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Past 4, I was home. My in-laws were here. They just dropped by from Boso-Boso. There was no good news from them. Thus, Anna and I were worried about our credit to Felip-James. I was so sleepy and tired hence I took a nap .. "Lord, Jesus, thank You for this day! It's such a wonderful, blessed day! Give us hope. Give us what we need, oh God. Forgive me for I didn't pay fares -in bus and in jeep. It's because I want to save. Please, God, provide our needs. Amen! " I woke up early because I would do laundry today. I have started it after I have taken a hot drink. It was 10 AM when I have done it. Felip hasn't approached me about our debt to them. But I was guilty that I haven't paid the amount on time. It's been a week now. Thus, I was thinking to work. I thought of working in Sauyo, at Lola Alice's store. I would call Mama. Three, Hanna and I left to gate 2. We or I do marketing there. I called Mama first. She wasn't in good condition or health to date. It's obvious. I could hear it, though she hasn't told me. Then, she announced that she's going to go home, finally we have agreed upon that we were going to Moon together as soon as possible. She was going to owe money from Auntie VanJames for our fare. I was wondering why Baby Zildjian's body did not develop. It was as is. He's still lean. I was also asking why Anna's milk was insufficient. When she squeezed it once she hadn't gathered even an ounce of breast milk. Haay! What's happening?! Right after I got up at 7:45, I displayed Baby Zildjian under morning sunshine. It was Dr. Alacala-Alejandrino's prescription. He needs it so that his 'yellowishness' turns into normal color. We sunbathed for 50 minutes. After garden works and household chores, I followed laundry. I was occupied, as always. I was in need of load because my best friend, Glenn texted me last night. I have no reply on it. Bad thing, Taiwan couldn't afford to have me a load though I had given him beforehand. Alas! After dinner, I got mad because no one washes the dishes. I have taken over the cooking so I must not take the dishwashing. it is simple, as arithmetic. However, my housemates were so insensitive of my and Anna's situations. Haay! Now, I understand Mama. I knew now why she likes me more than them. They must not make any implications about it. It's not favoritism. It is fair. In the name of fairness, Mama knew all of us. Mothers know best, they said. In this regards, I decided finally to decline when or if ever Taiwan-Jen lives with us. It will be better if we will have separate houses. "Lord God, thank You for everything. Again, we're asking for blessings from You. Have mercy on us. Amen!" Though I got mad the night before due to the laziness of my housemates when it comes to dishwashing, I still managed to be calm. I washed them still. My morning becomes good and cool. happened when I was last depressed at the loss of Aki. I shook my head and tried to forget what had happened then looked at Mother Myrna again. "What happened? Why do you seem to be in a commotion?" I will ask. "It's because ..." instead of continuing to say, he turned inside the guest room so I also turned here. I was even a little surprised when I realized that Mother Myrna was not the only one with me. I saw Fire standing at the door and serious and emotionless eyes were looking at me. Later, it first averted its gaze. "Tss." After she screamed, she suddenly passed Mother Myrna and me. I could do nothing but follow him with my gaze. I just blinked and turned my attention to Mother Myrna when I heard her speak softly. "What happened, Mom?" I asked her followed by a look on the distant back of her pet and someone whispered what. Mother Myrna turned to me again and smiled sparingly, "Nothing. I just thought that's where you went. I thought you woke up and left your husband forever." I smiled wryly and sadly, "I'm not going to do that, Mom. I'm not going to leave my wife. I'm going to keep my promises to her and my son." Mother Myrna no longer spoke. He just looked at me with eyes full of pity. He didn't even look at me until I left the office. He's in a bad mood now so I haven't carved anything yet. Maybe later I'll be able to do it easily. It's hard to change my brother's mind. Maybe he will take a step to take me away from here. I need to get ahead of him too. "Hmm ... he didn't say I'm not allowed to go out, did he?" The next day I found mama cooking and papa, cleaning the car outside. With Maxine. "Oh, hi sweety. Good morning!" He greeted me warmly and invited me to eat at the kitchen counter. I pulled out a chair and sat here. "How's your day yesterday?" Mama asked, washing the dishes. I just sparingly answered him with, "Fine." "Really? But listening the way you said fine is not the type of fine I know. Did something happen? We found you sleeping on the sofa when we arrived home." I remember what happened last night. There is no way I'm going to tell them about that. They'll be worried sick. I nodded and simply smiled as the food played on my plate. itself. Jen and Flor left the used plates unwashed. They don't even organize them. Thus, it ignited me again. They make me mad. If only I could voice it out. I, instead, held my tongue. I took silence inside our room. Then, Felip and James arrived. Anna was then washing the dishes. She, I guessed, didn't take the fact that it would be left unwashed overnight. But, I knew she's mad too. I become madder when Felip announced that the salary I expected was not given. My anger worsens. That then I hoped for Mama's arrival tomorrow, she's my only hope. I wanted to go to Moon already. I want to escape from all of these. "Lord God, please ..." Waking up early is so tiring. Thus, I did not get up that early. Yet, I did my usual chores. Jen left at 10AM. I have breathed at last. Minutes after she left, Hanna and I went to Holy Chaplet to claim Zildjian's birth certificate. However, it wasn't there yet. So I have to come back tomorrow. In Cabading, I bought Hanna's milk, viand and e-load. Eleven, I was texting with Glenn. I have learned that his gf was leaving today to Austria. I told him my amazement. He confided that he really loves his girl and he's not that playboy anymore. Six, Divina texted me. She regarded my being family man. I told her that I was so much happy. We, then talked about her being loveless. She signed off when I texted this: "If I was still on my teens,” Aileen called. Our conversation was cut due to something. Then, she texted again, announcing that Jasleen has honors -4th honors. I replied to tell them that I was so happy. Felip approached about our debt. I said I might pay them tomorrow. The next day, I was not surprised when I found Fire with his woman together and having breakfast in the dining room at the same time. Fire and I met eyes. I even saw it simply hovering over my body but I didn't pay attention to him at first. I also immediately avoided looking at him because I might be hurt even more if I continued to look at them both. I told her how happy I was tonight that she texted me and that I have located some of my college classmates like her. She also confided to me about her bf's plan to support her 'method of education' at KRAMS/SLI, which was like mine. We might be classmates again, if ever. Since, I asked Marjs' number from Cherry, I texted the former. Unfortunately she did not reply. It's okay. Alas! The sim card I used in texting Sharon was blocked. I blamed the 'not charging mobile', Good thing is I have copied the active numbers in the phonebook. So, I have had a secured copy of my friends' numbers like Glenn, Happy and Sharon. It's my sim card actually.
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