2759 Words

CHAPTER FOUR Phoenix sprinted out into the open air right on the heels of the two warriors. Dusk had crept in to replace daylight. Pink and orange flares set fire to high clouds as a hazy red sun slipped behind the mountains. In the east, the sky deepened to rich purples. Hoping they knew where they were going, Phoenix followed the warriors when they took an abrupt turn to the right and headed for a nearby clump of trees. Behind, he heard heavy footfalls and harsh breathing. Since the snakemen had no feet, it was safe to assume the sounds were made by Marcus and the others. Risking a quick look, he was relieved to see a complete absence of reptiles. Seconds later, he skidded to a halt, his boots spraying up dirt and dust. Marcus swerved to miss him but Brynn couldn’t stop in time

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