Etwenay and two other young women, who were decked out in fine clothes and jewelry. From their animated conversation and smiles, she was fitting right in. Changa smiled and nodded in his direction, while drinking from a goblet in one hand and holding a roast chicken leg with the other. He was sitting upon a small bench, a short distance away, supported with various lavender plush pillows. Throughout it all, various lords stepped up to the table to shake his hand. Each of them was eager to inform him of what they were sending to assist in the war. Donovan was forced to admit he had never dreamed they would receive this much assistance. Before him stepped a gray-haired man of stocky build, wearing a rich brown tunic. Taking his hand in a firm grip, he shook his hand warmly. "Prince Donovan, I enjoyed your speech immensely. My name is Lord Terric Wernde, from Almsdale Province. I shall be accompanying you, with some eight thousand heavy cavalry, five thousand infantry, and seven thousand archers and heavy crossbowmen. Now, I will leave you to enjoy your meal." Throughout the evening, a long line of supporters began to filter past once King Osenth had felt they had all eaten their fill. Donovan did not know how to handle the overwhelming generosity and enthusiasm. It was far more than he could ever have hoped for. Before he knew it, the evening had dwindled into the wee hours of the morning before he and Morgan was able to finally return to their room. They both talked excitedly, over what help was being offered, they both had not expected such generosity. Tonight, they were no longer standing alone, Donovan thought. Only, they were so far from those at home. Hang on mother and father, we are returning as quickly as we can. He tiredly turned over in best, angry gave Morgan a kiss. "Are you going to be alright?" Morgan asked. "It is going to be fine, its nothing," Donovan said. "Donovan, do not tell me it is nothing. I know you too well, this Is Morgan asking, not one our friends. "The pressure is starting to get to me. We have gained more help than we ever imagined, but we are so far from home." "We will make it home in time, we have prevailed before and will continue to do so," Morgan said. "I hope your right," Donovan said, as he rolled over in bed.
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