Chapter Five: Quest Rejoined

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The first rays of sunlight were just beginning to make their presence known. Donovan and Prince Everin led their expedition force through the Main Gates of Chandria. The air was filled with small wisps of fog, for the rising sun was already beginning to burn off the morning dew. He found himself taking a deep breath, reveling in the cool clean air. "Four weeks from now, we will arrive at the Great Black Swamp. We need to make sure we are well rested and alert, for there is no telling what we will face when we arrive there," Prince Everin said. Movement in the trees to Donovan's right, became four wolves led by a large silver male. Here and there, quick fleeting forms ran parallel to them, for the Dreena were out in force. The sight made Donovan smile, knowing other allies had their backs as well. Brenna raised her arm, and Nadu hurtled in to perch upon her arm, in no time at all he was resting on her right shoulder. "It may please you to know our eyes, ears, and noses will not be the only ones searching for signs of danger. The Dreena have formed a roving patrol around us. You will find their night sight, along with the rest of their senses, are invaluable," Donovan said with a gentle smile. "Yes, I have spotted them from time to time. Ever since the subject came up about their existence, I have found myself intrigued. When we camp for the night, will they come forward? I would like to speak with them," Prince Everin inquired in earnest. "I believe you will find they are just as curious about you, as you are about them," Brenna grinned. "Aberith, look, the silver one over there must be Timitz, whom Brenna spoke about," Prince Everin said, pointing excitedly. "The miracles the Great Mother has created are truly endless, such a magnificent creature. Brenna, my child, you have been truly blessed to have such a friend and guardian. You never were able to sense his power?" Aberith asked curiously. "Yes, I truly feel blessed to have Timitz as a friend. No, evidently, he was careful to not change where I might sense it. My friend is charming and fiendishly clever," Brenna said, with a good-natured laugh. From those close enough to overhear the conversation, good natured laughter filled the air. "It's days like this, which I never want to end," Donovan thought. The next seven days proved to be uneventful, regarding the sighting of any of the enemy. For all intents and purposes, they seemed to have just vanished. Upon looking at the burning sun above, Donovan found himself wishing the weather would be just as cooperative. Seemingly every day, a storm would come rumbling through, drenching them. Immediately afterward, the hot blazing sun would shine, turning the air into a hot steamy oven. The only relief from the heat, was when the sun started to set, as it was doing now. An hour later, Donovan, Morgan, and Prince Everin stood surveying their camp site, sheltered within a deep valley. In front of them, a large stream gurgled around and over various boulders. The water cascaded in a flurry of white foam, to disappear around a bend in the distance. The sound of the rushing waters relaxed him, and lightened his spirit. Movement upon a nearby shelf of rock caught Donovan's attention. Four wolves stood watching them intently, with tails wagging. "We have friends and allies I need to introduce to you. They have patiently followed us and will travel with us to the sanctuary," Donovan said, alerting everyone to the Dreena's presence. "Ahhh, I wondered when I would get the chance to meet them. Please, ask them to come forth and join us. I have looked forward to this ever since you mentioned them," Prince Everin said, smiling. Donovan motioned with a movement of his hand, for the Dreena to join them. The wolves instantly changed into the forms of two men and two women, two of whom he recognized. "Prince Everin, I wish to introduce you to Celete, a Battle Priestess of the Dreena, and this is Timitz, who has acted as a guardian for Brenna for years. They are part of a group who have accompanied us on this quest. Without their help, we would have never made it this far," "Welcome, welcome, I am greatly pleased to meet you. Come, let us sit, enjoy a meal together, and talk to one another," Prince Everin said to them. "Donovan, others have arrived, determined to help where they may. We now number over a hundred here. As far as a meal, we have gathered a great deal to add to our dinner. My people have decided to stand in the shadows no longer. We come openly, seeking friendship, and offering our assistance." "Welcome. Your help is greatly appreciated," Changa said, smiling widely. He had just finished pounding in the last tent peg. "Finally, I was wondering what we would have to do, to make you feel more welcome," Morgan said with a laugh. "I, for one, can honestly say at first, I was not quick to trust them. Though, it was through nothing they had done. You could ask for no finer folk to stand and fight at your side. I was wrong and gladly admit it," Alfred said, with a wide grin. Donovan looked at Alfred, who smiled at him and nodded as well. "I have ordered some of my people to patrol outside the guards. Their eyes, noses, and ears will aid greatly in detecting any approach of the enemy," Celete informed them. Donovan was pleased to see the Dreena were indeed looking forward to the camaraderie. For about the camp, walked more Dreena than he had ever seen before. Yet, he could not shake the feeling of unease, he had been feeling for the last two hours. "My friend, you are looking much too serious, of late. We are about to reach the sanctuary, and we have gained the assistance of more allies than we ever dreamed possible. Also, we are about to enjoy a marvelous meal with our friends. Why are you so glum?" Girard asked with concern. "During our journey, we have had to fight the enemy, nearly every step of the way. Never were they far away. Then, Brenna detects dark power from two sources in Cairnstone. I do not believe this is mere coincidence. It is now too quiet for my tastes," Donovan said. "The enemy, has followed us ever since we began this quest," Girard agreed, while stretching his legs in front of the fire. "You will pardon us, old habits are not easily forgotten. "Prince Donovan, if I did not know better, I would claim you had been reading my mind. I cannot put my finger on it, yet inside, I feel as if we are in for it. Many thanks for the protection, but do not be alarmed to find me keeping an eye out for danger," Alfred stated, before taking a puff from his pipe. "Whatever are you talking about?" Morgan asked, while rubbing her legs. Alfred stood quietly, staring into the gathering darkness. He took another puff on his pipe and turned towards them. "I speak of feeling something, without knowing how, and having questions which have answers no one can explain. We should rest yet keep the eyes in the back of our heads wide open," Alfred said with a nod. "I agree, my friend. Rest well yet keep your hands close to your weapons, this night," Prince Everin said while sitting down upon his blanket. Amid the conversation, Donovan was handed a plate heaped with various foods. Sitting down once more beside Morgan, he genuinely attempted to enjoy the meal and light-hearted conversation. Though he tried to relax, the thought was never far from his mind, this was far too quiet. Later in the night, after entering their tent, Donovan held Morgan close, while lying on his back. Amid the cloying dark, the pressing gloom, he finally fell asleep. The sound of thunder booming in the distance, awakened Donovan from a sound sleep. As quietly as possible, he dressed and stepped outside the tent. The feeling he had vaguely sensed earlier, was much stronger now. The pitch-black night glared brilliantly, as a great bolt of forked lightning arced to the ground. Thunder boomed, hammering at his senses with a brutal concussion of sound. For, as far as Donovan could see, the sky was filled with jagged lightning bolts, which were searing after images in his eyes. The prince sensed movement around him, and upon turning, he saw the others standing still, staring at the approaching storm. "It seems as if you were right, Alfred. I, do believe, we are in for it. This does not look like any natural storm," Prince Everin said, clapping his hand on the big man's shoulder. "We need to fasten everything down it looks as if it will be a rough one." "This is Bemenah's work, attempting to swat us with one enormous blow. No doubt his spies have informed him of our direction. Because Brenna clouds his vision, he will seek to destroy us by chance," Donovan informed all of them. The next few hours seemed to last forever, for the storm's approach was unnaturally slow. The glare, of lightning bolts, was now almost continuous. Donovan was forced to repeatedly cover his eyes with his hands, to shield them from the blinding flashes. The wind buffeted the prince, as he warily kept an eye on the storm's advance. Cold rain hammered at him, seeking entrance, everywhere it could. Meanwhile, the storm kept approaching. During the storm, a humming roar slowly grew louder. It was a sound which Donovan had never heard before. Yet, his father had described it to him once when he was a boy. His father stated it was the winds of eternal damnation, which ruined fields of crops, destroyed homes and villages, and rent life from any living thing, caught within its grasp. Donovan slipped back inside of the tent, holding Morgan tightly to him. In the low light of the tallow-lamp, both huddled in the tent, listening to the storm's rumbling approach. The roaring reached horrendous proportions. Though holding each other, neither could hear what the other was saying without screaming. Prince Donovan noted the rain suddenly ceased, having been replaced by something heavy striking the tent instead. Opening the tent flap a c***k, the dim light from the tallow lamp revealed a pale whitish object. Upon picking it up, he discovered it was a piece of hard roundish ice, half the size of the palm of his hand. "The storm is getting worse, thank Elliana we decided to camp in a sheltered spot, otherwise there would be no telling what would happen," Morgan yelled, while holding him tightly. "The roaring of the storm is so loud I think I am about to go out of my mind." "All we can do is remain here, until the storm passes. My father once described such a storm, he told me it destroyed a small town. No one survived." "I thought it a tale, having never seen one before." Donovan crawled beneath the covers, holding Morgan close. The humming roar was now louder. He thought he was going to lose his mind also. Silently, he prayed to Elliana to spare and protect them. Both trembled, filled with terror, as the sounds of the passing storm slowly ground onward. Finally, during the night the storm passed, allowing them a chance to relax. Donovan and Morgan straightened out their bedrolls and crawled beneath their covers. Sleep did not easily come that night, as the storm was still fresh in his mind. He found himself listening, to every sound for a while, then sleep finally claimed him, and swept him away on gossamer wings.
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