
Under The Moonlight: I Found You!

blue collar

"Your parents killed my sister! You are going to pay their sins!" yelled Alpha King Caleb"Your father killed my parents to take the Alpha King Position!" Catherine replied. Catherine has been living in an Orphanage since she was five years old. Now, seventeen, she works at the orphanage as a servant. Many families wanted to take her, but Mr. Molly, the Head of the Orphanage, did not allow them. When Alpha King Caleb accidentally visits the orphanage, he finds Catherine as his Mate. He took her, and when he learned that her family was the mastermind of the death of his sister, he decided to make her life miserable. What would happen if Catherine found out that the father of Lycan King Caleb, was the mastermind of the death of her parents? Can love conquer all the things that happened in the past? What if there are secrets and turns of events along the way?

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Chapter 1
Catherine’s POV Slap! It felt as though my world was spinning around due to his slap. I knelt on the floor and looked at him. He kicked me and shouted, "You filthy woman! Give me the ring!!" Mr. Molly yelled at me while continuously kicking my body. I coughed and sensed my body becoming numb. I have nothing to do even if he was beating me like an animal because he was the head of the orphanage. He believed I stole his ring, which was important for an upcoming meeting with an Alpha. He had mentioned selling the ring earlier, yet now it's gone missing. No matter how hard I tried to explain, he refused to believe me. "I won't hesitate to end your life if you don't hand over the ring!" he yelled again. "Even if I got the ring from you, that is the compensation while you stay here!" my eyes widened. Uncontrollably, he claimed the ring initially belonged to me while continuing to kick me. But when did I even have the ring? I look at him, tears streaming down my face, and ask, my voice trembling, "The ring is mine?" He kicked my body again while I was lying on the floor. I wanted to question him and plead for him to stop, but I was unable to. Gradually, the strength in my body diminished. The numbness made it difficult to feel his kicks. I just closed my eyes. No matter how much I tried to explain that I didn't have the ring, even if I cried tears of blood, I knew he wouldn't believe me. He'll eventually tire of tormenting me. This night will eventually come to an end. My body was accustomed to the abuse from Mr. Molly, yet regardless, I always held onto the hope that someday, someone would rescue me from this hellish place, someone who would take me far away from this demonic man! When I opened my eyes, I rose quickly, wincing due to the pain in my body. If I didn't move soon, the bruises covering me would only worsen. I headed to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, then cleaned the entire orphanage. If even a speck of dust was found by Mr. Molly, I'll go without food today. I hastened my pace to complete all the tasks before Mr. Molly awakens. Since childhood, I've been trapped in this orphanage. What I understood was that Mr. Molly purchased me and brought me here. Numerous other children reside here, unaware of the cruelty Mr. Molly inflicted upon me. I can't imagine why. Only my fellow maids were privy to the truth. "Are you alright, Cath?" One of my fellow maids inquired. I forced a smile and nodded. Her eyes widened as she observed the bruises on my body. "You should rest and tend to your wounds!" "No, I'm fine, Clara. Don't worry about me," I replied. "Poor Catherine. You are only seventeen, and this is happening to you," there was pity in her eyes. "If I have the power, I will help you to get out of here," she said. I smiled, "Don't worry about me. I know, someday, The light will shine on me," I said. As we engage in conversation, we hear Mr. Molly's voice. "Where is Catherine!" Clara hastily bids me farewell, "I have to go, Cath. But if you find time, you must rest and tend to your injuries," she reminded me. I nodded to her and expressed my gratitude before she left. "You're here!" I closed my eyes briefly, gathering my composure before meeting his gaze. "Where's the ring?" he demanded again, extending his hand towards me. "I haven't found it yet, Mr. Molly," I responded. His expression darkened at my words. He clenched his teeth, swiftly delivering a forceful slap. I sank to the floor, cradling my cheek. Once again, I'm facing the same nightmare as last night. He's like a demon incarnate. "Another lie from you, Catherine. You won't see the moon tonight!" he threatened. "I swear, Mr. Molly, I don't have it. I didn't steal the ring," I plead, desperately seeking his understanding. He gazed at me intently, then lunged at me, grabbing my hair and yanking me towards him. "Mr. Molly, please! I'm telling the truth. I don't have the ring!" I begged though it seemed my pleas fell on deaf ears. As he dragged me into the kitchen, he shoved me aside and retrieved a sharp knife, his intentions were clear, he would kill me!! "What do you plan to do, Mr. Molly?" I stammered, tears welling up as I looked at him, imploring for mercy. "If you don't give me the ring, you'd be better off dead!" he shouted. I swallowed hard. "Please. Have mercy, Mr. Molly!" "Hand over the ring, and perhaps I'll reconsider," he bargained. "I don't know where the ring is. I haven't taken anything from you!" I asserted. "In that case, I'll prepare a grave for you!" Mr. Molly advanced rapidly. He thrust the knife, and I instinctively used my hands to shield myself. Pain shot through my arm from the wound. "What's now? Still, lying? You won't confess, even now?" he questioned. Summoning all my strength, I kick and push Mr. Molly when an opportunity arises. "Argh!" I heard him grunt. Swiftly rising to my feet, I dashed away. "Get back here, Catherine!" his voice resounded. I didn't dare to look back. I continued running. I must escape. I'm well aware Mr. Molly isn't making empty threats. He's fully capable of carrying out his promise to end my life. While I running, I heard Mr. Molly's henchmen trailing behind me. They're burly figures, and I know they'll cause me harm. Desperately searching for a hiding spot, I spotted Mr. Molly's room. Hastily, I entered and concealed myself beneath his bed. My heart races, and outside, heavy footfalls and voices search for me. While lying under the bed, I discovered something. I got it, and I inspected it closely. My eyes widened—it's a ring! This is the ring Mr. Molly seeks? I examined the ring. It's peculiar, adorned with an intricate dragon design—a jade ring with two rubies resembling dragon eyes at the center. Slipping the ring into my pocket, I cautiously assessed my surroundings for Mr. Molly's henchmen. Once sure they've departed, I crawled out from under the bed. Slowly opening the door and peering outside, I confirmed it was safe before hurrying towards the orphanage exit. As I approached the gate, a shout stopped me in my tracks. "Stop, Catherine!" I turned to where the yell came from. Mr. Molly's two henchmen were closing in on me. They're rapidly gaining ground. I glanced at the gate. It's locked! Though I attempted to climb the gate, they apprehended me and tossed me to the ground. "Your life's in jeopardy now, Catherine!" "Please, release me," I implored, despite knowing they won't. "Sorry, Catherine. We want to live, and we need a job!" one of them replied. They draw nearer, gripping my hands and forcing me to stand. I see Mr. Molly came out. He walked towards us, and when he faced me, he slapped me hard. "You can't escape me, Catherine! You're going to die here now!" he angrily yelled at me. "Take her to her room! Torture her before you kill her!" ordered Mr. Molly. "No, please!! Please have mercy on me, Mr. Molly! Please!!" We weren't even leaving when we suddenly heard car horns honking one after another. We all looked outside the gate. Mr. Molly's eyes widened, "Alpha King Caleb has arrived!" "Bring her to her room. Be sure that she will give you the ring!" Mr. Molly ordered his men. "Please, release me!!" I begged while the two men held my shoulders. I fought back, but they were stronger than me. They pulled me, I tried my best, I looked at the two men, but I know, they did not pity me. "What is happening here?" A deemed voice asked. I look at the man who asked. I gulped when I felt his presence. It was strong, and I couldn't imagine what he could do! "Alpha King Caleb. This woman is a thief," Mr. Molly answered him. Alpha King Caleb looked at me. I felt the cold in my body because of his eyes. There was something I couldn't understand about him. He walked towards me. We looked at each other, and after some seconds, he touched my face. "I- I am not a thief!" I stammered defending myself. He frowned. I knew he was observing me if I was telling the truth or not. "A thief should be punished, Mr. Molly!" he said. I widened my eyes, "No, no, no! I swear, I didn't steal!" "Now, bring her to her room!" Me. Molly ordered again. I look at the man. His gaze doesn't remove from my eyes. I knew there was something in his mind, but what? Was he going to punish me also? He was the Alpha King, and I knew, he would not tolerate this kind of accusation!

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