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CHAPTER FOURTEEN Seconds later, the first fire-arrow hit a tent nearby and flames ate their way up the canvas wall. Someone inside screamed. Five half-dressed men ran out, yelling and pointing. More arrows rained down. More blazes erupted. Fires blossomed all over the camp, sending sparks high into the air. Horses whinnied in fear and elephants trumpeted their distress. More voices joined the cacophony until everything was a babble of noise and confusion. Acrid smoke poured into the dark sky, blotting out the stars. “Marcus, get Jade and our things out of there. Fast,” Phoenix ordered. “I’ll go find the horses. Brynn, you’re with me. Cadoc, help Marcus.” Marcus nodded. He and Cadoc plunged back into the tent. Vasi collared a nearby officer and issued rapidfire orders. “Kn

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