05 Handsome werewolf

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Lillian's POV Is this a werewolf? His appearance looks no different from a human being. The only thing worth noting is that he is more handsome than most men in this world. I hesitated for a few seconds, and put my hand on Sam's palm. "Nice to meet you, Prince Sam." The temperature of his palm is high. This reminded me subconsciously of the man last night. But soon my attention was drawn back. The distance between me and the werewolf prince was too close, so I smelled a smell on his body. It is like cold winter ice and snow, which makes people tremble. The werewolf prince in front of me should not be as easy to get along with as he looks. I stealthily stepped aside to get away from him. "Princess, what perfume did you spray today?" Sam suddenly lowered his head and approached me. I was taken aback. "what?" "You have a nice scent, it seems to be some kind of floral scent?" I can feel his dangerous breath spraying on my neck. This made my whole person tense, almost afraid to breathe. What is he doing? I remember the name of the werewolf prince I was going to marry was Carden Jackson Alexander, not the guy in front of me named Sam! He pushed aside my messy hair, his pale blue eyes were full of wonder. "Your face is also very beautiful, why should you cover it with long hair?" He raised his other hand, trying to touch my face. *Snapped* I slapped his hand away. I sighed nervously, trying to imitate Princess Lucia's arrogant voice. "Please don't touch the lady's face at will! Don't you know that this kind of behavior is rude?" "Ok. Sorry, my bad." Sam raised his hand and smiled to apologize to me. "I don't want to offend you. I will pay attention to social etiquette among humans in the future. Please don't be angry about this." His attitude towards me was not like the severe and cold-blooded werewolf in the legend. This makes me less and less aware of how to get along with him. "I'm not angry." I can't learn Princess Lucia's arrogance, so I can only lower my eyes, hoping that this farce will end as soon as possible. "I heard that your country is far away from here. You must be very tired after traveling for so long?" Sam asked suddenly. "No...Yes, really exhausting." Thinking of my current identity as a "princess", I quickly changed my words. If it was Princess Lucia, she would definitely say, "I have never left my country since I was born." "I will take you to a place that will definitely make you happy." Sam took my hand and led me forward when he finished speaking. His strength is so great that it is difficult for me to break free. No one around actually objected to Prince Sam's move. Perhaps in the werewolf palace, holding hands is not an intimate contact. Before long, I was led by Prince Sam to a magnificent building. "This is a shop that specializes in providing clothing and accessories to members of the royal family." Sam led me into the building, and the shop assistants bowed to welcome him. Sam ordered the gentleman in the suit standing at the front. "Galo, take out all the best styles you have here and let this lady choose." "Okay." Galo nodded and turned his gaze to me. "This lady has a body similar to Princess Aura. Is she your new girlfriend?" "Haha, I also hope that such a beautiful girl is my girlfriend, but it's a pity." Sam shrugged, "She is my brother's fiancee. You know what a cold fellow Carden is. He just happened to be going to patrol the suburbs today. , So I will entertain Princess Lucia." "Oh. Although I admire Prince Carden very much, he is really not a gentleman." Galo's eyes turned to pity when he looked at me. Listening to their conversation, the Prince Carden seemed to be a guy who was addicted to work and indifferent to other things. This is not bad, so I won't have too much contact with him in a short time. Thus, my identity as a fake princess is not so easy to reveal. I stealthily breathed a sigh of relief. "Princess Lucia, please try on this bright yellow dress." "Thank you." To be honest, I have never worn such brightly colored clothes before. It is the same as the dress I wore in the morning, very close to the body, and its size is just right. But judging from my past experience, it’s not a good thing for me to dress up nicely. So I lingered in the fitting room for a while before I walked out nervously. I was greeted by the surprised expressions of Prince Sam and Galo. "Doesn't fit?" I bit my lip, and subconsciously wanted to return to the fitting room to take off the skirt. "Wait." Prince Sam grabbed my arm. "It's fitting, you don't know how beautiful you are now." I looked up and saw his eyes focused on me. His gaze made me feel hot. "Really?" I lowered my head shyly. "Of course it is true. But there is still a little imperfection, let me help you improve." Sam asked me to sit on a chair, and he found a comb from nowhere, stood behind me, and took care of my long hair for me. Considering his noble status, this simply makes it difficult for me to calm down. "Prince Sam, I can do it myself..." "I brought you here without authorization and let you leave your servants." Sam pulled up my long hair and gently swept his fingers across the back of my neck. "So let me take responsibility and serve you." Ok. A real princess doesn't know how to comb her hair. I was afraid of revealing my identity, so I had to give up resistance and sat stiffly, letting Sam take care of my hair. "It's a perfect masterpiece." Ten minutes later, I heard Sam's admiration. Then I was pulled in front of the mirror by him and saw a completely different me from the past. The girl in the mirror is in a bright yellow dress, her skin seems to be glowing. All her long hair was combed, revealing a graceful neck line and an exquisite collarbone. She wore a small crown studded with precious stones, like a real princess. Is this really me? I looked at the beauty in the mirror, feeling a little confused for a while. "Not satisfied?" Sam's voice rang in my ears. He got too close again. Is there no concept of "social distance" in the world of werewolves? I was trying to avoid it, but he pinched my chin. "Don't move." Sam lowered his head. Looking at his handsome face at such a close distance, my heart was pounding, and the temperature of my cheeks rose straight up. Then I felt a chill in my ears. Ah, is he helping me wear earrings? "With these earrings, you look more beautiful." Sam's Adam's apple rolled and looked so hot. "You still need a necklace." His breath is getting closer. The cold smell of ice and snow overwhelmed me, and it was so dangerous that I was trembling. "Don't bother." I stepped back several steps, "I am very satisfied with my current image. May I ask, when can I see Prince Carden?"
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