2003 Words

And down by the hazels Joan meeteth her lad: But hard is thy palm, lass, and scarcely were stronger Wat’s grip than thine hand-kiss that maketh me glad. And now as the candles shine on us and over, Full shapely thy feet are, but brown on the floor, As the bare-footed mowers amidst of the clover When the gowk’s note is broken and mid-June is o’er. O hard are mine hand-palms because on the ridges I carried the reap-hook and smote for thy sake; And in the hot noon-tide I beat off the midges As thou slep’st ‘neath the linden o’er-loathe to awake. And brown are my feet now because the sun burneth High up on the down-side amidst of the sheep, And there in the hollow wherefrom the wind turneth, Thou lay’st in my lap while I sung thee to sleep. O friend of the earth, O come nigher a

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