Chapter 19 Despicable and Shameless

791 Words

Linda also came over to have a look. Her expression turned grave. She pondered and concluded that it was indeed highly possible. Perhaps, the Swift family, being merciful, did not take harsh measures against Wendy. However, she took advantage of their kindness and stole the Swift family's black card, intending to use it for personal expenses and escape. If this matter was discovered by the Swift family, the Wilson family would surely suffer! "Wendy, I don't care if you do other things, but if you stole from the Swift family, I can no longer forgive you!" Wendy furrowed her brows. These two individuals were spewing nonsense with their eyes wide open. "You accuse me of theft, but where is the evidence? Without evidence, your words are baseless accusations. Aren't you afraid of being caught

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