01 Replace the princess

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Lillian's POV "Dad! How can you let me marry the werewolf prince? He is a cruel guy! I will definitely be killed by him!" "Baby, I'm sorry, I don't want to do this either. But our country is now facing war. If you can marry the prince of the Blue Moon Pack, then we will be safe! Werewolves will protect us!" "NO! I WILL NEVER MARRY A WEREWOLF!" Princess Lucia screamed, slamming a vase on the ground. BANG! The cup flew by, leaving a long blood mark on my face. I shrank my neck in fear and tried to keep my body as close to the ground as possible. I hope this can reduce my presence and prevent them from paying attention to me. Since the news of the marriage was announced, the princess's screams have not stopped. Her anger this time was more than any previous time, so the way she vented her anger was as terrifying as a volcanic eruption. After all, who would have thought that the king would appoint his favorite princess to marry a brutal and terrifying werewolf? Although the princess always bullied me before, after hearing the news, I couldn't help but worry about her. The maid foreman who was kneeling right in front of me suddenly got up. "Your Majesty, the werewolf has never seen the appearance of a princess. Why don't we find a girl to replace the princess?" "This is a good way! Andy, only you still care for me." The princess's voice was full of joy. I closed my eyes and put away my unnecessary worries. The anger made me can't help clenching my fists. The people in the royal family are so damn inhuman, how can they come up with such a vicious way? "But those nobles are definitely not willing to sacrifice their daughters." Obviously, the king had thought about this approach. "The girls from the common people's family have done a lot of housework, and their skin is very rough. They can't fake princesses." The princess smiled suddenly. "I think, there just happened to be a suitable person here." "Lillian!" My mind went blank when I heard her voice, and my body trembled involuntarily. "P...Princess?" One hand grabbed my hair. I felt the familiar pain and had to raise my head to meet the princess's eyes. An evil smile appeared on the beautiful face of the princess. "This b***h is lazy every time she does housework, her hands don't have calluses! Let her pretend to be me and marry that damn werewolf!" I swear I am not lazy! I have done three maid jobs almost every day since I came here! But my skin has always been like this, no matter how much housework I do, it won’t grow calluses. But now is not the time to argue about these. The princess wants me to die for her! Why does she hate me so much? I incoherently refused. "No, you can't do this! I..." "Lillian." The king interrupted my speech. He grabbed my hand and looked closely. Then he smiled, too. It gives me the creeps. "I heard that your adoptive mother was seriously ill. It is because of this that you came to the royal family as a maid, right?" I bit my lip hard and vaguely guessed what he was going to say next. "Yes, Your Majesty." I lowered my head weakly. "If you are willing to marry Prince Carden Jackson Alexander instead of Princess Lucia, I will pay to cure your adoptive mother's illness." it is as expected. My eyes were wet and tears welled up in their sockets. I sniffed gently, trying not to cry. Then I straightened my back and demanded. "I hope you can give her another sum of money so that she can enjoy her twilight years." "Of course it's okay, you are such a good and filial girl." The king said with a smile. This is the first time I have been praised by the king, but I can't feel happy at all. I feel deeply regretful. If I had known that coming to the palace as a servant would end in this way, I should really accompany my adoptive mother more time. If she recovers from illness and finds out that I am not by her side, how sad she should be?   Carden's POV "Carden, have you heard? A human king plans to marry his daughter to you!" My brother Sam broke into my office and yelled. "What does it matter to you?" He was really noisy and really laid-back. I need to deal with a lot of things every day, and I have no time to enjoy it like him. So I continued to look through the files in my hand, "Leave my office, if you want to play around, go to your she-wolves." "Hey, you can't slight over me like this!" Sam cried out, rushing over to take the file. I closed the folder and avoided him. I stood up and looked at him without feelings: "Sam, you should know that I am very busy at work." "My bro, please put your damn job aside first, what you should consider now is how to get along with your fiancee!" Sam's tone is very exaggerated, with his large movements, the whole person looks silly. He chattered on, "You are almost 20 years old this year. I already changed several girlfriends long ago when you were your age. And you? You are still a virgin! I really suspect that you have been exhausted by the busy business and turned into apathy..." "Shut up." I took a deep breath in case I couldn't resist hitting him on an impulse. "First of all, not everyone is as laid-back as you, spending all of their time on the pack of she-wolves. Second, that human being is not my fiancee." "Why? Dad has agreed instead of you!" "That's what he meant, not mine. Besides, that human being is only 17 years old, so I don't fall in love with underage cubs." "My Moon Goddess, how cute a 17-year-old girl is! You really don't appreciate it. It's really pitiful that a human princess is forced to marry a cold werewolf like you." "Since you are so interested in her, you can greet her instead of me the day she comes to the palace." I was going to work in the suburbs that day. "Okay! You asked me to do this. If dad gets angry, you can't let him blame me." Sam's smirk was too smug, which made me feel subtly not well. "Remember, don't act rudely." "What are you worried about? I'm a gentleman."   Seeing him leaving behind, I shook my head. I really don't understand why this guy is so obsessed with women? If he meets his mate in the future, he will definitely be rejected. But Sam seems to have given up looking for his mate. He left the territory of Blue Moon Pack at the age of 12 and wandered into the human world for 5 years. Not long after he came back, he became a playboy. We are different from him, we can definitely find our mate. My wolf said suddenly. He is convinced of this matter. I understand. Don't worry, I won't become like Sam. After all, I don't think those she-wolves who like to be jealous are not cute at all.    I prefer to spend time on meaningful things, such as work. I signed the contract for the purchase of a commercial building, which means that our industry in the human world will expand again. If my future mate is a human, then I can also provide her with a generous and comfortable life. Thinking of this, I couldn't help but raise the corners of my lips. Austin, what do you think our mate will be like? I do not know. But I can feel that she must be the most beautiful she-wolf in the world!   Silly wolf, if our mate is a human, she won't have anything to do with she-wolves. But I was very considerate not to crush Austin's dreams, just to express my own thoughts. I don't have any demands on her appearance. I hope she is cute and funny so that our lives will not be too boring.   The Moon Goddess bless, I hope I can meet her sooner.
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