Lunar wolf

1111 Words

Lawrence POV. After getting the all-clear From Jensen, I decided it is now or never to get Freya. I've grown close to her. I hid the fact I was a wolf from her for too long. I hated having to lie to someone I call a friend. Her mother was mated to my father as second chance mates. She is like a sister. Even if she doesn't know it yet. Before I had met Freya her mother and brother had told me everything about her. It killed her mother and the twin she wasn't with them but her mother had her reasons which only she knew. I volunteered to come to watch over her, I had always wanted a sister. When I was 5 my mother went into labour with my baby sister Rose. Rose was stillborn and my mother died from a plencenta eruption. My father and I had been alone until Sally, Freya and Josh's mum sho

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