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Rion. She has vomited twice since we got into the castle. She is getting sicker by the minute. I need to get the poison out of her system before it spreads more. I kneel down and rest her on my lap and I lift her bitten hand up to my mouth. My fangs extract and I bite down, her skin punctures. Her blood is like nothing I’ve ever tasted before and I feel alert the moment it hits my tongue. I suck until I no longer taste the venom, it spread quite a bit in such a short time. She will be weak for a few days now. I had to take more than I anticipated. I force myself to stop drinking. I release her, feeling stronger. My own wounds seem to have healed quicker than normal. I look down at her in amazement, her blood has such a strange effect on me. If just sucking the venom out of her makes me feel like this, I don’t want to imagine what it would be like for any other beasts who got their hands on her. They wouldn’t stop, feeling drunk on her blood, they would suck her dry. It’s amazing I didn’t. I pick her back up and she lay in my arms, her head lulling around. I walk carefully, watching all corners of the long corridor. The doors open at the end and I step forward, the room is lit by candlelight and I see Midas sitting on his throne. “King Rion… I was not expecting you” He muses. I know he’s lying, he wouldn’t have sent the monsters to greet us if he hadn’t known. “Midas. It has been a long while. Since the war, I believe,” I say snidely. “Ah, yes… what an unfortunate occurrence it was” Midas says in a bored voice, playing with his robes. “My guest and I are very tired. I assume you will have a room prepared for us to rest? We can discuss our visit at dinner?” “Oh yes, of course. She looks unwell, does she need a healer?” He smiles, his eyes are hard. “Not necessary. She will be fine in a few hours.” “We shall see”. He smirks and waves his hand. A servant comes over and leads us to a room in another part of the castle. I thank him and close the door behind us, laying Elara on the bed. She is pale and sweaty, I almost think the poison is still in her system. I rummage through the small closet looking for fresh clothing for us. I end up finding a slinky feeling teal dress, the only dress for Elara to wear. I pull out a pair of blue trousers and a ugly shiny black shirt for myself. Siren’s really have horrible style, flashy and flimsy material. I check all my blades over before I undress and get into the tub of hot water, washing off the blood and guts of the serpent. I think back to earlier, she helped me. She could have run, tried to get out somehow but she went to find my sword and she helped me. She sacrificed herself in the process, getting bitten by a poisonous eel. I feel overcome with pride as I think about how she must have killed her first monster today, saving me in the process. When she first saw the serpent she nearly fainted, but she didn’t. She has come a long way from when I met her. She’s no longer a scared weak creature. I see her stir slightly on the bed, she groans and rolls onto her side. She’s facing me now, her eyes still closed. I quickly get out of the bath and dress. The pants fit tightly and the shirt is awkward, but it’s clean. That’s all I can ask for right now. Elara groans again, trying to sit up, I go to her side. “Easy, you are still recovering from the eel poison” I tell her. “Did we kill it?” She asks “You do not remember? You helped me kill the serpent. One of the biggest I’ve ever seen, might I add” I tell her with a smile. I push the hair out of her face. She nods, “No.. I remember.. It’s all just blurred together.. I… I got your sword for you” “Yes, yes you did. Don’t worry, the poison will wear off soon. You’ll feel better when we get out of here. For now, have a bath. We will have dinner soon”. I help her up and she walks over to the tub, fresh water is waiting for her. She undresses while I lay on the bed, trying not to look. “Rion?’ I hear her say as she slips into the water. “Yes?” “I’m sorry about last night” Her voice is soft and remorseful. “You have nothing to be sorry for. I understand, and I have to say… I was very tempted”, I admit. I stare at the ceiling, my hands cradling my head. “You were?” She sounds surprised by this. “Of course, you are a beautiful woman, Elara” I tell her with a low chuckle. If only she knew how much I wanted to take her last night. Every night since I found her has been a challenge. Not going into her bedroom and claiming what is rightfully mine. Someone knocks on the door, I get up and see who it is, another servant. He tries to look past me at Elara who is still in the bath, I narrow my eyes at him. “What do you want?” I demand, closing the door behind me, blocking his view. “I was told to come tell you, dinner is being served shortly” He bows his head and excuses himself. “Who was it?” Elara asks as she rises from the water. I swear to the Gods, this woman is trying to test my limits. Her naked body drips as she steps out of the water. I quickly advert my eyes as I pick up her attire for the evening and pass it to her. She looks at it with distaste. “If I have to wear this, then you have to do the same” I gesture to my own ugly attire. She snorts and begins to pull the teal slinky dress over her head. I have to say, she makes even the ugliest clothing look radiant. At least it is long enough that I have less skin to stare at, but the slit that goes up to her thigh is still eye-catching. It hugs her tight and loose at the same time, putting her breasts on display. I almost want to cover her up, not let anyone but me lay eyes on her. But I know I can’t. She looks into the mirror and scowls. “I hate this” I laugh and extend my arm to her, she loops hers in mine and we head to dinner. Midas is waiting for us, he has prepared a feast in my ‘honor’. “To King Rion” He toasts, we all raise our glasses.
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