Chapter Ten: Mage Duels and Swords

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The battle continued to rage unstopped into the wee hours of the morning, during which a great number of the enemy died. The fires were kept burning, nonstop. For the light they provided was invaluable to those defending the hill, who could not see in the dark. Prince Donovan had expected the Darkbinders to appear at any moment, to sow mayhem among the troops guarding the hill. Their absence was a surprise to everyone, except Brenna. She stated they were not about to chance an appearance in the darkness, with this many proficient archers around. They would attack in other ways, the Neeri warned. At any rate, the enemy now stayed behind cover, peeking out to snipe at any available target which presented itself. They had already lost some fifty men and over thirty others were wounded during this battle. Donovan thought they had gotten off lightly. Far more of the enemy lay dead in the grass and brush which surrounded the hill. The night shimmered with silvery light, for there was a full moon this night. The sounds of growling, high-pitched screams, men and women shouting, continued to fill the air. Donovan spotted a slender winged form, diving towards a soldier guarding the horses. Quickly, he put an arrow to his bowstring and let fly instinctively. There was a sharp scream and the winged form crumpled to the ground. Moments later, the guard made sure the female Slyth was dead. Changa approached, with his bow in hand. "Are both of you alright? Right now, Slyth are trying to distract us, while the others work their way closer. There is a great battle raging out there, the Dreena are buying us time," The Wind Walker commented, while staring into the darkness. The firelight revealed numerous darting and diving forms, flapping in the air, all around the hill. Archers and crossbowmen began to down an increasing number of the winged attackers. Slowly, their arrows and bolts were driving the female Slyth away from the camp. In the shadows, the battle continued to rage. Whatever the Dreena were battling, Donovan could no longer see who they were. Movement drew his attention, and he turned to watch Brenna walk toward one of the edges. Brenna walked to the highest spot on the edge of the hill and stood still. Closing her eyes, she began to speak in a voice which was light and lilting to Prince Donovan's ears. About Brenna, a bluish-white aura appeared and began to grow. The sight was beautiful, and it made Donovan pause, for a moment, before he began to panic. The bluish-white glare became brighter still, as she stepped out into thin air. "Brenna!" Prince Donovan shouted, as he ran crouched in her direction. "My God, she's going to die! There's no way I'm going to reach her in time." From the surrounding forest arced numerous arrows. Each of them, was incinerated by whatever now surrounded Brenna's body. The glowing bluish-white nimbus around Brenna increased many-fold, forcing everyone on the hill, to shield their eyes. Brenna ascended into the air, even as a great wind began to gather about her. Beneath Brenna, a magnificent bank of clouds began to form, and she began to rise rapidly into the night sky. Above the wind, Prince Donovan heard a powerful voice speaking in the same lilting tongue Brenna had spoken before. She was now swinging her staff in a circular motion above her head. Her words seemed to make the ground beneath his feet shake. Everyone on the hill now huddled on the ground, mesmerized by the immense power which was being unleashed before them. From the clouds, large glaring balls of silvery-blue light fell and formed into massive glowing white Dragons. Their powerful wings flapped, creating lightning in the sky overhead, even as their roars filled the air with the sound of thunder. Their huge forms flew ever swiftly around her, in increasing numbers and still more appeared. Prince Donovan stood and stared, realizing Brenna had come into her own and through her, true power now flowed. Around him, a tremendous outpouring of vocal support filled the air. Everyone on the hill stood and waved their weapons and fists in the air. More thunder rumbled in the air when Brenna's voice shouted a single command. With an enormous flash of light, the great white Dragons began to dive towards the enemy hidden below. The nimbus of light around Brenna now shone brightly, it seemed as if it now was midday. From the forest below, screams of terror and agony rose into the sky, as the white winged beasts attacked mercilessly. Shadows parted from behind trees, rocks, and from within gullies, seeking to escape sudden death on wings. Nyen, Kang, Meer, and Slyth fell before an onslaught of rending talons, crushing jaws, and icy breath. Winged Slyth were savaged and their ruined bodies were sent crashing to the ground below. Those, caught within the freezing blasts exhaled by the white Dragons, were frozen solid and fell to shatter upon the ground. Bemenah's troops, terrified out of their minds, fled as fast as they could run. The great white death continued to dive, wheel and swoop downward, again and again. If Donovan had not seen it with his own eyes, he would not have believed it. Gradually, Brenna began to descend towards the ground at the base of the hill. The gleaming aura and clouds were now pale vestiges of what they once had been. Everyone was now cheering at the top of their lungs, while running down to congratulate Brenna. The wheeling, darting forms of the mighty white winged-ones and the retreating enemy were now rapidly withdrawing into the distance. For all intents and purposes, they now stood alone. It was strange, how just a short while ago, they had been fighting for their lives, and now, it was as if it had never happened. Prince Donovan ran to the rocky slab, which led down to the valley floor, to assist Brenna and make sure she was alright. He now stood upon the stony shelf, cheering along with the rest of the men. Donovan started walking down the rocky ramp, towards where Brenna now stood. Two figures suddenly appeared, wreathed in shadows. The shadows vanished, revealing the smiling faces of Anarta and Selt, advancing towards Brenna. Though the distance was great, Prince Donovan was able to see and hear clearly, everything in his mind. Yet, he was now frozen in place, helpless to intervene. Donovan needed to help her and could not even manage to move a muscle. He was forced to merely watch and listen to what was about to occur. "Impressive. For a child you show remarkable ability. As a Neeri, can you wield power effectively against worthy adversaries?" Selt asked with a cruel smile, while waving his wand, back and forth. "It is now just the three of us, having a cozy chat. No need to be concerned, for this will not take long," Anarta said with a smirk. She wore high topped black leather boots, black leggings, black leather belt, and dark gray blouse with a snug black leather jerkin. Her black hair was shorn short, save for a braided lock of hair on each side of her head. Her skin was black and wrinkled, and she had unblinking black eyes. "Sorry child, the Master says we must destroy you and bring back the jewel to him. Nothing personal, just doing what we were ordered to do," Selt said, while stepping confidently forward. He wore all black leather boots, black leggings, black leather belt and a black leather doublet. His black hair hung just above his shoulder and his eyes were also black, as was his skin. "Are we going to battle, or are you going to talk me to death?" Brenna asked with a smile. "Such insolence. We are indeed going to battle, and you Neeri, are going to die a horrible death," Anarta raged. She advanced in a manner, which made Donovan envision a cat stalking its prey. Quickly, Anarta and Selt separated with wands in hand. Both began to walk towards Brenna assertively, each preparing to launch an attack. Energy crackled about their forms and discharged from their wands simultaneously. Beside Brenna, a bright shimmer gleamed for a moment, becoming Aberith holding his staff high, blocking the dark energy. He stood there, with a smile upon his face. Somehow, Donovan noted he showed no sign of being feeble and weak. Instead, there was a youthful look in his eyes, smile, and manner. "Fools sent on a fool's errand. You seek the Neeri's destruction and will find this to be no easy task. For within her body exists the Great Mother's light, which your pitiless eyes do not dare gaze upon. You trifle with what has been sent to commit your dark souls to the fierce biting cold of the Great Chasm." "Old man, step aside. Do you not know who we are? Long ago, we walked upon this world and all trembled at our approach. Look upon us and know your death is nigh," Selt said menacingly. As he talked, Donovan felt fear gather within him and could do nothing about it. "Leave this place I say, go back to the Dark Hound which gave birth to you," Aberith roared, while holding his stave before him. Selt attacked, casting a bolt of energy which exploded, hurling shards of shattered crystal at Brenna and Aberith. Donovan watched helplessly, as the two of them were about to be shredded. The Neeri slammed her staff against the ground while speaking a single word softly. Energy pulsed, causing the air to waver, as it traveled outward towards her attackers. The energy passed through the crystal fragments, turning them to dust and slammed into Anarta and Selt, sending them staggering backward on unsteady legs. Anarta attacked, hurling a bolt of fire at Brenna and Aberith. Brenna spoke soft lilting words while waving her hand. The flames washed around a shield which glowed brightly for a moment and then discharged harmlessly in an arc to Aberith. The mage waved his staff, releasing a lightning bolt which forked and struck both Darkbinders at once. Again, it struck and yet again, each time with more force. Upon the third strike, the bolt suddenly became a spoken word which caused Anarta and Selt to recoil, as if in pain. "This is f*******n knowledge. How dare you speak it. How did you come to know this?" Anarta demanded with a shriek of anger and pain. "You have your secrets. We through the infinite wisdom of the Great Mother, Elliana, have ours," Aberith said with a great deal of bravado. He once more squared off in front of the two Darkbinders, preparing to attack. Brenna spoke in a light lilting tongue which carried with each word, an ominous feeling of power. The Adumorda Priest waved his hand and Brenna gasped, stopped in mid-sentence to counter his attack. With a flourish of her hand, she waved Selt's attack away. He screamed in frustrated anger. The Neeri attempted the spell again and quickly completed it on the second try. She then stood there, waiting patiently. About Anarta and Selt formed a gleaming, glistening prism which hummed with a high pitch. Selt attempted a spell, only for it to harmlessly strike the barrier surrounding them. Anarta too, attempted to cast a spell and it too was stopped. She screamed in frustration at Brenna. Both made a second attempt, only for it to be rendered harmless as well. Immediately, both vanished in a swirl of dark shadow and a thunderclap of sound. Aberith reached over and lightly patted her shoulder, while laughing out loud. He genuinely seemed to be most amused. "Bravo, Brenna. To use "Deneber's Absorption Chamber" was a stroke of genius. Tell me, could you actually feel the power it was draining from each of them, augment your own?" "Oh yes, it was different, yet I felt my power increase." Aberith nodded with a chuckle. "The enemy has been shown tonight we will not willingly venture into the eternal darkness. Tonight, the enemy was overconfident and underestimated our abilities. I doubt they will make the same mistake again in the days ahead." Prince Donovan suddenly was released from whatever had held him immobile. Quickly, he rushed to Brenna's side, to make sure she was alright. Though looking tired, Brenna displayed no signs she had been harmed. "Prince Donovan, you must understand. To venture amongst mage's locked in battle with only a mere sword in hand, is the height of folly. The Dark Binders' would have attacked you and forced Brenna to refocus her attention, making her vulnerable. This, I simply could not allow to happen," Aberith said, nodding to him. The revelation shook Donovan to his core. He had always responded to any threat against any of them, as if it were a threat against his self. Until now, he had never thought about attacks which he was ill-equipped to handle. Once again, he had been reminded, some battles should be destined to be fought, by those best qualified to fight them. Humbled by the experience, Donovan nodded towards Aberith and walked away to check on the rest of the men.
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