2443 Words

CHAPTER EIGHT Jade awoke with a splitting headache and a mouth tasting of mouldy cotton wool. Screwing up her face, she cracked one eye open and immediately regretted it. Daylight stabbed her eyeball, exploded into her brain and sent chills of nausea flooding through her body. Was this what a hangover felt like? If so, then when she got back to the real world, she would never, ever get drunk. She desperately needed some water to clear her mouth. Then she’d be able to at least say a healing spell that would clear the headache and nausea. She dry-swallowed down the queasiness. Next she tried to roll over and made an unpleasant discovery: her hands were tied tightly behind her back. What? Who? Suddenly the headache didn’t seem so important. Lying still, Jade sifted through her m

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