8. The War Has Found You-1

2010 Words

8 The War Has Found You It seemed as if the entire town had shown up for the farewell ceremony of Kara’s parents. She wasn’t sure if the spectators had come out of curiosity or if they genuinely knew her parents on a personal level. Despite her uncertainty, she was comforted by the crowd that had come to show their respects. As the flames grew, Kara stood watching. Her eyes were sure now. Dain stood in admiration of her strength while Dorian, and the others paid their respects. While they mourned, on the hillside overlooking the city, shadowy figures emerged from the trees. No one in the city noticed the ominous onlookers watching in secret from the darkness. “Finally, we’ve found them,” Morlana said with a twisted smile. A figure cloaked in shadow emerged from the void of the woods.

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