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"We really are in the wrong place." Mir-chan's words. "Yakuza ..." I murmured. Yes. The text imprinted beneath the logo says 'Yakuza'. We're in the turf of the Yakuza! "Oi, Lalaine! I think we should go. We're literally in the Yakuza's turf!" Mir-chan's words to me. I could feel the vibration in her voice. "We're not going anywhere." I told them. They both went nuts because of what I said. "Are you insane ?!" Monhi asked me uneasily. "You wanna get ourselves killed ?!" Mir-chan's question to me was also uncomfortable. "We're not in the wrong place. Look at the family sign beside the gate. It says' Manitoba." I told them as I pointed to the large family sign on the side of the gate. "Wha-- you're telling me that Raine's a Yakuza?!" Mir-chan asked me incredulously. "Probably. We don't know much about her background." I answer him. "Lalaine-kun. They probably put a wrong family sign to lure us here and probably kill us ..!" Monhi's words scared me. I shook my head in return. "No. I'm sure they didn't. I don't know why, but I feel Vinchin's energy inside." My word. They're both dragging me, saying that we'll just find another road. "Don't drag me. I'll just go there by myself. Besides, I'm the one who has business to do." I spoke seriously to the two of them and they immediately released me. "Are you really sure? Don't get yourself killed, 'kay?" Mir-chan said sleep. I indeed haven't had a dream! That was when I got up. Nono is obviously thinner than before. He is leaner than me. What happened to Bulan? Is there really a crisis there? Today is the feast of Immaculate Concepcion of Peace and Good Voyage. That was why I'm here! Thanks to Arturo, who won yesterday P2000 in jueteng. If he did not, they have no 'ready' today. Hen, Bernie bought cake and ice cream for additional ‘ready’. The house has been noisy and full-packed. The blame must be put to Onel, who bought first the three Red Horse grande. ‘Drinks’ contributed to noise pollution, indeed. I did not drink though they invited me. I was decided to go home this afternoon. I knew house would be in trouble if I don't. I have observed Hanna. She was being ‘maarte’, ‘attention-less’ and ‘astig’. She always craves for somebody's attention. She often snatches her cousin's toys. In fact, at her age or as the youngest granddaughter, she could fight for herself. She often bites them. She's, in short, 'cool'. I should say that it was because of rivalry. Haay! I don't want Hanna to be hurt, dominated or downgraded by her cousins ​​or anybody, but I also don't want her to grow like a 'squatter' person. I wanted her to be kind, courteous, sweet and elegant. She must stay here, with Mama's care. Here, she has no rival. Yoshimi is too young to be her rival. Raine tried to stop me from going home. I told her that I have obligations in this house. It would be harder for me if I go home only tomorrow. Despite of it, I still went back home. If she only knew. Another reason was the discomfort of their house. I couldn't sleep well due to a warm air. And now, we or they were always complete. Nono was there. Gregorios were there. Plus me. What position would be? I pity Hanna. I saw her cry when the tricycle, I ride on, moved forward. She indeed cried loudly. That was when I realized that she hates being left. But she loves to go or leave. She would rather leave than be left alone. My plans were not realized. Since I would only have P50 after taking out P30 for fare, I preferred not to e-mail Rodea. Then, my plan of inquiring the ad: 'Wanted: Canteen Helper' in Gate-2 was postponed. I would still love to do buy-and-sell in the newest commercial complex in Gate-2, which is about to open. I would let my in-laws plan for me and for my 'mag-ina's' welfare. Six when I arrived home. Chriz was expectedly here. The house was not so good but not so bad. I immediately cook and clean. I also watered the plants. Jano, according to Chriz would go home tonight. Thus, I was problematic about the water for his bath tomorrow. He would blame me for that. But I would not let it happen. I brought viands from my in-laws' house. He must be thankful for that. I don't want to tell him why I was short in budget. He would be shocked. It was because I owed and paid Ate Grace. It was when Taiwan and his 'mother-in-law' were here. I just did some tricks and magic on it! He arrived at 11:30 PM from a gimmick. It gives me a lot of problems: 'waterlessness and budgetlessness' I would like to blame Chriz about problem #2 because he told Jano about P500 'padala' of Mama. Thus, Jano hoped for it. He never knew that money was indeed for Hanna Margaret. I was so tired of taking care of this house, the garden and everything Mama does when she was here. I deserve the consolation. Besides, Mama bought LPG. She was giving not all her salary to me. If only Jano would know that I paid Mama's debts in the stores. And those debts were supposedly Jano's credit. Thus, I was not receiving all her salaries. I was just asking what I need, actually Hanna's needs. I was so upset when he tried to hold the budget. He was not supposed to give. After I told him that it was spent for Hanna's milk and after I explicated to him that I bought milk-in-can preferably because it would be funny if I only buy milk-in-carton and spend fare just to secure Hanna was drinking milk which was good only for a day or two. He gave P100 only. It annoys me. It actually makes me fFireous. What's happening to him? Chriz was here. Hanna is drinking or consuming milk, not to mention diaper usage. Then, I'm jobless. Thus, right after that I made a plan. Tomorrow I would leave the house. I would give the budget to Chriz. I would then seek for job. Canteen helper is my first choice. It would give me a 50% surety of job. That's the fastest way of earning than to any other decent and white-collar job. Then, I thought of Taiwan. I would ask help from him especially in financial matter. One hundred pesos would be a big help for me. If that so, I could afford to ride while looking for job opportunity. I would stay in my in-laws' house dFireng night, only, till I get a work. I prayed to God, asking him. Never, ever did he take his eyes off me and I did the same to him. He was very handsome in his tux. Because he was so handsome, I couldn't stop crying. Just kidding. I cried because I still couldn't believe that I was going to marry her. That she will be my wife. I love him dearly and even now, I promise God that no matter what happens, I will never let him go. When something bad happens, I will never give in to him. He must have noticed my crying so the smile disappeared from his lips. He was about to approach me when I circled him. 'No, baby. I 'm fine. I'm just happy that I'll be your wife in an hour, finally. ' When I finally got closer to where they were, I was greeted by my parents' hugs. My mom is crying, Dad is also watering his eyes come to me and hug me. "Son, if you're just being forced, just tell me. No matter how much I want Fire for you, if you don't want to get married yet, it's okay." and Daddy. I couldn't help but laugh, "Daddy, eh. I love Fire. I'll marry him." He nodded. Moments later, he took my hand and we approached Fire who's watching me. His eyes filled with mix emotion. Next to it were her parents who hugged me so for a moment I lost sight of them. "Hija, I really like you for my son. Welcome to our family, son. Call me mom from now on." and Aunt Lilly. I just smiled and nodded. "I have nothing else to say but that you just give us many grandchildren, hija." I couldn't help but laugh at what Tito Alexander said, "Yes, Tito. You can count on it." Soon, they finally handed me over to Fire who seemed to be impatient with waiting for me. After he took my hand, he brought his mouth to my ear to whisper. "The time they will give me. I've been trying to marry you before." I chuckled, "This is it oh. Hold my hand." He smiled, "Yeah," he said and gently kissed the back of my hand, "I love you so much, Lalaine." I smiled, "I love you, too." Soon, we were together at the altar, at the priest who would marry us and above all at God to whom we would promise our eternal love. The wedding ceremony started. From telling our love story, exchange vows, exchanging rings and finally "For as much as you, Bride and you, Groom, have openly declared your wishes to be united in marriage, and in the presence of these witnesses have pledged love to each other, and have confirmed the same by joining hands, exchanging rings and declaring your vows, I as a priest and legally authorized to do pronounce that you are now husband and wife. You may now kiss the Bride. "
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