Chapter Eight: The Hill

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Hours later, they had been making good time, without any major setbacks. The land here, seemed to go on forever. It was filled with rolling hills, which were covered by forests of towering trees. Here and there, small lakes were nestled between streams, which held waterfalls or cascaded in white foamy-rapids down rock-strewn stream beds. Though ever alert, Donovan allowed himself to enjoy the beauty of the land around them. He turned to smile at Morgan who was riding beside him. "It seems as if Elliana has saved the best for last." "Do you think the sanctuary is as beautiful as this?" Morgan asked. "In my heart, I believe the sanctuary is a special place, which has no equal anywhere else on this world," Brenna replied calmly. "Something fills me with grave concern. Bemenah, knows about the sanctuary and that holds something important, it represents a potent threat to the dark one's plans. Still, his forces are nowhere to be seen," Changa said, as he swatted at a mosquito. Donovan turned toward him with a nod of his head and a knowing smile. "I am sure, his spies have done their job well. The enemy must now have a rough idea of our location. Perhaps, he is gathering the strength of his forces in the area, to stop our quest once and for all." "Etony, do you sense anyone close by who intends to do us harm?" Prince Everin asked. It was clear, this same thought had been on his mind, as well. "Not since we saved the warrior priestess. I have been searching for any sign of the enemy, since then and have detected nothing." "I say, let them come. If it is a quick journey to the Black Hag's bag they want, then I am more than willing to help them along," Alfred said with a grim smile. He patted his great sword's pommel, gently. "Make sure you leave some for the rest of us. For we would be greatly disappointed if you had all the fun," Girard said laughing. The swordsman's comment brought a roar of laughter from the men. "It was good to see they were in high spirits," Donovan thought. He had been searching the shadows around them for some time, looking for any sign of danger. He felt it would not be long, until the enemy once more tried to destroy them. Two hours later, Celete and five other Dreena stood at the top of a large bluff, which overlooked a vast tract of forest. The vivid green wood extended for as far as the eye could see. The Dreena Commander's normally smiling face had been replaced by one filled with concern. "I have several scouts I have sent out ahead of us, in groups of three. All of them have routinely reported in, except for Tinje, Sidek, and Feja. They, were sent directly ahead of us." "It will not be long, before we will have to set-up camp, or risk an attack by the enemy after dark. I would prefer a campsite, where all of us will have a certain measure of protection." Donovan was studying the forest around them, looking for an area which could be defended. The wood appeared to be lush and thick, in the direction they were now traveling. "I would advise, everyone, to use a great deal of caution. My ring has given me no warning, yet inside, I am loath to continue much further this day," Brenna said quietly, while studying the forest before them. Brenna was beginning to act strangely again, as if listening to what only she could hear. Donovan had learned some time ago, to listen to what she did not say. Right now, the Neeri was seated upon her horse, with her eyes closed, while slowly turning her head. The prince stared quietly for a few minutes in the direction of the forest, she was listening to. "Prince Donovan, what is it?" Prince Everin asked in a lowered voice. "We have made it this far, by fighting hard, trusting in each other, thinking things out, as well as sheer dumb luck in some cases. The journey is almost over and now, is the time to proceed with caution. We need to find a campsite for the night, we can defend." "My guess is we can expect an attack at any time. Perhaps, our timely arrival in saving Zafoo and the others, has altered the enemy's plans somewhat," Morgan suggested, while studying the surrounding forest. "Yes, . . . perhaps that was what was happening," Donovan thought. Sir Alfred quietly examined the shadowed forest before them, with a critical eye. "This will not be a quiet night, Prince Donovan. Before it is over, blood will be spilt." Donovan nodded in agreement, while slowly leading them onward, in search of a campsite. He could sense a heaviness in the still air, which was filled with a dank chill. Slowly, they advanced through the forest for another mile. It seemed to have taken them forever. The trees and brush were thick in areas, forming natural barriers, they were forced to go around. Already, the shadows had begun to lengthen. It would not be long, before the Sun would be setting for the day. Despite Donovan's best efforts, they were having no luck at all, finding a defendable campsite. He desperately did not want them traveling in the darkness, through the forest. Donovan watched and listened carefully to the sounds of the forest around them, as they bypassed another large, heavy tangle. No birds, or darters flitted from tree to tree. Only the sounds, made by their passing through the forest, could be heard. "My ring just flashed a warning. It seems we have company, if we want it or not," Brenna whispered, while staring into the distance. "Do you see anything?" Morgan asked Changa in a lowered voice. "The Elder Spirits are pointing beyond the tops of the hills, to either side. The enemy is keeping out of sight and range. I agree with Donovan, we need to find a defendable site, where we can rest," Changa said. He pulled his bow from its sheath behind him, preparing for trouble. The forest before them had begun to thin out, allowing for easier travel. They hurried as fast as they dared, while keeping an eye out for any sign of the enemy. Anxiously, Donovan stared left and right, searching for anything, which would offer the slightest cover. Donovan suddenly turned to the others with a smile, while silently pointing in the distance. Before them, was a steep, large wooded hill, which rose from the forest floor. Swiftly, he led them forward, seeking to find out if it was indeed, what he hoped it was. The top of the hill was broad and flat, while the front side, which faced them, was a sheer wall of rock, some thirty feet tall. The sides of their proposed home for the night, were composed almost entirely of undercut towering walls of dirt, that would not offer much purchase to attackers. Slowly, they scouted out the position, searching for a way to the top. Changa discovered a dirt covered shelf of rock, not more than three yards wide, which angled upward to the grass and tree covered top. He galloped to the top, motioning for them to follow him. Donovan felt a flush of excitement fill him. Now, all they needed was to make it safely to the top before the enemy caught up with them. "Quickly now, be as quiet as you can, or we risk alerting the enemy to what we are doing. Morgan, we need you up there to give covering fire, for those who are following," Donovan whispered, softly. Slowly at first, Morgan's horse advanced up the rocky course, before gaining the top of the hill. Immediately, she tethered her horse beside a copse of trees. With bow in hand, the markswoman crouched down to watch for any pursuers. Keeping to a shadow thrown by a boulder, the princess quietly waited for the enemy to show themselves. Perhaps, their maneuver had taken the enemy completely by surprise and they had not caught on to what was happening. She fervently hoped this was the case. "My amulet is no longer warning me of danger and the Elder Spirits are pointing that they have passed us by. It will not take them long, to realize they've made a mistake." Changa whispered, to Morgan. "Hopefully, most of us will have made it up here to cover, before they return." Morgan placed an arrow on her bowstring and began searching the forest, for any sign of the enemy she knew was coming. "Where are they? I am worried the enemy will catch part of our men, before they can reach safety. "Donovan is making sure most of the archers are first in line. When the enemy returns, they will be facing all our archers, who will be shooting from cover," Changa said with a grim smile. Almost two hours had passed and most of the men had reached the top of the hill and were readying themselves for the coming battle. Patiently, they waited for the attack which they knew was coming. Two wolves, ran down from the top of a ridge, streaking up the rocky pathway to stand before Donovan, Prince Everin, and Albert. "The enemy is currently retracing their steps to find us. They are led by cat fighters, like the one who tried to assassinate you, Prince Donovan. We will remain below, where we can challenge their approach." Celete stated with a growl. "How long before they reach us?" Donovan asked, with concern. He was worried about the remaining men who still needed to ascend to the top of the hill. "Half an hour, maybe less," Celete replied. Donovan turned to a group composed of archers and knights on foot. "You men make sure none of the enemy make it up this ledge. If they do, we are good as dead. The rest of us, must provide cover for the last of the men coming up here," Donovan commanded quietly. Archers, crossbowmen, and arbalestors swiftly placed themselves overlooking wide swathes of open land. Fallen boughs, dead trees, boulders, trees, and hillocks were all utilized as forms of cover. Faster than Donovan had thought possible the various archers readied themselves for the enemies' assault. The tension in the air was thick, so thick that Donovan thought it could be cut with a knife. The coming assault would challenge the abilities of all of them. The Dreena and Centaurs, would be their lifeline, being able to see at night. He was glad that the Menduwaka were expert marksmen, the deadly rain of their arrows would be invaluable. Donovan swallowed, and felt a lump in his throat. He prayed to Elliana silently, and asked her to please bless them and protect them. He looked around him at the nervous faces of the men, and realized it was a good day to die.
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