HELEN HANDS ANNA A cup of tea. “I put a little brandy in it,” she says. “It looks like you can use it.” “Thank you, dear,” she says. Taking a sip, she closes her eyes and says, “Ahh, yes, just what the doctor ordered. Sorry about that. It was just a shock to hear that after all these years.” “Anna,” I say, “Joan never told me your family owned a bank.” “That’s because I never told her,” she replies. “We certainly didn’t by the time she was born. It was a dark family secret that by the time she came along, most people in town had forgotten about.” “But your grandfather,” Helen says, “he owned a bank in the 1920s?” “Not just a bank, Helen,” Anna says. “The First National Bank of Myerton was the only bank in town for years. Everyone did their banking there, including the Myer family. Bet