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Elara After breakfast, I go back to the library to continue my learning. Yazier hands me a book. It is leather bound and looks very old. “What’s this one about?” “Rion” He simply says as he leaves me to read in peace. I like that Yazier doesn't play games. He's straight to the point. I turn the book over in my hands, wondering what I’m about to find inside. He had told me last night that I’d learn about him soon enough. I hadn’t thought it would be this soon. I get comfortable in the arm chair, the fireplace crackles low, I tuck my feet under me and open the book. “ At the beginning of time, there were six species. Each one had its own land, a territory they could live peacefully. King Adiacas, Lord of Dragons, had four sons. Two of which died in their third winter, causes unknown. It was rumored that Titas, the second youngest, killed his brothers so his standing for the throne was in better status. These rumors were unfounded, but they would never be fully forgotten. Titas went on to take over the throne, his younger brother Iaon as his second. Titas went on to marry his mate, Illian. They were expecting a child. There were reports of people going missing from all the kingdoms around the time the child was conceived. They were discovered in the dungeon of King Titas’s castle. He was experimenting on them, taking their blood and using it to create a weapon. His son Rion was born with abilities far beyond the norm. Illian died during childbirth, Rion lived. Titas was executed by the former King Adiacas. He outlawed experiments on other species. Rion was raised by his Grandfather, as Iaon served as king until he was killed in the first battle between Dragon and Vampire. When Rion became of age at eighteen, he assumed the role as King. While Rion has yet to find his Mate, he has had the longest ruling of all kings. His kingdom has had peace, only seeing two wars in three centuries. In The Second War of Dragon and Vampire, Rion succeeded in defeating Lord Aiolus. In The War of Dragon and Siren, Rion defeated Midas, Lord of Sirens. Midas surrendered and was able to keep his life, on the condition he served King Rion. Since the wars, the kingdom has been at peace.” It goes on to give a detailed list of the family tree and information on each member of the family. I close the book and look at the fireplace. His own father experimented on him. That must be why he didn’t want to talk about himself. I can’t even imagine what he must have gone through, being different in such a way that no one could understand. Rosa comes in with a hot cup of tea for me, she sets it down on the side table and goes to leave. “Rosa… will you stay with me for a while?” She hesitates for a moment before she looks me in the eyes and nods, sitting down beside me in the other chair. “How old are you?” I ask. She can't be much older than me. “I’m two hundred and thirty” She picks up the fire poker and pokes at the logs. “Wow.. you don’t look much older than me.. Time is so different here” “How old are you, Lady Elara?” She glances at me. “I’m twenty-eight.” She looks slightly shocked but doesn’t comment. “How old is Rion?” I ask, trying not to let any expression show on my face. I don't need anyone thinking I'm interested in that arrogant asshole. “Three hundred and eighty-seven” I can’t even begin to imagine how old he would be in my own world. Maybe thirty? Thirty-two. He looks so young. Almost four hundred years old is crazy. “Do you have a Mate?” I ask, changing the subject. I want to know more about it. “I did.. A long time ago. He died in the war” She stares into the fire, I swear I can see a few tears spring into her eyes. “I’m so sorry.. Could you tell me what it’s about? The whole Mate thing?” “I’m sorry Lady Elara… I have chores to attend to.. We can talk later if you don’t mind”. She quickly rises and sweeps from the room. I watch as she goes, leaving the door open. As she passes by Yazier, he watches her run down the hallway. “Did I say something wrong?” I ask him as he steps into the room. “It’s not your fault. Losing a Mate is the most painful experience there is in our land” “Do you have one?” I look over to him. “It’s complicated”, he simply says before sitting down. “Does Rion?” “Rion? Ha… not that I’m aware of”. He chuckles “Aren’t you close to him?” I press for information. “Would it bother you if he did have a Mate?” He turns serious. “What? No, of course not!” I stutter. “Are you sure about that?” He smirks at me “Yes. He is arrogant and rude. He thinks he is God’s gift to man. He thinks he can use his good looks to get whatever he wants. To do whatever he wants” “Wow.. tell me how you really feel” I hear Rion from the door. I hadn’t seen him come in. I feel all the blood in my body rush to my face then drain immediately. My stomach clenches and I think I’m going to puke. Rion leans against the doorframe unbothered. Yazier laughs and stalks across the room, passing Rion. He pats him on the shoulder and whispers something to him that I can't hear. Rion chuckles and nods. “So.. is that really how you see me?” Rion steps into the room. “Yes”, I straighten my shoulders and hold my ground. “Well, I guess I’ll just have to prove you wrong. Would you join me for dinner tonight?” “Dinner?” I repeat stupidly. “Yes, dinner, the meal after lunch. A meal where two people sit and eat and talk” I can hear the sarcasm in his voice and a little twinkle hits his eyes. He’s teasing me. He sits down in the chair, leaning into me. “I’ll think about it.” “I’ll have Rosa prepare something for you to wear.” “I can’t wear what I have on?” I gesture to my simple green gown. “I’d like you to dress up for me” “I’m not a doll. You can’t dress me up how you see fit and expect me to come when you call. I’m not a dog”, I snap at him. He chuckles, “No..no, you are absolutely not a dog. However, you are my guest and I expect my guests to be properly dressed. No more of these”. He fingers the hem of my dress as he speaks. “What’s wrong with my clothes?” I demand. “They are not fit for a Lady” he shrugs. “Rosa wears simpler clothing, they are perfectly fine” “Rosa is not a Lady of this Castle” His words are sharp, like he’s putting me in my place, “I will see you tonight.” He stands and swiftly walks from the room.
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