So unorganised

1427 Words

Jensen POV I sat there and listened to my mate while she told me about her dream. I wasn't fully convinced that it wasn't just a dream. So I mind linked Josh 'Hey birthday boy' I said in a humorous but seductive voice 'Jenny my alpha, My everything. Why thank you handsome' I laughed. 'Did you have a strange dream last night? My gorgeous Mate is sounding a little crazy.' I looked across at Freya she could tell I was mind linking someone. She did the most gorgeous pout. "I'm having a shower, I smell of sweat and i*********e, Also don't you have your room to get to?" She started laughing at me. As she got up I slapped her ass. All I got in return was her tongue stuck out and the middle finger. 'Oh yeah, she ain't crazy. Dude, we are related! That was some awesome but f****d up s*

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