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Why now, Claire? The buzzer ended the third quarter. Math sluggishly returned with his teammates to their bleacher. I started to worry about his performance by then. "Mat-mat! What is that ?!" annoyed when their coach said that he is also a PE teacher at this school. It's no other than Coach Bogz. "If you're not going to take this seriously, then you better sit down for the last quarter!" "S-Sorry, Coach ..." he apologized. I saw that Archie and Derek talked to him most likely about the same thing. "Something's wrong with Math." Troy commented next to me. "Did something happened? At this point of the game, he should've already scored a lot. He's playing badly right now for some reason ..." I unconsciously bit my lower lip, feeling guilty for obvious reasons. This is all my fault. If I didn't ask Charline to break up with him, then he would still be playing well. Obviously, he's under-performing right now because he is heartbroken. He is so distracted now in the game ... I watched as he drank on his water jug, with water spilling down his jersey. He seemed to feel that he was reading so he suddenly stopped drinking. I got up because of that. I slapped his arm when I approached him. He seemed surprised because of that. "Claire? W-Why ...?" "Math, pull yourself together! Why is your game ugly now ?!" annoyed I asked him. Of course, I know what's wrong. So I'm guilty e. He sighed, then scratched his head. "I don't know either, tangina ... I'm still thinking about Charline ... My call wasn't answered, last night ..." I sighed, then forced a smile. Mathieu was surprised when I held one of his hands. "Talk to her later, then. For now, you need to be good to become champions, and to impress those collegiate scouts. If you ever get a scholarship to UAAP, I know Charline would be glad to hear it ..." Mathieu just looked at me intently. A smile starting to form slowly on his lips. "Thanks, Claire ... All right, I'll focus again." I gave him a thumbs-up when he jogged back at the center of the court. I went back to our bleacher, only to see Troy smiling at me. As soon as I sat down, he began talking. "Now, I know ... You convinced my Dad to invite these scouts because of Mathieu." I turned to him, then gave him a smile. "Yeah. Sorry about yesterday," I was so lazy to get up this morning. I was also worrying for today is the day we're supposed to pay Felip-James. At eight, we texted Michael. He didn't reply. We wanted to go to Rancho.I planned to go to Sauyo. I was really confused. Thus at 12 noon, I decided to go to Novaliches. Mom might help me. When I left, Anna frowned. She'd disagree about my idea. It was three when I get there. Mama was surprised to my arrival, but she's not mad to my intention. She has told it to Lola Alice already, who promised to give at the end of the month. She also has no capability to help me financially. It was four when I left Sauyo with few vegetables, one hundred pesos from Lola and two hundred pesos from Mama, which was borrowed from Ate Sabel. Soon, I finished breakfast first. I haven’t even finished the food on my plate. But since I was so full, I didn't run out. Fortunately, Mother Myrna never stopped me from consuming that. After I said goodbye to him, I walked out of the dining room without glancing at the two. I went straight to my room to get my things and to check myself again in the mirror. When I was satisfied with my order, I left the room and went downstairs. I went straight to the dining room to say goodbye to Mother Myrna. I gave her a grim smile after, which startled her. I suddenly pulled his collar when he finished. "Break up with my godbrother before he finds out you are cheating on him. Do this today, or else I will make sure you'll regret it. Do you understand?" I saw how terrified she was when I let go of her collar. I wasn't surprised when Tarah and Sunny came running to her. "W-What's happening here?" Tarah asked me. I turned around and went back to the covered court instead of answering her. Third quarter is about to end when we got back. Allie and I just hung out to watch. As expected, they never returned Charline. Mathieu looked for them in surprise when they broke up. "Claire, where are they Charline? Did you see?" "It's gone. There's something going on." my answer. Mathieu's expression fell. He scratched his head after. "What's that ... I didn't say goodbye again." Allie and I just looked at each other because of that. I blinked a few times before speaking again. "O-That's okay. Just enjoy the game, Math." It just sighed. "Haay, it's annoying ..." then he shook his head as he just drank from his water jug. Third reason to hate Math. He's such a lovesick fool. Obviously he didn't like you like that when he was his girlfriend, but here he is! Still looking for that worthless b***h. He's honestly just wasting his time with her! The game is over. Their Math for basketball team will enter the finals. Of course, we are celebrating their win. Mathieu approached us when the people were slowly leaving. "How's that? We're going to play in the finals!" he smiled at the news. I smiled at him. "Good luck to you. By the way, you must perform well tomorrow Math." "Of course! I won't let you be the only champion, omg! We should too!" he said laughing. "No, I mean do your best tomorrow. Troy said earlier, there are scouts who will come here tomorrow from big universities. If ever, they might recruit you to UAAP when they see you play." Mathieu's face became brighter because of that. "R-Really? f**k! Yes indeed! I have to go tomorrow to make sure I'm there at UAAP!" I was about to say something else when his phone rang. He excitedly answered his phone. "Charline? Hey! I have something to say, where are you?" Mathieu's happy face suddenly changed as he talked on his cellphone. "W-Where are you? Let's talk about this first, please ...? Don't be like this ..." Allie and I looked at each other because of that. Even Allie looked so guilty about what's happening. "We shouldn't have told you first, sis ..." he whispered to me. Mathieu and Charline talked on the phone for a few minutes before Math hung up his phone. He looked at me after. "W-What happened ...?" I nervously asked him, as if I didn't know what really happened. "N-Charline is breaking up with me ..." I was texting my friends. Only Felix and Josephine have replied. They somehow have taken away my gloom. Then, I was expecting for a visit for Baby Zj. No one has arrived. It's another disappointment. I expect Tito Jun would give us what we're asking and it would be sent by Nanay and Tatay. One-thirty, I left to gate 2. I would do marketing. I would buy 'halaan' for Anna. I wanted her to possess an 'ounceful' of breast milk, so that Zildjian will be satisfied. He's always crying. He's always hungry. If we would feed him with formula, we would be on crisis again. Besides, breast milk is the best! In Gate 2, I called Mama, who was in Novaliches. I told her about my problem. Felip asked if I could pay him back. Unfortunately, mama couldn't help me. Thus, frustration struck me after the call. I couldn't move and walk. I then stayed in one place. On the way home, I wanted to sleep. My head was aching, too. Then, Taiwan texted me that I would still be an extra morrow. It partly gladdens me. Delivery job is so tiring but I need money. For the second time, Taiwan and I left to Miles & Levels. There, I have However, when the night came or after our dinner, the situation repeats It's a good thing Archie rebounded the ball so their team still scored. Math just shook his head because of that. This isn't really looking good ... "Wow, wow! Look who's here!" a familiar voice said near us. Troy and I turned around just to see Uncle Joey. He's wearing a coat and tie. It looks like it came from a business meeting. I immediately went to him to give him a hug. Troy gave him a handshake, too. "Uncle! I'm glad you made it!" "Yeah, me too. But by the looks of it, it looks like the game is coming to an end ... Who's winning?" Uncle asked us. "Mathieu's team is winning." Troy replied to him. Uncle Joey smiled upon hearing that. "Really? Wow! Does he have a lot of points?" "Unfortunately ... he's not playing well today ..." I told him honestly. "Hmm ... is that so? Let's cheer him on, then." Uncle Joey said enthusiastically. I smiled back at him. Uncle sat next to Troy and me, then watched as the last quarter goes. Somehow, Mathieu's team won the championship. Unlike their other games, though, I can't help but to feel worried. The collegiate scouts approached some players and surprisingly, no one came for Math. This is so not happening ... What kind of scouts are these ?! I mean, sure, Math's game isn't good today, but can't they see that he has a lot of potential ?! It's even better for this shorty to observe them! After getting their gold medals, the team started to evaporate. Mathieu looked so defeated when he gets back to us. He gave me a sad smile. "I'm sorry, Claire ... No one approached me recruiting ..." "It's okay ..." I gave him a pat on his shoulder. Of course, it's not okay. Troy approached us, too. "Pre, good game." "Thank you, tol. Wait a minute, is that sirJoey ...?" I signaled my Uncle to come over, which he did. He gave Mathieu a hug after. "Awesome game ah!" "My game is so ugly right now ... You just arrived?" he asked. "Ah, yes. Cheer up, boy! There's always a next time! Tell me what, do you three still have classes?" he asked us next. "We don't have Mathieu's classes anymore, Uncle." my answer. "Great! Let's go get something to eat, then! How 'bout you, Troy?" its question next to Reviere. Troy shook his head as he put his hands in his pockets. "Sorry, I won't be able to join you. I still have to finish something at SSC." I frowned because of that. "Huh? Are you still busy?"
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